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从需求分析、对称五元照射器组阵设计、单通道单脉冲(Single-Channel Monopulse,SCM)网络设计等几个环节,深入分析了无人值守条件下高动态低仰角跟踪所采用的对称五元照射SCM网络的实现方法。通过与传统3通道天线组阵的比较,阐明了新对称五元照射阵列的优越性;通过与双通道多模馈源和差网络的比较,阐明了新SCM网络的特点;根据校飞试验结果,证明了设计方法的合理性。  相似文献   
同频融合算法在处理频率快速变化的信号等应用中具有精度高、抗噪性好的优点,然而该算法实时性较差且精度受相位差测量影响较大。提出了基于全相位的同频融合分层算法,通过设计分层算法以减少多重循环中的冗余计算单元,可在不牺牲精度的前提下成倍降低运算量;采用全相位谱分析法降低相位差测量误差,明显改善了相位差补偿效果。理论分析与对比实验表明,该算法对同频融合过程有显著的改进效果。  相似文献   
In this paper a square wavelet thresholding method is proposed and evaluated as compared to the other classical wavelet thresholding methods (like soft and hard). The main advantage of this work is to design and implement a new wavelet thresholding method and evaluate it against other classical wavelet thresholding methods and hence search for the optimal wavelet mother function among the wide families with a suitable level of decomposition and followed by a novel thresholding method among the existing methods. This optimized method will be used to shrink the wavelet coefficients and yield an adequate compressed pressure signal prior to transmit it. While a comparison evaluation analysis is established, A new proposed procedure is used to compress a synthetic signal and obtain the optimal results through minimization the signal memory size and its transmission bandwidth. There are different performance indices to establish the comparison and evaluation process for signal compression; but the most well-known measuring scores are: NMSE, ESNR, and PDR. The obtained results showed the dominant of the square wavelet thresholding method against other methods using different measuring scores and hence the conclusion by the way for adopting this proposed novel wavelet thresholding method for 1D signal compression in future researches.  相似文献   
《新疆历史与民族宗教理论政策教程》是最具有中国特色、新疆地方性特色的课程,开设此课的目的是为了提高大学生思想、牢固树立马克思主义"五观"理论。为了解课程对大学生文化观的教育效果,选取民族班大学生进行研究发现,课程开设后,少数民族大学生的多元文化观显著提高了。居住格局、家庭语言交流类型、上大学前的学习模式等个体变量会影响文化观的提高程度。  相似文献   
中国传统节日在高校思想政治教育中的功能与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统节日根植于中国古代农耕文化,凝结着中华民族的民族情感和民族精神,其具有的独特文化内涵是对高校大学生进行思想政治教育的宝贵资源与重要载体。本文在充分认识到中国传统节日的重要价值基础上,重点挖掘其思想政治教育功能,力求探索中国传统节日的价值在高校思想政治教育中的功能与应用。  相似文献   
在性能化防火设计方法文献中,出现了不少容易混淆的有关火灾风险分析的重要术语,如果不能正确理解这些术语的内涵,将妨碍我们的学习与借鉴。为此,对危险和风险,火灾危险和火灾风险,火灾风险分析与火灾风险评估,风险估计、评价和识别,感知风险和可接受风险,后果、易损性和严重度,火灾风险决策等重要术语进行了辨析。  相似文献   
护照、签证等出入境证件融合了签发国的政治文化、民族文化、地域文化、科技文化、审美文化诸要素。只有不同文化要素有机统一,才能制作一本质量上乘的证件,才能赋予出入境证件更加丰富的内涵,并切实有效地实现出入境证件的多种功能。  相似文献   
Sybil攻击破坏无线传感器网络中的数据融合、公平资源分配等机制,因此对Sybil攻击的防范与检测具有很重要的意义。将一种基于到达时间差(TDOA)的三维定位引入到Sybil攻击的检测中,算法可以检测存在的Sybil攻击并对Sybil节点进行定位。通过性能分析证明该算法具有开销小、有效性高的特点。  相似文献   
大学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
跨文化交际能力的重要性已日益显现,2007年教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确提出了培养跨文化交际能力的要求。本文从学科设置、教学理念与跨文化意识的有效结合等方面探讨了基于现代信息技术的大学英语教学中培养跨文化意识的有效途径与方法。  相似文献   
A new method based on phase difference analysis is proposed for the single-channel mixed signal separation of single-channel radar fuze. This method is used to estimate the mixing coefficients of de-noised signals through the cumulants of mixed signals, solve the candidate data set by the mixing coefficients and signal analytical form, and resolve the problem of vector ambiguity by analyzing the phase differences. The signal separation is realized by exchanging data of the solutions. The waveform similarity coefficients are calculated, and the time–frequency distributions of separated signals are analyzed. The results show that the proposed method is effective.  相似文献   
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