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宋勇  郝群  张凯 《国防科技》2013,(6):24-27,36
特种车辆乘栽员的生理心理状态与车辆技术状态并列成为影响车辆整体效能的重要因素。针对乘栽员的生理心理状态进行监测并适时干预,可以实时掌握并调整人员状态。既有利于车辆能力发挥,也有利于整体协调。生理监测调节系统拟采用生物传感技术,采集人员生理心理指标参数,通过车辆通信及指控系统网络,使指挥人员能够及时掌握人员的疲劳及生命体征状态.通过合理的心理干预及医疗指导。使人员保持良好的心理生理状态或合理的医疗自救互救,最大程度地保存行动能力。该系统可应用于平时训练及评估.也可应用于行动决策指挥及医疗救护部署。  相似文献   
本文客观描述了当前西部偏远地区女童教育问题的实际状况,并针对存在问题进行了分析,提出了相应的思路。希望对实现两性教育公平,改变教育发展的不平衡状态,实现更大的社会公平有借鉴价值。  相似文献   
分析了点型火灾报警探测器"保护半径"与"保护面积"的内在关系,得出了以保护半径为主,保护面积及修正系数为辅新型计算方法,使其在不规则平面更有可操作性,能充分发挥探测器效能,给设置留下了宽裕的选择范围,使设置更趋合理;在安全性不受影响下,探测器用量最大可节省12%。  相似文献   
爱民固边战略是"十一五"时期公安边防部队在建设社会主义和谐社会中的一项重大战略部署。"十二五"时期,形势任务更加严峻,必须进一步找准爱民固边是促进边境经济社会发展的新型人民战争的战略定位,完善以战略目的、战略原则、战略力量、战略措施为主要内容的战略架构体系,有效探索"爱民—固边—发展—固边—利民"的战略路线图,突出"维稳主导、服务民生、强基固本、多元联动"等战略重点,坚持"并轨发展、标本兼治、无缝对接"基本战略路径,使爱民固边战略更加系统化、规范化,纵深推进,打造公安边防特有品牌,不断产生更大的政治社会价值。  相似文献   
边境安全风险分析系统的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了信息化背景下边境安全风险情报分析的基本概念及其内涵,论述了信息化背景下边境安全风险分析系统的架构和面向边境安全风险分析的信息组织方式。  相似文献   
当前,我国正处于人民内部矛盾凸显期,各种社会矛盾和社会热点问题不断增多,由此引发的各类群体性械斗事件成为影响社会主义和谐社会建设的一个突出问题。因此,必须加强对群体性械斗事件特点、成因及处置方法研究,切实提高公安边防机关预防和处置能力。  相似文献   
本文针对故障字典法在电路故障诊断中存在低效率的问题,提出了区域性故障定位的方法,即将所考虑的故障划分成不同的区域,通过对故障所在的区域进行定位,提高故障检测效率。并举例说明了该方法的实际应用。  相似文献   
In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method is based on the analysis of the impact point distribution and effective damage area of equipment.In order to obtain the position of the impact points,an impact point distribution model under artillery fire was established.Similarly,in order to obtain the effective damage area of equipment,the concepts of generalized damage area and task-based equipment functional damage probability were demonstrated,and the corresponding calculation model was established.Through case analysis,the shell layout scheme was effectively obtained,verifying the correctness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
International concern over nuclear terrorism has grown during the past few decades. This has driven a broad spectrum of efforts to strengthen nuclear security globally, including the widespread adoption of radiation-detection technology for border monitoring. Detection systems are now deployed at strategic locations for the purported purpose of detecting and deterring the smuggling of nuclear and radioactive materials. However, despite considerable investment in this area, few studies have examined how these programs are implemented or the operational challenges they face on a day-to-day basis. This article seeks to address this with a focus on radiation-detection efforts at maritime facilities. Utilizing practitioner interviews and a survey, this article identifies the factors that influence the planning and use of these systems in this fast-moving environment. The results clearly demonstrate that the implementation of these systems varies significantly across different national and organizational contexts, resulting in a fragmented global nuclear-detection architecture, which arguably undermines efforts to detect trafficked nuclear-threat materials. Greater consideration should therefore be given to developing international standards and guidance, designing and adopting tools to support key parts of the alarm assessment process, and broader sharing of good practice.  相似文献   
基于中间层驱动程序构建广域网环境下分布仿真联邦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数据包的截获、解析、封装及解封等方面讨论了分布仿真中间层驱动程序的实现。通过该中间层驱动程序对多播数据的封装处理,使多播数据在广域网上以单播数据进行传输,从而实现跨路由的目的,完成分布仿真联邦的构建。  相似文献   
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