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本文通过引进主流贴体坐标 ,将粘性激波层概念推广到三维流场 ,得到了三维粘性激波层方程 ;应用空间推进与总体迭代相结合的求解方法 ,对三维化学非平衡粘性激波层流场进行了数值模拟  相似文献   
The paper presents the possibilities of, and methods for, acquiring, analysing and processing optical signals in order to recognise, identify and counteract threats on the contemporary battleground. The main ways electronic warfare is waged in the optical band of the electromagnetic wave spectrum have been formulated, including the acquisition of optical emitter signatures, as well as ultraviolet (UV) and thermal (IR) signatures. The physical parameters and values describing the emission of laser radiation are discussed, including their importance in terms of creating optical signatures. Moreover, it has been shown that in the transformation of optical signals into signatures, only their spectral and temporal parameters can be applied. This was confirmed in experimental part of the paper, which includes our own measurements of spectral and temporal emission characteristics for three types of binocular laser rangefinders. It has been further shown that through simple registration and quick analysis involving comparison of emission time parameters in the case of UV signatures in “solar-blind” band, various events can be identified quickly and faultlessly. The same is true for IR signatures, where the amplitudes of the recorded signal for several wavelengths are compared. This was confirmed experimentally for UV signatures by registering and then analyzing signals from several events during military exercises at a training ground, namely Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launches and explosions after hitting targets, trinitrotoluene (TNT) explosions, firing armour-piercing, fin-stabilised, discarding sabots (APFSDS) or high explosive (HE) projectiles. The final section describes a proposed model database of emitters, created as a result of analysing and transforming the recorded signals into optical signatures.  相似文献   
系统地介绍了各种低后坐武器的工作原理和存在的相应缺陷,并在此基础上全面介绍了一种新型低后坐武器--膨胀波火炮的工作原理、性能,以及目前尚待解决的技术问题.同时根据膨胀波火炮的工作方式,考虑发射过程中混合流体的相间作用,采用两相流理论中的分流法建立描述膛内射击过程的内弹道两相流气动力模型,分析了其减小后坐和降低身管温度的机理,并给出了相应的数值解法.  相似文献   
文章通过实验探讨新疆蛭石矿的提纯工艺。实验中选用六偏磷酸钠作添加剂,结果表明:在100g蛭石矿,矿浆质量分数为15%,搅拌时间为2h,添加剂用量0.2%的条件下,蛭石产率达到最高值。  相似文献   
为了评估动态MS860型GPS姿态测量性能,将其安装在某船上进行系统测试.采用动态滤波的方法采集MS860姿态信息,同时同步采集某型平台罗经的数据.在此基础上,用误差统计方法评估姿态测量系统的精度性能.结果表明GPS姿态测量系统可以满足舰船姿态测量的需要,其航向的测量精度优于平台罗经系统.  相似文献   
对模拟油罐内油气混合物爆炸冲击波特性进行了研究.在直径为1 m的模拟油罐中进行了油气混合物爆炸模拟实验,建立了模拟油罐油气混合物爆炸的数值仿真模型,并借助大型商业软件Fluent6.2完成了数值仿真研究.数值仿真结果与实验值较为吻合.模拟实验和数值仿真研究的结果表明:油气体积分数、罐内初始温度等决定模拟油罐油气混合物爆炸压力的大小.油罐内爆炸压力波的振荡特性对金属油罐结构来说是有害的.  相似文献   
在GTEM室中用正弦连续波对某导弹装备上的1块数字控制电路进行电磁辐照,在30 V/m的场强下,引入的电磁骚扰还未导致被监测的与非门产生错误反转时,产生控制信号的自激多谐振荡器却受到了严重的电磁干扰。用计算机对此干扰进行仿真分析,并最后提出方波控制信号产生电路的电磁加固措施。  相似文献   
潜艇自航模水下长波遥控系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了利用无线长波对水下潜艇自航模进行长波遥控的通信技术,阐述了长波遥控的发射、接收及天线系统的硬件组成和系统设计。对发射天线的现场测试结果进行了分析,提出了实际电路的阻抗匹配实现方法;对接收信号的噪声和灵敏度等有关问题进行了分析,采用天线的方向性自适应控制技术解决了潜艇水下接收,在实际应用中取得较好的效果。  相似文献   
电感储能密度比电容高 2~ 3个数量级 ,因此用它制作电感储能闪光X射线摄影机(FXCIES)的脉冲高压电源 ,具有体积小、结构简单和成本低等优点。介绍了FXCIES的电物理设计方法和关键的计算公式。创造出一种新的FXCIES结构 ;高电压形成网络叠在初级电源之上 ,它们都被放置在盛绝缘油的钢壳内 ;爆炸导体断路开关在专门设计的高强度绝缘筒内工作 ,既可提高工作场强又能消声 ;整机全封闭在钢壳内。最后取得了成功的实验结果  相似文献   
In current guidelines, the free air blast loads (overpressure and impulse) are determined by spherical charges, although most of ordnance devices are more nearly cylindrical than spherical in geometry. This may result in a great underestimation of blast loads in the near field and lead to an unsafe design. However, there is still a lack of systematic quantitative analysis of the blast loads generated from cylindrical charges. In this study, a numerical model is developed by using the hydrocode AUTODYN to investigate the influences of aspect ratio and orientation on the free air blast loads generated from center-initiated cylindrical charges. This is done by examining the pressure contours, the peak overpressures and impulses for various aspect ratios ranged from 1 to 8 and arbitrary orientation monitored along every azimuth angle with an interval of 5°. To characterize the distribution patterns of blast loads, three regions, i.e., the axial region, the vertex region and the radial region are identified, and the propagation of blast waves in each region is analyzed in detail. The complexity of blast loads of cylindrical charges is found to result from the bridge wave and its interaction with primary waves. Several empirical formulas are presented based on curve-fitting the numerical data, including the orientation where the maximum peak overpressure emerges, the critical scaled distance beyond which the charge shape effect could be neglected and blast loads with varied aspect ratio in arbitrary orientation, all of which are useful for blast-resistant design.  相似文献   
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