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C4ISR系统在现代战争中的重要作用使得其评价问题得到了前所未有的重视.结合C4ISR系统的实战情况,通过对影响其作战效能不确定因素的分析和处理,运用AHP-Fuzzy分析法,建立了C4ISR系统作战效能的综合量化评估模型,讨论了联合作战中C4ISR系统的定量评估方法.最后通过算例,证明了此方法的有效性和可行性,为C4ISR系统的效能评估提供了一种有效的方法和途径.  相似文献   
基于反坦克导弹模拟训练的虚拟战场环境设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟战场环境是军事仿真应用的可视化平台。结合反坦克导弹模拟训练需要,对虚拟战场环境的建立进行了论述,给出了具体的设计方案,实现了一个逼真的射击训练模拟环境。所涉及到的虚拟战场环境已成功应用于反坦克导弹模拟训练当中。  相似文献   
This paper provides a contribution to the growing corpus of knowledge and understanding of the interaction between economic growth and defence spending in South Africa by specifying a Keynesian simultaneous equation model and estimating the system for the period 1961 to 1997. The model contains a growth equation, a savings equation, a trade balance equation and a military burden equation and when estimated by single equation and systems estimation methods is relatively well specified. There is evidence of an overall negative effect of military spending on the economy over this period, though the significance of individual coefficients is low. There is certainly no evidence of any positive impact, suggesting that cuts in military spending do present an opportunity for improved macroeconomic performance.  相似文献   
The lessons from the two French counterinsurgencies, Indochina and Algeria, give rise to a new understanding of the projection of airpower in remote and hostile environments and the purpose, design, and use of aircraft in counterinsurgency. In both Indochina and Algeria, the campaigns were ones of poverty, and it is their imaginative management under severe resource constraints that provides thoughtful and applicable lessons for today. In both cases, airpower held the promise of delivering victory and solving the resource issue. In Indochina, acquisition of the needed aircraft, operating knowledge, and experience came too slowly to realize this promise. In Algeria, the French embraced the lessons from Indochina and were quite successful and innovative in the use of airpower. The lessons can be reduced to four requirements: (1) a network of airfields for liaison, ground-support, and intra-theater airlift to enable effective air support of ground forces; (2) a solid, reliable, and simple ground-support aircraft capable of operating from forward airfields within range of ground engagements; (3) a capable intra-theater heavy-lift transport to supply the extended ground forces; and (4) helicopter capability to enhance tactical troop mobility and support.  相似文献   
As a consequence of intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, force ratio for counterinsurgency (COIN) has come under increased scrutiny. Reduced to its essence, the issue is simply, ‘How many troops does it take to get the job done?’ This answer has been sought by the US military, academia, and think tanks. There have been numerous responses, culminating in several ‘plug-and-play’ equations for minimum force ratios in COIN operations. Due to the impossibility of determining precisely how many insurgent forces there are, it has become common to base force ratios on the population of the country. In the realm of policy, the question above is posed as, ‘How many of our troops does it take to get the job done?’  相似文献   
综合深水系统是美国海岸警卫队20世纪90年代提出构想并逐步实施的其在21世纪的装备系统,它具有系统性、兼容性、互动性和先进性,是美国海岸警卫队历史上最大的最具革新性的装备系统。由于我国分散执法的海上执法体制等原因,我国海上执法队伍整体装备存在重复建设、兼容性差、技术水平落后、整体效能差等问题。美国海岸警卫队“综合深水系统”对我国未来海上执法队伍装备建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
基于IDEF0的C4ISR体系结构产品设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于IDEF0模型具有简单、全面且描述能力强等优点,利用IDEF0这一工具分步骤地进行分析,理清框架2.0中的体系结构产品的来龙去脉,描述了C4ISR体系结构的内容作战、系统、技术体系结构三视图,体系结构产品和通用参考资源,给出构造C4ISR体系结构产品的具体指导.  相似文献   
以IDEF3为工具描述了部队装备中修业务流程,分析了流程中存在的问题,通过采用基于状态的维修方式、无损检测先进技术手段、共享维修保障信息和调整器材发放审批权限等方法,对部队现行装备中修业务流程进行了优化,可有效解决装备维修过剩、维修不足、维修资源浪费和维修周期过长等问题.  相似文献   
利用非线性动力分析软件LS-DYNA 3D,建立了钨球破片在击穿相控阵雷达天线部件下的毁伤仿真模型.对不同初速度的钨球破片以45°入射角对天线等效靶板的侵彻进行仿真分析,得到了钨球破片整个侵彻作用全过程的完整图像和主要数据.通过对结果图像与数据的分析得出:随着钨球破片初速度增大,剩余速度也会随之增大、击穿靶板所需杀伤动能变大、靶板质量损失变大.结论为相控阵雷达天线的战损快速评估与平时修理提供了科学的依据和参考.  相似文献   
当前,对ISAR成像和目标识别的研究很多,但用于ISAR成像和目标识别的目标模型大都相对简单.建立一种新的ISAR二维散射点模型,生成目标各种姿态的二维散射点数据库.首先选用3DS为散射点生成模型,以此为基础完成模型简化和信息抽取.然后根据目标姿态变化,计算转换坐标,并以F16战斗机为例生成二维散射点图像.最后采用步进频雷达信号对目标散射点模型进行ISAR成像.所建立的目标二维散射点模型可以用于ISAR成像和目标识别研究.  相似文献   
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