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俄语副动词由动词变化而来,形式特殊,兼有动词和副词的特点及功能,在俄汉翻译教学中,需注意时间关系、逻辑关系、汉语表达习惯三要素。本文结合俄汉翻译实例分析这三要素,以期为俄语副动词汉译的深入探讨奠定基础,为俄语副动词汉译的教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   
诗歌作为一种文学体裁 ,具有独特的文学表现形式。俄文诗的独特之处在于它有自己独有的、别具一格的格律和韵律。格律即指诗句中的抑扬顿挫 ,韵律指诗句与诗句之间的合辙押韵。通过格律和韵律这两种外在的形式 ,可以表达作者丰富的思想感情。了解俄文诗中的格律与韵律 ,对于更好地理解诗文所蕴含的诗人所寄予的各种感情至关重要  相似文献   
辛郁和里尔克同名诗《豹》意象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代派诗歌园地里有不少佳作,台湾诗人辛郁和奥地利诗人里尔克的同名诗《豹》就是其中名篇。分析它们的意象特征,可以进一步了解现代派文学的艺术特征,进而探讨现代诗歌与人们现实生活的某种联系,更准确地去欣赏现代诗歌艺术。  相似文献   
Russian naval nuclear fuel and reactors pose both proliferation and environmental threats, ranging from the possible theft of highly enriched uranium fuel to the radioactive contamination of the environment, whether due to accident, neglect, or sabotage. Current conditions at Russian naval bases, together with a history of accidents and incidents involving Russia's nuclear fleet, make a convincing case for the large-scale assistance that the G8 is now providing to improve the safety and security of Russian naval reactors and fuel. However, virtually no data has been released to allow accurate, reliable, and independent analysis of reactor and fuel properties, risking misguided international efforts to assist in the areas of nuclear cleanup, nonproliferation, and security. This article identifies and assesses relevant properties and developments related to reactor and fuel design, provides a comprehensive presentation of Russian nuclear naval technologies, and examines technological trends in the context of proliferation and environmental security.  相似文献   
The Nonproliferation Review (NPR) recently interviewed Ambassador Sergio de Queiroz Duarte of Brazil, who presided over the 2005 Seventh Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Ambassador Duarte discussed his views on the outcome of the conference and the future of the treaty. He provided NPR with valuable insights into the outcome of the conference and also shared his thoughts on some of the most pressing issues confronting the NPT today, including the Middle East, nuclear terrorism, elimination of the threat of highly enriched uranium in the civilian nuclear sector, proposals to limit access to the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear disarmament, and negative security assurances. Blaming the failed conference on a general lack of political commitment among states parties and their unwillingness to negotiate common solutions, Ambassador Duarte stressed that “the conference should face squarely its own failure without my attempting to disguise or sugarcoat the deep differences of view, which must be resolved with courage and determination by the states parties if they want the treaty to remain effective.”?He emphasized that if states fail to act on their overriding interest in upholding the NPT, especially if states parties continue to ignore or disregard their nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament obligations, some states might come to believe that their security interests are no longer served by the treaty. The future prospects of the NPT would then “look dire indeed.”  相似文献   
我国军事刑法与俄罗斯军事刑法都分别在本国的普通刑法中用专章加以规定,相似之处很多。在军事刑罚方面,俄罗斯有很多专门针对军人、军事犯罪的特别刑罚很值得我国借鉴。对比中国和俄罗斯两国的军事刑罚,找出我国在军事刑罚方面的不足之处,借鉴俄罗斯军事刑罚制度中的可取之处,完善我国的军事刑罚制度,使之更适应我国军事、国防的发展需要,有利于预防军事、军人犯罪,提高我国军队战斗力。  相似文献   
我国是一个诗歌的国度。千百年来,人们在欣赏诗歌,在研究、探讨诗歌的创作方法和表现形式的同时,忽略了隐含在诗歌创作中一种独特的艺术表现形式———诗歌语言的变形。这种艺术手法如同现代的摄影技术,根据作者的创作意图,通过调整光圈,变换焦距以实现其时间、空间的变化,虚与实的变化以及人与物的特殊变化,各种独特的艺术视觉随着诗人的一声快门将一幅幅画面跃然纸上,而这一幅幅画面中所流淌着的深刻的思想内涵带给读者思想感情上的震撼往往更为强烈。因此,我们欣赏诗歌时对其中的变形美应仔细品味才能体会到其中独特的艺术魅力。  相似文献   
古典诗词的重要性决定了师范学院中文专业教育必须提高师范生古诗词的鉴赏能力,掌握古诗词鉴赏的基本方法:诵读法、以史证文法、比较异同法、诗眼分析法、情景扩展法和意境描述法。进而引导师范生将所学与所用结合起来,创造性地设计诗歌教学。  相似文献   
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