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学分制是学分计量学生学习量的教学管理制度,较传统的学年制有一定优越性,学分制只有与教学管理、科学研究、学生工作、后勤服务等各个领域相互配套,才能达到高效、合理、有序的目标。学分制教育教学管理模式的逐步实施,需要教学管理工作有与之相适应的工作方法。  相似文献   
反导作战管理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反导作战管理技术是指对反导体系内的传感器和火力资源进行以任务规划为核心的指挥与控制技术,主要包括传感器资源作战管理和火力资源作战管理两大部分。首先对反导作战管理与指挥控制系统的发展情况进行了简要分析,然后针对反导作战管理技术的内涵、主要任务、层次结构进行了系统研究,最后初步探讨了反导作战管理的核心内容和涉及的关键技术。  相似文献   
An important aspect of supply chain management is dealing with demand and supply uncertainty. The uncertainty of future supply can be reduced if a company is able to obtain advance capacity information (ACI) about future supply/production capacity availability from its supplier. We address a periodic‐review inventory system under stochastic demand and stochastic limited supply, for which ACI is available. We show that the optimal ordering policy is a state‐dependent base‐stock policy characterized by a base‐stock level that is a function of ACI. We establish a link with inventory models that use advance demand information (ADI) by developing a capacitated inventory system with ADI, and we show that equivalence can only be set under a very specific and restrictive assumption, implying that ADI insights will not necessarily hold in the ACI environment. Our numerical results reveal several managerial insights. In particular, we show that ACI is most beneficial when there is sufficient flexibility to react to anticipated demand and supply capacity mismatches. Further, most of the benefits can be achieved with only limited future visibility. We also show that the system parameters affecting the value of ACI interact in a complex way and therefore need to be considered in an integrated manner. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
We analyze a supply chain of a manufacturer and two retailers, a permanent retailer who always stocks the manufacturer's product and an intermittent deal‐of‐the day retailer who sells the manufacturer's product online for a short time. We find that without a deal‐of‐the‐day (DOTD) retailer, it is suboptimal for the manufacturer to offer a quantity discount while it is optimal for the retailer to offer periodic price discounts to consumers. With the addition of a DOTD retailer, it is likely to be optimal for the manufacturer to offer a quantity discount. We show that even without market expansion, i.e., no exclusive DOTD retailer consumers, opening the intermittent channel can leave the permanent retailer no worse‐off while increasing the manufacturer's profit. We identify the regular and discounted wholesale prices and the threshold quantity at which the manufacturer should give the discount. We also identify the optimal retail prices. We find that opening the intermittent channel increases the profit of the manufacturer, is likely to decrease the average retail price and to increase sales, and may increase the permanent retailer's profit. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 505–528, 2016  相似文献   
喀什师范学院是一所民汉合校,少数民族大学生和汉族大学生在总体学习拖延水平上有些许差异,在学习任务方面表现出较多的拖延行为;少数民族大学生总体学习拖延情况不严重,在性别方面不存在显著性差异,而在学科和年级方面存在显著性差异。对民族大学生的学习拖延应引起足够的重视,以便采取相应措施帮助民族大学生减少拖延行为,养成良好的学习习惯。  相似文献   
In this article, we consider a generic electronic product that can be remanufactured or recycled at the end of its life cycle to generate new profit. We first describe the product return process and then present a customer segmentation model to capture consumers' different behaviors with respect to product return so that the retailer can work more effectively to increase the return volume. In regard to the collaboration between the retailer and the manufacturer, we explore a revenue‐sharing coordination mechanism for achieving a win‐win outcome. The optimality and sensitivity of the critical parameters in four strategies are obtained and examined both theoretically and numerically, which generate insights on how to manage an efficient consumer‐retailer‐manufacturer reverse supply chain, as well as on the feasibility of simplifying such a three‐stage chain structure. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   
In financial engineering, sensitivities of derivative prices (also known as the Greeks) are important quantities in risk management, and stochastic gradient estimation methods are used to estimate them given the market parameters. In practice, the surface (function) of the Greeks with respect to the underlying parameters is much more desired, because it can be used in real‐time risk management. In this paper, we consider derivatives with multiple underlying assets, and propose three stochastic kriging‐based methods, the element‐by‐element, the importance mapping, and the Cholesky decomposition, to fit the surface of the gamma matrix that can fulfill the time constraint and the precision requirement in real‐time risk management. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
近年来,全国各级公安消防部门为有效防控重特大火灾事故、确保火灾形势稳定,发起了治理火灾隐患的战役。打好战役,必须讲方法、讲韬略。《孙子兵法》是一部伟大的军事著作,共分13篇,在其中选取部分精辟的观点,试述其对加强和改进消防工作的指导作用。  相似文献   
边防情报在公安边防部门开展对敌斗争,维护沿边沿海地区政治、社会稳定和预防打击犯罪中发挥着越来越重要的作用。对边防情报进行科学管理,更好地发挥边防情报的服务功能,需要对边防情报资源管理模式进行优化。引入知识管理模式,以期实现边防情报资源管理模式的优化。  相似文献   
随着海洋开发的日益增加,水下航行器的研究也进入了快速发展阶段,如何保证航行器在水下恶劣环境中可靠工作成为急待解决的问题,尤其对于超远航程和超长航时的航行器,其航行过程中难免会发生意外错误,因此在保证性能的同时,如何提高水下航行器的容错能力成为近年来研究的一个热点问题.提出了一种基于冗余管理(Redundancy Management)理论的水下航行器容错控制方案,方案有效利用了航行器中各传感器的冗余性,减少了硬件设备的增加,降低了成本,并利用有限元状态机方法进行了Matlab程序仿真,结果表明,整个方案设计合理,容错控制律真正达到了"容错控制"的目的.  相似文献   
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