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我国民用运力资源丰富.自2020年7月1日零时起,预备役部队全面纳入军队领导体制,改由党中央、中央军委集中统一领导.在此背景下,本文对民用运力动员的含义进行了深入剖析,分析了民用运力动员的主要任务和战区陆军部队对民用运力动员的要求,指出了预备役部队民用运力动员所面临的矛盾和困难,提出了推进民用运力动员的几点对策,如健全...  相似文献   
飞机易损性分析与评估是指对飞机在战斗状态下遭受攻击后受损的难易程度的评价,是衡量飞机战斗性能的重要指标.研究飞机易损性对于飞机高生存力设计和飞机战伤预测评估具有重要意义.本文首先简要介绍了飞机易损性分析的一般方法与流程,收集并整理了美军飞机易损性实弹测试的历史沿革和条件建设现状,同时以F-35整机、F135发动机和C2...  相似文献   
This article reassesses the foreign policy legacy of George W. Bush in light of the emerging historical record of his administration. We conclude that, whereas Bush’s foreign policy was in widespread disrepute when he left office in 2009, that reputation is likely to improve – perhaps significantly – in the coming years. We identify six particular arguments that lend credence to an emerging ‘Bush revisionism.’ To be clear, we do not necessarily argue that the balance sheet on Bush’s foreign policy was positive, but the arguments presented here are likely to generate a more sympathetic and favorable historical assessment of Bush’s presidency over time.  相似文献   
The Anglo-American and Israeli-American special relationships have proved to be unusually close and have confounded expectations that they would wither away with the changing international environment. In order to explain this, the article proposes a theory of ‘alliance persistence’ that is based on reciprocity over shared geostrategic interests, sentimental attachments and institutionalised security relations. The article employs this theoretical framework to explore how Anglo-American and Israeli-American relations have developed during the Obama administration. It argues that the Anglo-American relationship has been closer because of the two countries’ shared strategic interests, whilst the Israeli-American relationship has experienced divergences in how the security interests of the two sides have been pursued. The article concludes by assessing how the two relationships will fair in the post-Obama era and argues that there are numerous areas of tension in the US-Israeli relationship that risk future tensions.  相似文献   
The modern Mission Command philosophy in military operations originated with the German concept of Auftragstaktik (mission tactics). It emphasizes in general terms the exercise of disciplined initiatives by subordinates during the execution of mission-type orders in the course of military operations that are conducted within the overall intent of a commander. The present paper contains an overview of the historical evolution of the mission command concept and its application. The paper compares the mission command concept with the detailed or linear method of command. This paper focuses on the relevance of the mission command concept for the Hellenic Land Forces (HLF) in Greece. The paper provides a historical account on when and where mission command was successfully exercised by the Hellenic Armed Forces in the modern military history of Greece. The authors support the premise that the mission command concept is essential for safeguarding Greek national security in the current environment of evolving symmetric and asymmetric threats, and in meeting operational challenges in a diverse and difficult terrain. The paper examines the cultural reasons that have impeded the adoption of the mission command concept within the HLF and recommends a three-phase model for its permanent implementation.  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(七)》对原刑法规定的侵犯军用标志的犯罪进行了修正,但其规定还存在一些立法疏漏和缺陷,有必要予以改进。《刑法修正案(七)》中的罪名应立法化,由立法机关确定;增设非法生产、伪造、变造、盗窃、抢劫、抢夺、破坏、侮辱武装部队专用标志的行为和伪造、变造、盗窃、非法提供、使用、非法出租、出借、赠送武装部队制式服装的行为;犯罪对象应包括制式服装的标志服饰、军服专用材料和军服仿制品;刑罚种类应增加剥夺政治权利;增加非法生产、买卖武装部队制式服装罪的情节加重犯的法定刑。  相似文献   
李平俊  王帅  钟孝红 《国防科技》2021,42(5):96-101
通过与地方企业签订合同来满足部队保障需求是中外军队的普遍做法,但军队社会化保障仍主要限于平时。本文通过回溯美军合同保障相关文献,从供求矛盾、外部条件、军事效益三个方面对美军战时合同商保障的兴起原因进行剖析,归纳其经验做法和存在问题,并结合实际,从组织架构、法规体系、管理机制、运用战时合同商保障程序等四个方面给出了军队战时合同商保障的对策建议。随着我国军民融合发展战略的深入推进,中国特色社会主义市场经济优势更加突出,我国地方企业涉及的领域进一步拓展,军地技术运用隔阂逐渐被打破,加之疫情后中国经济展现出更强韧性,总体呈现向上向好的良好态势。以上这些因素将为军队在战时推行合同保障提供有利条件,同时为探索军队战时合同商保障模式提供一定参考。  相似文献   
化生放核部队是美军重要的作战保障力量。为有效应对化生放核威胁和危害,美国陆军通过重塑旅战斗队化生放核力量,不仅提升了自我保障能力,还具备了全频谱作战和可持续作战能力。本文通过研究和分析美国陆军步兵旅战斗队、斯特赖克旅战斗队和装甲旅战斗队化生放核兵员的力量编制和装备编配,试图为未来一个时期陆军合成旅防化兵建设和发展,实现全域作战和立体防护要求提供一定借鉴。研究表明,美国陆军旅战斗队在旅司令部、营司令部和连司令部编设不同岗位的化生放核参谋,作战指挥能力强;在旅司令部、工兵营、侦察营、步兵营/装甲营和支援营编配了大量便携式化生放核装备和少量车载式化生放核装备,自我保障能力较强。  相似文献   
以美军航母战斗大队标准编成为例,简要分析了美军航母战斗群的空袭火力构成。进而分析了影响航母战斗群空袭火力效能的主要因素,分别建立了机载对地攻击弹药和巡航导弹对地面目标的毁伤能力的模型。然后以此为基础,从空袭兵器的突防概率、对目标的发现概率、对各类目标的毁伤概率和空袭某一目标所需的兵力四个方面,对航母战斗群空袭火力体系的作战效能进行了深入研究,并建立相应的数学模型。最后根据在历次战争中得到的经验数据,对美军航母战斗群空袭火力效能进行了计算,并分析了计算结果,为科学判断敌情提供了依据。  相似文献   
Conventional wisdom seems to hold that under Barack Obama, the US ballistic missile defence programme has been pushed aside to allow for a refreshed domestic and international agenda. Proponents point to Obama's campaign thinking and rhetoric, the ballistic missile defence (BMD) budget cuts, the decision to end the Third Site in Europe, and the reset relations with Russia through the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) as evidence that the programme has undergone a significant period of change, retraction and rationalisation. This article argues instead that BMD has not fallen from prominence and that there is a change in focus rather than retraction of its strategic goal. Consequently, BMD continues to grow in importance as a component of US national security strategy.  相似文献   
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