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基于试验所检测到的压力波形,通过分析燃油喷射过程,提取了压力波形的特征参数,着重给出了特征点识别的新算法,井用MATLAB开发了相应软件。最后,根据识别结果,分析了调整参数对特征参数的影响。  相似文献   
弹道导弹落点预报的雷达系统仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据弹道理论建立了雷达探测弹道导弹的仿真模型 ,并对仿真的雷达探测跟踪弹道数据给出了处理方法 ,预报了导弹落点范围 ,并与理论落点进行了比较 ,给出落点精度。仿真结果表明 :雷达对导弹的探测数据经过一定数据处理 ,可得到预定的落点精度 ,说明该种仿真方法是可行的  相似文献   
复合材料层合圆柱壳的动力响应与层间应力   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用分层壳理论和厚度方向的二次插值函数推导出正交铺设层合圆柱壳的动力响应方程,并得出简支层合圆柱壳自由振动问题的解.对于给定算例,计算出的自振频率与三维分析的结果吻合良好,说明所推导的二维解具有足够精度.计算了前四阶模态对应的壳中应力.计算结果说明,对于高阶模态,层间应力相对于面内应力的比值远高于低阶模态的对应比值,高的层间正应力是高阶模态导致脱层破坏的主要原因.  相似文献   
高频地波超视距雷达述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高频(HF)地波超视距雷达(GW-OTHR)利用雷达波束绕地表面衍射作用,能探测视距外的舰船、低空飞机和巡航导弹,不仅覆盖面积大、费用低,能弥补常规微波雷达低空盲区和天波超视距雷达的近距盲区,也无需注意电离层的变化,且可反隐身、抗反辐射导弹(ARM),因而在许多国家的国民经济和国防领域中得到了广泛的应用。论述了地波沿海面传播的特性和探测能力,并对超视距雷达的发展和应用进行了介绍。  相似文献   
我国思想政治工作者在实践中总结出来的"晓之以理、动之以情、持之以恒、导之以行"的十六字方针,是对思想政治工作规律的反映,其中的"理"、"情"、"意"、"行"是做好思想政治工作的四个基本因素,它们在思想政治工作中起着各自不可替代的作用.  相似文献   
While all governments in the region acknowledge the importance of the work of police officers, they seldom take a close look at their working conditions and the nature of police labour. While the situations in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland are different there are commonalities: police management has not changed significantly and neither has police legislation. Key concerns of the officers in the region centre on service conditions and wages. Communicating these concerns to the state is made difficult by the less than democratic approach taken by governments professing to favour democratization. A more democratic workplace for the police is of benefit to the broader community and is a crucial point to bear in mind when attempting to develop community-oriented professional policing.  相似文献   
回顾了近几年本研究团队在高超声速飞行器若干气动难题方面的实验研究进展。在边界层转捩方面,测量了边界层转捩现象,研究了攻角效应对圆锥边界层转捩的影响,获得了边界层转捩的脉动特性以其对飞行器表面热流和摩阻的影响。在激波-边界层干扰方面,分析了突起物形状变化对流动特性的影响,研究了复杂外形的流动特性。  相似文献   
The successful pacification of Fallujah in 2007 during the Anbar Awakening movement was due to the coordinated efforts of US and Iraqi forces to physically and psychologically separate the people from the insurgency. Efforts along security, political, and development lines along with a robust tribal effort eliminated the armed insurgency and set the basis for victory in the area. But a synchronized delivery of these resources was insufficient to defeat the insurgency by itself absent the population's decision to turn against the insurgents. This process began to occur in 2006 and was successfully capitalized upon by Coalition Forces in Fallujah in 2007.  相似文献   
为研究悬臂式围护桩结构的内力、弯矩、位移和嵌固段的变化规律及特点,结合西宁火车站综合改造工程,对该深基坑支护结构在不同开挖工况条件下悬臂桩的受力性状与内力传递特征进行现场动态测试试验。试验结果表明:悬臂桩的受力特征与理论值有所差异,在实际设计中可对其在配筋方式、混凝土强度设计、嵌固段长度等方面进行优化。试验结果可以有效优化桩身设计,为复杂基坑在开挖过程中的支护结构受力及变形提供参考性依据。  相似文献   
针对高压气体管路中的激波现象,建立了激波波阵面温升的计算模型,模型中考虑了高压气体中声速的变化对激波波阵面温升的影响.  相似文献   
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