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The paper looks at various scenarios of possible concern for intervening third parties when two factions are engaged in a conflict and act strategically against one another. A standard conflict model is used to determine appropriate intervention strategies in order to lower the overall level of conflict. Choosing a suitable strategy in such a setting, the third party must not only take into account the direct impact of its efforts but also the indirect impacts that result from the strategic interaction among the parties involved.  相似文献   
This paper models the space race between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War using time series econometric modelling. The analysis shows that, post the Vietnam‐war era, military considerations play a key role in explaining the behaviour of US space expenditure. In particular, the US Department of Defense (DoD) Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) of the early 1980s is shown to result in a changing structure of the space race. This is expected to continue in the future with the current anti‐ballistic missile (ABM) programme and the withdrawal of the US from the ABM treaty of on space militarization.  相似文献   
美军通过战略传播的整合力量对其形象建构进行了卓有成效的探索与实践。在分析梳理美军战略传播概念的提出背景及其演进过程的基础上,总结归纳了美军实施战略传播的特点。同时,结合分析对外宣传中面临的问题与挑战,借鉴美军战略传播的有益做法,提出了改进的建议与措施。  相似文献   
培育战斗精神是武警工程大学开拓“铸盾文化”的一个重要层面,二者之间具有密切的关系。在廓清二者内涵与关系的基础上,提出以铸忠诚品格为核心、以铸军事素养为途径、以铸科技素养为根本、以铸人文素养为载体,全方位培育学员的战斗精神。  相似文献   
This article explores the evolution of the field of military innovation studies, critiquing its theoretical foundations and setting out a number of challenges that must be overcome if the field is to fulfil its potential and enhance its contribution to wider disciplinary debates as well as to the practitioner community. Tensions between the main theoretical approaches to military innovation are examined as are the challenges inherent in its increasingly multidisciplinary character. The issue of whether military innovation studies constitutes a field in its own right is addressed before recommendations are made to expand the field’s research agenda, broaden its theoretical base and strengthen its multidisciplinary credibility.  相似文献   
It is commonly assumed in the foreign policy literature that narratives are uniquely persuasive and thus integral to obtaining public support for war. Yet, empirical research on “strategic narrative” is often vague on both the concept of narrative and how it persuades. Moreover, the stories publics use to interpret war are rarely examined. This paper offers a novel approach to studying “from the ground up” the war stories of individual British citizens. It examines public interpretations of war through emplotment: the way people select and link events to create a coherent story. Examining the wars people include and those they silence, it illustrates how a diverse range of citizens morally evaluates Britain’s military role, be it as a Force for Good, a Force for Ill or a country Learning from its Mistakes. In doing so, the paper offers an alternative methodological approach to studying how individual citizens understand war.  相似文献   
虚拟战场环境中地物的生成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了达到快速生成虚拟战场环境的目的,利用OpenGVS图形开发包,设计了地物生成模块,该模块已经应用到装甲兵装备作战仿真实验室的建设中,收到良好的效果。  相似文献   
《计算机文化基础》课程教学方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<计算机文化基础>是高等院校非计算机专业学生的一门必修棵.本文针对计算机文化基础课程的特点及学生学习中存在的问题,从课堂教学和实验教学等方面提出了提高其教学质量的一些基本方法.  相似文献   
孟子一向被视为"邹鲁"文化的代表人物,后世也多以"邹鲁"指代由孔子开创、孟子承传的早期儒家文化。然而,人们却普遍忽视了孟子的文化承传者身份:孟子的思想言行正是邹鲁文化长期浸染的产物。而孟母教子的记载,恰恰为观照邹鲁文化对孟子的影响提供了一个绝佳角度。而了解孟子思想言行的地域文化渊源,对探索早期儒家思想形成的影响因素,无疑具有不容忽视的学术价值。  相似文献   
Does a great power need to formulate a long-term Grand Strategy to guide its foreign policy actions? While some scholars continue to debate the competing merits of various grand strategies, a growing literature now emphasizes emergent learning and improvisation as the keys to success, as opposed to implementing a long-term design. In this article, I explore these scholarly arguments by framing the debate as one between two schools of thought, Grand Strategy and Emergent Strategy. After presenting the main arguments and the historical examples associated with each school, I evaluate the two approaches across four categories: the type of international security environment each of them is most suited for, the way each approach deals with short-term vs. long-term priorities, the domestic political conditions needed for each approach to be successful, and the type of presidential management qualities each school demands. Lastly, I discuss the implications of these arguments for the scholarship and the practice of foreign policy and national security strategy.  相似文献   
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