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在人民法院行政机关申请强制执行的情况下,人民法院所行使的权力并不是行政强制执行权,而是司法强制执行权。事实上,在这种情况下,是司法强制执行权代替行政强制执行权。这种替代以两者在功能上的相似性为基础,以司法权对行政权的制约为必要。  相似文献   
运用统计能量分析法解决高频声振问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了得出统计能量分析法的适用范围和成功应用的关键因素,应用模态理论对系统的输入功率和耦合损耗因子进行了研究,挖掘了统计能量分析法中“统计”的更深层次的含义.通过对统计能量分析法原理的分析,提出增大系统的特征尺寸和系统阻尼、增大分析带宽和采用宽带激励均可提高统计能量分析的精度.  相似文献   
基于柔性基础的双层隔振系统概率灵敏度分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对基于柔性基础的双层隔振系统的功率流传递特性进行了分析,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS计算了传递到基础的功率流,并用概率灵敏度分析方法研究了功率流对隔振系统给定参数的灵敏度,为双层隔振系统的优化设计奠定了基础.  相似文献   
舰艇编队协同反导决策是一个多阶段多目标的决策系统,依据模糊权距离和隶属度概念,考虑系统中各阶段的协同关系,提出基于火力分配环协同度的概念,将模糊优选理论与动态规划原理有机地结合起来,寻求基于舰艇编队协同反导的多阶段多目标优化的最优均衡策略,并应用于解决舰艇编队协同反导决策的优化中,得出了具有指导意义的结论。  相似文献   
简要论述了先进防弹复合材料在舰艇装甲防护中的应用 ,针对中小型舰艇设置轻型复合装甲的目的 ,进一步论证分析了舰艇轻型复合装甲的防御目标和防护部位 ,并结合典型防御目标———导弹爆炸破片的杀伤威力进行了计算分析  相似文献   

This paper seeks to critically appraise Africa's position within the United Nations Security Council from the inception of the UN in 1945 until the end of 2010, spanning the entire history of the world body. A few factors make such an appraisal a useful exercise. These include the ongoing debates about the reform of the Council in particular and the UN as a whole, and the growing interest that many African students and observers of and actors in international relations seem to have developed in recent years in the working of the world body. In this appraisal, emphasis will be placed on the origin and rationale behind the establishment of the Security Council as well as the use of the veto power by its permanent members, with a special reference to Africa.  相似文献   
This study was designed to examine the influence of gender and age on attitudes toward professional ethics among a sample of the Nigeria police officers. Using a cross-sectional survey, data was collected from a total of 163 participants. Results revealed that gender and age were significant predictors of unethical beliefs; female and older police participants were also more ethical than their male and younger counterparts. These findings were discussed in the context of socialization theory, Gilligan's moral development theory and other organisational practices, while its practical implications for the recruitment, selection and placement in the Nigeria police were also emphasized.  相似文献   
Since 2000, international organisations such as the UN, NATO and the EU, but also countries, have started to apply what has been called the comprehensive approach to crisis management. This article unpacks this comprehensive approach implemented by the Dutch in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan. It first borrows and expands a conceptual framework developed by De Coning and Friis. Subsequently, it maps the different sorts of coherence in the mission by applying the framework. It shows how in practice there was not one single comprehensive approach, but many different forms of interaction between a number of organisational units. Each interaction had its own distinct issues and its own level of coherence. The level of coherence differed depending on the level at which the interaction took place – strategic at headquarters level versus operational at field level – and at what point in the mission it happened – in most cases it moved towards more cohesion.  相似文献   
对飞翼布局飞行器的发展脉络进行了梳理,涵盖了从其早期的进化史到现阶段的研究进展,并对未来的发展方向进行了思考和展望。同时,论述了飞翼布局飞行器的几个主要控制难点,具体包括:宽速域非线性状态下的姿态控制问题、多效应耦合下的高精度自主起降控制问题、气动模型近似及强扰动状态下的鲁棒控制难题,以及因多舵面冗余而引起的控制分配问题。此外,还深入讨论了当前重点研究的飞翼布局飞行器的流动控制问题,并对接下来主动流动控制技术的研究动向进行了阐述。  相似文献   
目前,以阿富汗为中心的"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透活动日益加剧,并呈现出组织化、专业化和国际化趋势,地处"金新月"边缘的我国新疆地区深受其害,毒品案件不断上升,恐怖势力以毒养恐的趋向愈发明显,对我国边境安全构成了极大的威胁。加强禁毒情报工作,打牢禁毒工作基础;提高管控能力,严防毒品渗透;加强堵源截流工作;加强国际禁毒合作;严厉打击毒品犯罪是解决"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透的有效途径。  相似文献   
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