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本文利用四种时间序列模型,即自回归模型、组合模型、疏系数自回归模型、门限自回归模型,分别对时间序列分析中一组有名数据,即加拿大山猫数据,进行模型拟合,并对得到的四个模型及预报结果进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   
This paper contributes to the growing literature on the milex-growth nexus, by providing a case study of South Africa and considering the possibility of structural breaks by applying newly developed econometric methods. Using full sample bootstrap Granger non-causality tests, no Granger causal link is found between military expenditure and GDP for 1951–2010, but parameter instability tests show the estimated VARs to be unstable. Using a bootstrap rolling window estimation procedure, however, finds evidence of bidirectional Granger causality in various subsamples. This implies standard Granger non-causality tests, which neither account for structural breaks nor time variation may be invalid.  相似文献   
网络化无人水下航行器CAN总线调度方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传感器时间驱动,控制器和执行器均为事件驱动的网络控制系统节点驱动方式,已在众多的网络控制系统研究中被采用。在此种节点驱动方式下,依据各控制回路传感信息的不同时间性质将网络化无人水下航行器各控制回路划分为周期性控制回路和随机性控制回路来进行处理。采用时分复用原理对系统总线传输时间进行划分,通过递归遍历寻优方法对系统周期性控制回路信息传输需求进行优化调度;基本周期最小时间余量最大的寻优指标确保了总线负载均衡和随机性控制回路信息传输需求得到及时满足,这样有效地减少了低优先级控制回路(节点)信息传输的延迟等待时间。利用M ATLAB/T uretim e工具进行仿真试验,仿真结果说明了调度方法的有效性。  相似文献   
采用时间序列分析方法,根据大量的实测数据分析了GPS定位误差的统计特征,建立了GPS定位误差模型。  相似文献   
组播技术的应用可以有效提高RTI的实现性能。介绍了组播分配的一般理论和实现方案,详细展示了KD RTI中的组播分配策略,讨论了组播应用过程中出现的问题,同时给出了解决方法。  相似文献   
现有的抗干扰滤波器在通道非理想特性下会导致接收机测量零值发生偏移,且偏移量与干扰参数相关,其已成为高精度测距接收机实现其精度提升的主要障碍。针对上述问题,从对称通道特性出发,给出一种无偏的时域抗干扰滤波器设计技术。解决了传统的时域抗干扰滤波器在非理想信道下测量零值偏移的问题,且工程实现简单。理论分析和仿真实验进一步验证了方法的有效性,采用该方法可以使测量零值偏移小于0.2 ns。  相似文献   
介绍了以386型微机为核心,由微压差传感器、传感器平衡及实时标定装置、直流放大器、A/D转换器、站位控制电路构成的实验室用模型水压场信息处理系统.  相似文献   
The reconstruction control of modular self-reconfigurable spacecraft (MSRS) is addressed using an adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) scheme based on time-delay estimation (TDE) technology. In contrast to the ground, the base of the MSRS is floating when assembled in orbit, resulting in a strong dynamic coupling effect. A TED-based ASMC technique with exponential reaching law is designed to achieve high-precision coordinated control between the spacecraft base and the robotic arm. TDE technology is used by the controller to compensate for coupling terms and uncertainties, while ASMC can augment and improve TDE’s robustness. To suppress TDE errors and eliminate chattering, a new adaptive law is created to modify gain parameters online, ensuring quick dynamic response and high tracking accuracy. The Lyapunov approach shows that the tracking errors are uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB). Finally, the on-orbit assembly process of MSRS is simulated to validate the efficacy of the proposed control scheme. The simulation results show that the proposed control method can accurately complete the target module’s on-orbit assembly, with minimal perturbations to the spacecraft’s attitude. Meanwhile, it has a high level of robustness and can effectively eliminate chattering.  相似文献   
This paper offers the personal view of a senior executive in the Defence Procurement Agency about the future requirements of the defence industry’s principal UK customer. The focus here is on trying to identify the type of corporate behaviour and range of skill sets that the UK Government will need from defence suppliers, both primes and supply chain companies in the future. The concluding message from this ‘Customer View’ is that there is likely to be a continuing market for the company that specializes in delivering defence capability. It will be a company that will be looking for a long‐term relationship, with a specialist knowledge of its various national customers and a willingness to work openly and closely with them. It will be agile in its ability to bring together diverse technologies, to package them as a system and to deliver them either as hardware or as a service. Such suppliers will also need to innovate and to adapt at least as rapidly as the threats that they seek to counter.  相似文献   
目前卫星轨道参数的测量主要依靠地面测控站的无线电测量,使得测量受限于测控站的观测弧段;另一方面随着深空探测的不断深入,也对现有测控方法提出了新的挑战。利用卫星上已有的像机通过景象匹配对卫星自身位置进行精确测量,可以有效摆脱地面测量观测弧段和测量距离的约束。本文提出了一种基于星载实时图与基准图匹配的视觉测轨方法:通过景象匹配建立实时图中特征点与基准图的对应关系,再根据成像关系解算卫星的三维位置。利用“嫦娥二号”获取的立体图像和轨道测量数据进行了验证实验,证明了本文提出的方法具有较高的精度,实现了地基无线电测轨和视觉测轨的相互验证。本文提出的视觉测轨方法可以弥补现有测轨方式的不足,减轻地面测控系统负担,在深空探测等领域具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
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