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The empirical international conflict literature has given much recent attention to interstate armed force’s impact on human well-being. While empirical research has advanced our understanding of the phenomenon considerably, we argue that one conclusion that many studies have reached is preliminary. Some recent research contends that only full-scale war, and not force short of war, has a discernable impact on human welfare or physical quality of life (PQOL). We develop theory on one type of force short of war, large-scale foreign military intervention (FMI), and its potential effects on PQOL. Using interrupted time series and panel corrected standard error methodologies, we find that from 1960 to 2005 large-scale FMI had a statistically and substantively significant impact on the PQOL of populations in 106 developing countries. The specific effect that this type of armed force has depended in large part on the regime type of the target country.  相似文献   
对高频小功率硅双极结型晶体管2SC3356进行静电放电试验,并利用加速寿命试验原理对两组器件进行加速寿命试验。采用Arrhenius模型对试验结果进行计算分析,发现低于损伤阈值的ESD注入可以使器件的寿命缩短,得出ESD可以在高频小功率硅双极结型晶体管内部造成潜在性失效,使得器件寿命缩短。  相似文献   
In progressive censoring, items are removed at certain times during the life test. Commonly, it is assumed that the removed items are used for further testing. In order to take into account information about these additional testing in inferential procedures, we propose a two‐step model of stage life testing with one fixed stage‐change time which incorporates information about both the removed items (further tested under different conditions) and those remaining in the current life test. We show that some marginal distributions in our model correspond either to progressive censoring with a fixed censoring time or to a simple‐step stress model. Furthermore, assuming a cumulative exposure model, we establish exact inferential results for the distribution parameters when the lifetimes are exponentially distributed. An extension to Weibull distributed lifetimes is also discussed.  相似文献   
Many conventional models that characterize the reliability of multicomponent systems are developed on the premise that for a given system, the failures of its components are independent. Although this facilitates mathematical tractability, it may constitute a significant departure from what really takes place. In many real‐world applications, system components exhibit various degrees of interdependencies, which present significant challenges in predicting degradation performance and the remaining lifetimes of the individual components as well as the system at large. We focus on modeling the performance of interdependent components of networked systems that exhibit interactive degradation processes. Specifically, we focus on how the performance level of one component affects the degradation rates of other dependent components. This is achieved by using stochastic models to characterize how degradation‐based sensor signals associated with the components evolve over time. We consider “Continuous‐Type” component interactions that occur continuously over time. This type of degradation interaction exists in many applications, in which interdependencies occur on a continuum. We use a system of stochastic differential equations to capture such “Continuous‐Type” interaction. In addition, we utilize a Bayesian approach to update the proposed model using real‐time sensor signals observed in the field and provide more accurate estimation of component residual lifetimes. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 286–303, 2014  相似文献   
An increase in the use of the gun barrel will cause wear of the inner wall, which reduces the muzzle velocity and the spin rate of the projectile. The off-bore flight attitude and trajectory of the projectile also change, affecting the shooting power and the accuracy. Exterior ballistic data of a high-speed spinning projectile are required to study the performance change. Therefore, based on the barrel's accelerated life test, the whole process of projectile shooting is reproduced using numerical simulation technology, and key information on the ballistic performance change at each shooting stage are acquired. Studies have shown that in the later stages of barrel shooting, the accuracy of shooting has not decreased significantly. However, it is found that the angle of attack of the projectile increases as the wear of the barrel increases. The maximum angle of attack reaches 0.106 rad when the number of shots reaches 4300. Meanwhile, elliptical bullet hole has appeared on the target at this shooting stage. Through combining external ballistic theory with simulation results, the primary reason of this phenomenon is found to be a significant decrease in the muzzle spin rate of the projectile. At the end of the barrel life, the projectile muzzle spin rate is 57.5% lower than that of a barrel without wear.  相似文献   
We consider the classical problem of whether certain classes of lifetime distributions are preserved under the formation of coherent systems. Under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) component lifetimes, we consider the NBUE (new better than used in expectation) and NWUE (new worse than used in expectation) classes. First, a necessary condition for a coherent system to preserve the NBUE class is given. Sufficient conditions are then obtained for systems satisfying this necessary condition. The sufficient conditions are satisfied for a collection of systems which includes all parallel systems, but the collection is shown to be strictly larger. We also prove that no coherent system preserves the NWUE class. As byproducts of our study, we obtain the following results for the case of i.i.d. component lifetimes: (a) the DFR (decreasing failure rate) class is preserved by no coherent systems other than series systems, and (b) the IMRL (increasing mean residual life) class is not preserved by any coherent systems. Generalizations to the case of dependent component lifetimes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
汽车工业绿色再制造的开发与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绿色再制造工程是一种适应生态及经济需要的再循环形式,再制造业是一个新兴的产业。旧汽车的超期服役和处理将会给社会和环境带来巨大危害,推行汽车的绿色再制造工程是解决废旧汽车引发社会公害问题的重要途径,其相当部分的废旧零部件经再制造后可以重新使用,再制造产品的性能等同或优于新品:而另一些废的零部件则以材料的形式综合回收利用。汽车的绿色再制造工程对于节约资源和保护环境,推动社会、经济、环境的协调发展具有十分重要而又长远的现实意义。  相似文献   
自行火炮武器系统的寿命周期费用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着技术的发展,寿命周期的研究正日益受到关注.评述了国内外寿命周期费用方面的研究现状,介绍了火炮寿命周期费用研究方法的内容及用途,探讨了费用估算的一般方法,在火炮寿命周期费用分解原则的基础上给出了火炮寿命周期费用分解结构,讨论了寿命周期费用研究方法急需解决的主要问题.  相似文献   
介绍了寿命周期费用(LCC)分析的基本概念及操作程序,给出了武器装备寿命周期费用的一般构成体系,讨论了LCC分析在武器装备应用中需要注意的问题,并对其未来发展方向作了展望.  相似文献   
给出了恒加试验的最优线性无偏估计与最优线性不变估计。与有关文献给出的二步估计相比,这两个估计有较大改进,并且在计算上简单可行。  相似文献   
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