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在大学的英语课堂,学生在课堂活动中的有效参与直接影响到教学效果。这就要求教师以创新的教学方式来提高学生的参与度和主动性。以学习迁移理论为依据,提出分层次实施课堂教学活动,阐释了分层式课堂活动的设计与应用,对其优势进行了分析,以期对贯彻“因材施教”教学理念起到参考作用。  相似文献   
课堂是学员语言学习实践的重要场所,无论科技怎样发展,教学如何改革,英语课堂教学仍有不可替代的作用。通过调查研究和教学实践发现,武警初级院校的大学英语课堂活力不足,学员学习热情不高。针对这一现象进行原因分析和探究,找到了激活英语课堂气氛的应对策略,便于指导教学实践。  相似文献   
反导体系结构的建模和分析是亟需解决的问题。分析了弹道导弹的目标特点及使用方式,概括了反导的作战行动和约束条件,分解和细化了理想条件下主动防御作战行动对应的作战活动,在此基础上得出了反导原型系统的逻辑连接设计,并得出了反导指挥控制系统的需求。研究结果可为反导体系的设计和评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   
From 1956 to 1960, the French Army developed a force of Muslim auxiliaries (supplétifs) as a major component of its strategy to combat the National Liberation Front (FLN) insurgency in Algeria. Aside from their military utility in hunting down the guerrillas in the mountains and forests, the supplétifs were instrumental in undermining FLN legitimacy in the countryside. The rapid growth and employment of the supplétif force dismantled FLN political control in the villages, undermined the enemy's unity, and critically weakened the revolutionaries' claim to represent all of Algeria's Muslims. The military and political activities of France's Muslim soldiers also projected an image of Muslim–European unity behind the French cause, and portrayed the French Army as the only legitimate political force in numerous villages. These political successes, however, were limited to the local, tactical level of revolutionary warfare, and the Army was never able to convert the supplétifs into a force of decisive, strategic political significance. They thus had little ultimate impact on the outcome of the conflict.  相似文献   
This paper discusses how crises and war may “disrupt” company activities, and how companies adapt to these disruptions. Croatia is used as a case study. The original hypothesis was that war led to breaks in physical flows: in other words, that companies experienced difficulties in importing and obtaining supplies of goods. Instead, it appears that loss of customers and severely worsened conditions of payment were the principal problems for Croatian companies. Although it does not fall within the scope of this investigation, it is interesting to note that the Croatian government has not imposed any direct rationing on the industrial sector, but rather via the banking system.  相似文献   
长期以来,新疆恐怖活动组织与"三股势力"相勾结,制造了多起恐怖活动事件,给新疆边境地区的安全与稳定带来了严重威胁。为此,针对新疆边境地区的特殊性以及恐怖活动的态势,分析了恐怖活动对新疆边境地区的影响,从提升反恐的主动发现能力、加强情报预警工作、加强防范措施的严密性等方面提出了遏制新疆恐怖活动的对策。  相似文献   
单个军人队列动作是最基本的军事技能。依据《队列条令》,结合武警部队任务特点,从单个军人队列动作的运用实际出发,组训时分类施训,对提高武警部队的队列训练质量,必将起到巨大地推进作用。  相似文献   
从党和国家当前所面临问题的严重性和紧迫性出发,从全面深化改革的重大战略意义、总体战略思路、系统战略部署三个方面,对十八届三中全会及其《决定》的内容进行了深入解读。  相似文献   
代码体积和代码稀疏是VLIW处理器一直存在的问题.通过对一系列典型应用在流处理器上的程序特征进行分析,提出了一种新的VLIW分域压缩技术,剔除各个子域中的空操作,并设计了分布式指令存储器对压缩后的代码进行解压缩执行.实验证明,该技术能够减少MASA流处理器中近39%的片外指令访存,降低约65%的片上指令存储器空间需求;同时使得指令存储器面积和系统面积分别减少了约37%和8.9%.  相似文献   
面对需求各异的数字信号处理应用,当前主流的通用处理器、DSP、ASIC和FPGA不能同时满足各应用在成本、功耗、性能、灵活性方面的要求.针对这些问题,结合流处理技术、可重构技术和平台技术,提出一种基于流模板的多粒度可重构数字信号处理器MGR-SAT.MGR-SAT利用流处理技术来解耦合数据运算与访存,提供多种粒度的大规...  相似文献   
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