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主要叙述了美、英、法进行未来陆军转型的简要过程与概况,以及他们的发展方针与模式,简述了中国军队的军事改革情况,从而提出了我国军事电子信息化发展的顶层设计、转型路线、军事电子信息装备的综合集成等相关方面的分析思考和应做的努力,希望通过抛砖引玉的方式,引起和获得同仁们的帮助以及对火控、指控装备发展的重视.  相似文献   
针对具有弹性基础的无限梁在移动的振动质量激励下的响应问题,采用考虑剪切变形和转动惯量的铁木辛柯梁理论建立梁的微分方程,并利用双重傅立叶变换求解,得到梁的运动方程。最后,通过一个数值计算的实例,分析了振动质量以及其移动的速度对梁的响应的影响。结果表明,振动质量本身对梁的响应的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   
以作战任务为中心,动态集成作战系统是当前军事领域研究的新课题,从多个作战任务的时间冲突和作战系统状态能力有限性出发,研究作战系统在执行作战任务过程中存在冲突的问题,给出冲突规则的形式化描述,提出了冲突检测与消解的算法,最后通过实例对算法进行了验证。  相似文献   
实现海量军事训练演习数据的汇集与融合,是生成相应的作战效能数据的基础。结合军事训练基地数据的收集与运用现状,提出了一个基于Web服务的多源异构数据汇集与融合系统的解决方案:运用XML Schema技术实现了异构数据模式的标准化转换,完成了多源数据的汇集;以作战平台为中心,以作战效能的各项影响因素为维度,实现了相关数据的融合。设计了系统的功能与架构并加以实现。运行情况表明,系统能够满足功能需求,具备良好的数据整合与处理能力。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze theoretically and empirically the stability of the different political systems; that is, their ability to prevent conflict. According to our model, the proportional system has a lower probability of group rebellion than the majoritarian system. In the empirical part we test the role of political systems in preventing civil wars. We show that democracy by itself does not play an important explanatory role, while the specific type of political system-majoritarian, presidential and proportional-does. The rationale of this result is that different political systems entail different opportunity costs of rebellion.  相似文献   
The article focuses on both economics and spatial issues related to Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of defence platforms in Europe. Using facts and figures related to costs, trends and fleet sizes evolution, the authors discuss the interest of a spatial reorganisation of MRO production. Given the fiscal situation of the main European countries with a modern army, the relevant scale to consider the reorganisation is certainly Europe. Through the example of defence helicopters fleets of a selection of European countries, the authors address the question of cooperation of the MRO. A greater cooperation in the support of fleets would lead to a spatial reorganisation of MRO. On one side economies can be expected from this reorganisation, but, on the other hand, new problems arise. Specifically, a number of costs associated with different forms of “distances” – geographical, operational and political distances – limit the potential savings that could be expected. This work provides insights on these important issues for the construction of a European defence, both in its political, military and industrial dimensions.  相似文献   
以体系工程思想和DoDAF2.0为指导,在系统分析国内外装备需求论证工具软件研制现状和存在的问题基础上,提出了装备需求论证工具化概念及其软件功能需求,优化设计了工具软件体系结构框架,并着重探讨了软件集成和数据模型等关键支撑技术,为装备需求论证工具化实践奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
In this article, we study the Shewhart chart of Q statistics proposed for the detection of process mean shifts in start‐up processes and short runs. Exact expressions for the run‐length distribution of this chart are derived and evaluated using an efficient computational procedure. The procedure can be considerably faster than using direct simulation. We extend our work to analyze the practice of requiring multiple signals from the chart before responding, a practice sometimes followed with Shewhart charts. The results show that waiting to receive multiple signals severely reduces the probability of quickly detecting shifts in certain cases, and therefore may be considered a risky practice. Operational guidelines for practitioners implementing the chart are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   
提出了一种计算无航速具有自由液面的三维脉动源Green函数的方法.采用零阶Bessel函数的Laplace变换,将无航速具有自由液面的三维脉动源Green函数变形为易于截断处理的形式,实现无穷积分向有限积分的转变.采用样条插值技术和自适应方法解决了高振荡函数的数值积分的速度和精度问题.对半球浮体进行了数值计算,结果令人满意,表明了该方法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   
结合战斗机综合航电/火控系统发展趋势及其特点,简述了空地一体化试飞、多机协同试飞概念,介绍了一种利用××型飞机综合航电地面支持设施模拟空中动态试验环境和多目标,与数据传输设备、DGPS多目标导航定位系统、数据融合处理系统以及空中试验机构成的多机协同试飞方案.利用仿真模拟与实际飞行相结合,减少空中飞机的数量,利用有限的资源实现多机协同作战试飞体系.对空地一体化试飞、多机协同试飞的关键技术和试飞评估进行了探讨,为战斗机综合航电/火控系统多机协同试飞提出了一种新模式.  相似文献   
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