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分析军用便携式发电机组在单机供电及并联供电情况下的动态过程有利于提高其供电质量.采用有限元法计算电机动态过程需要在电机电磁场计算时实现转子的自由转动.从运动导电媒质中的电磁场方程出发,分析了固定坐标系求解方法及移动坐标系求解各方法的特点.针对军用便携式发电机组单机供电及并联供电情况下动态过程的特点分析,对各种处理转子运动的方法进行了比较,得出的结论对于研究军用便携式发电机组单机供电及并联供电情况时处理转子运动的方法选取具有理论指导意义.  相似文献   
通过对装备作战需求分析,提出一种系统化、结构化的装备作战需求论证方法,为作战需求分析提供方法支持。该方法不仅可规范需求分析过程,增强需求分析过程的合理性、全面性和可操作性,而且对提高需求分析的理论水平,提高武器装备的论证质量,具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
介绍了一种在AUTOCAD环境下,用参数化造型法,实现紧固件拆装过程自动仿真的设计方法.该方法把维修工具及紧固件的设计、工具维修性力学分析,以及维修过程的图形仿真合成在一起.工具及紧固件可以在给定点自动实现三维造型,并可连续进行过程仿真;当施加在紧固件上的外力超过其规定的受力范围时,将以图形方式自动显示,帮助操作者对维修操作过程进行判断.  相似文献   
数字化坦克营作战能力灰色聚类评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估数字化坦克营的作战能力对推动数字化装甲部队建设、提高部队战斗力具有一定的现实意义。以灰色系统理论为基础,将层次分析法和灰色评估法相结合,建立了数字化坦克营的灰色聚类评估模型,论述了利用该模型进行评估的基本步骤,结合实例对数字化坦克营作战能力进行了聚类评估,提出了提高数字化坦克营作战能力的方法。评估结果比较符合实际情况,证明了该模型的正确性。  相似文献   
基于评价指标模糊集的复杂系统效能评估方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出了一种基于评价指标模糊集的复杂系统效能评估方法。该方法利用系统评价指标的模糊性构造模糊集,以模糊集贴近度来定义评价指标的模糊隶属度函数,结合模糊层次分析法,提出了一种适用于复杂系统功能与多层评估指标体系的效能评估新方法。仿真应用的结果表明:该方法行之有效,具有较好的实用前景。  相似文献   
We examine the problem of adaptively scheduling perfect observations and preventive replacements for a multi‐state, Markovian deterioration system with silent failures such that total expected discounted cost is minimized. We model this problem as a partially observed Markov decision process and show that the structural properties of the optimal policy hold for certain non‐extreme sample paths. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
A new technique for solving large‐scale allocation problems with partially observable states and constrained action and observation resources is introduced. The technique uses a master linear program (LP) to determine allocations among a set of control policies, and uses partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) to determine improving policies using dual prices from the master LP. An application is made to a military problem where aircraft attack targets in a sequence of stages, with information acquired in one stage being used to plan attacks in the next. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Naval Research Logistics 47: 607–619, 2000  相似文献   
The aim of this articles is to study the asymptotic behavior of two imperfect repair models, called Arithmetic Reduction of Intensity and Arithmetic Reduction of Age models. These models have been proposed by Doyen and Gaudoin (Reliab Eng Syst Safe 84 (2004) 45–56) and include many usual virtual age models. First, it is proved that the failure intensity of these models is asymptotically almost surely equivalent to a deterministic increasing function with a cumulative error proportional to a logarithm. Second, the almost sure convergence and asymptotic normality of several estimators of repair efficiency are derived, when the wear‐out process without repair is known. Finally, the coverage rate of the asymptotic confidence intervals issued from those estimators is empirically studied. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
In this article, an optimal replacement policy for a cold standby repairable system consisting of two dissimilar components with repair priority is studied. Assume that both Components 1 and 2, after repair, are not as good as new, and the main component (Component 1) has repair priority. Both the sequence of working times and that of the components'repair times are generated by geometric processes. We consider a bivariate replacement policy (T,N) in which the system is replaced when either cumulative working time of Component 1 reaches T, or the number of failures of Component 1 reaches N, whichever occurs first. The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy (T,N)* such that the long run average loss per unit time (or simply the average loss rate) of the system is minimized. An explicit expression of this rate is derived, and then optimal policy (T,N)* can be numerically determined through a two‐dimensional‐search procedure. A numerical example is given to illustrate the model's applicability and procedure, and to illustrate some properties of the optimal solution. We also show that if replacements are made solely on the basis of the number of failures N, or solely on the basis of the cumulative working time T, the former class of policies performs better than the latter, albeit only under some mild conditions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
基于Petri网的装备维修保障指挥过程建模与性能优化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Petri网是一种非形式化的建模方法,具有严格的定义和强大的数学分析能力,适合对同步、并发、资源共享的系统建模。利用Petri网对战术装备维修保障指挥过程进行建模,可以快速准确的描述保障指挥的流程,进而可对指挥过程进行分析,找出影响系统效率的环节加以改造和优化。本文通过对保障指挥过程的分析,建立了基于Petri网的维修保障指挥过程模型,并依据模型进行合理化简,根据假设的实例数据对比分析了现有和简化后的指挥过程的平均延迟时间,从而为战术装备维修保障指挥过程的优化提供依据。  相似文献   
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