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The past decade has seen substantial shifts in Swedish security policy and major change in the domestic debate about NATO. For the first time, all of the right-of-centre “alliance parties” are calling for a full NATO membership, and popular support for NATO has increased. Yet public opinion contains ambiguities and paradoxes that complicate the picture. At the same time as support for NATO has increased, the public is overwhelmingly for continued military non-alignment. Drawing on previous research, longitudinal data from national surveys, and other sources on defence and security issues, this article aims to increase our understanding of the development and change in Swedish public opinion on NATO. A key argument is that Erving Goffman’s theatre metaphor, combined with neo-institutional decoupling theory, to a large degree can help understand the public opinion paradox.  相似文献   
This article explores current developments in Chile, where since the return to democracy in 1990, the elected authorities have reconfigured the nation’s military resources in favour of four action pillars: peacekeeping and international conflict management, landmine removal and gun disarmament, emergency and catastrophe response, and a concern for human, economic and social rights. Successive defence policies offer a valuable case study for exploring the trade-offs between security, traditional and non-traditional threat management and institutional capabilities. The article argues that human security policymaking is not free from undesired outcomes; specifically, regarding how to reconvene the role of the armed forces when conventional war seems a thing of the past. The paper focuses on the interagency policy implications and the challenges ahead for civilians and the military.  相似文献   
警卫任务的特点决定了警卫人员始终处于高度的应激状态下,相同的刺激引起的心理应激是不同的,既可引起焦虑恐惧、精神抑郁、疲倦乏力等消极的反应,也可激发出斗志昂扬、精力充沛、勇敢果断等积极的反应。这主要取决于心理承受能力的强弱。研究应激心理对警卫人员处置突发事件中的影响,对有针对性地开展心理调控和组织处突训练,提高警卫人员心理素质,使其做到临危不惧、处变不惊,从而有效处置各类突发事件,确保警卫对象在任何条件下的安全,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
深入研究、切实抓好预算执行审计工作对于保证预算的落实、达到收支平衡,具有十分重要的现实意义。预算执行审计应围绕“三个监督”开展工作,并处理好“三方面关系”。  相似文献   
经验是构成警卫人员业务素质的主要内容.其中直接经验可以大幅提升警卫人员的能力,而间接经验则是警卫人员素质生成的主要渠道.因此,必须充分认识两种经验在警卫人员素质生成中的作用,既要注重直接经验的获取,更要重视间接经验的不可替代性.  相似文献   
公安现役部队担负着维护社会稳定、保障人民生命财产安全等重要职能,随着公安现役部队职能的不断拓展,加之受社会环境复杂化和价值观念多元化的影响,公安现役部队建设工作出现了一些新问题,发生了一些新变化。从分析公安现役部队在新世纪新阶段面临的新趋向新问题出发,结合部队当前肩负的历史使命,积极探索科学有效地加强公安现役部队建设的对策。  相似文献   
现有的点对点安全验证系统都是基于电缆连接实现系统信息传输的。电缆传输信号存在传输衰减大、抗干扰能力差、在雷暴天气易发生事故等缺点。通过将基于单片机89C2051的远程光纤通信应用到现有设备来改进控制信号的传输模式,将电信号转换为光信号,在数据传输中使用传输同步码加密、数据包CRC校验、串行数据编码以及光纤连通性定时自动监测等技术,可以从物理信号传输到数据接收处理的整个过程中保证系统的安全性和可靠性;同时,通过光纤通信方案,也能节省系统构建和维护的经费。  相似文献   

Perception research can make a valuable contribution to the study of the local dimension in EU peacebuilding. The conceptual framework developed in this article distinguishes between perceptions of the “legitimacy,” “effectiveness,” and “credibility” of EU peacebuilding practices, which are crucial factors for successful peacebuilding. Relying on the case of the EU’s support for security sector reform (SSR) in Palestine, this article shows that local stakeholders—which participate in various EU-sponsored training and capacity-building programs—display considerable support for liberal peacebuilding norms. Yet, perceived discrepancies between the EU’s peacebuilding rhetoric and its SSR activities have severely undermined the potential of the EU’s liberal peacebuilding model in the eyes of Palestinian stakeholders. Critical local perceptions are frequently articulated with reference to the EU’s own liberal peacebuilding discourse, pointing to a lack of inclusiveness of the SSR process and deficits in terms of democratic governance and the rule of law.  相似文献   
While security points to a deliberate harming of humans and/or the environment, safety refers to unintended damage. In this view point, I will analyse how the distinction between safety and security matters in the practice of accident investigation and I will argue that the division between the fields is problematic for the assessment of security-related safety risks. Drawing on the case of the our accident investigation into the downing of flight MH17 above Ukraine in 2014, I highlight key dilemmas the Dutch Safety Board dealt with.  相似文献   
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