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以网络中心战价值链的分析为核心,对指挥控制系统的地位特点及仿真与评价的必要性进行了论证,在此基础上,从"忽略或淡化"、人在回路中、专家系统、基于Agent的方法及基于Swarm的方法5个角度对智能行为建模领域的研究进展进行了分析,同时从"基于能力"及"基于优势"两个视野对指挥控制系统指标体系的构建方法及相应架构进行了剖析.  相似文献   
越肩发射的研究现状和发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
越肩发射就是本机利用机载火控系统控制机载空空导弹攻击尾后敌机的一种新型的攻击方式。越肩发射分为两种发射方式:一种是导弹向前发射,在空中转弯,然后去攻击后方的目标,叫做前射;另一种是导弹直接向后发射,去攻击后方的目标,叫做“后射”,也叫“后向攻击”。从1993年越肩发射被公开报道,并引起人们的注意,至今已经11年。国内外越肩发射的研究已经取得了很多成果。介绍了目前各国越肩发射的发展情况,重点评述了各种越肩发射的实现方法,总结了目前三个研究方向的工作,即前射、后射和工程化,认为越肩发射会在导弹控制、制导律和火控系统三个方面展开工作,并展望了越肩发射研究工作的未来。  相似文献   
对设计的一种多通道武器控制台的可靠性进行了预估分析.采用元器件计数法和元器件应力分析法,得出了模块级的失效率.按照系统串联结构的可靠性框图,计算出系统的失效率、平均无故障工作时间等可靠性指标.结果表明,预计值满足了系统规定的使用要求.  相似文献   
利用ADAMS软件建立了轴对称推力矢量控制伺服机构的虚拟样机,分析了4个关键设计点对伺服作动器运动时的交连干扰、正负摆角的不对称性以及驱动力臂波动的影响,完成了伺服机构布局方案的优化,为伺服机构布局方案的设计提供了精确的分析模型。  相似文献   
A rule that constrains decision‐makers is enforced by an inspector who is supplied with a fixed level of inspection resources—inspection personnel, equipment, or time. How should the inspector distribute its inspection resources over several independent inspectees? What minimum level of resources is required to deter all violations? Optimal enforcement problems occur in many contexts; the motivating application for this study is the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in support of the Treaty on the Non‐Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Using game‐theoretic models, the resource level adequate for deterrence is characterized in a two‐inspectee problem with inspections that are imperfect in the sense that violations can be missed. Detection functions, or probabilities of detecting a violation, are assumed to be increasing in inspection resources, permitting optimal allocations over inspectees to be described both in general and in special cases. When detection functions are convex, inspection effort should be concentrated on one inspectee chosen at random, but when they are concave it should be spread deterministicly over the inspectees. Our analysis provides guidance for the design of arms‐control verification operations, and implies that a priori constraints on the distribution of inspection effort can result in significant inefficiencies. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
以多维六角形节块中子动力学程序HENKO的理论模型为基础,研制成功六角形组件的反应堆多维瞬态分析程序系统,提出了一种处理控制棒尖点问题的方法.通过VVER一号国际基准问题的验算,验证了本程序的正确性.  相似文献   
基于神经网络的离散变结构控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统研究了基于神经网络的离散变结构控制系统设计方法,提出了几种具体设计方案.神经网络的引入可以使滑模(变结构)控制具备学习与自适应能力,使控制信号得以柔化,从而能够减轻或避免困扰常规滑模控制器的抖振现象,改善控制效果.  相似文献   
In this paper, we extend the results of Ferguson M. Naval Research Logistics 8 . on an end‐product manufacturer's choice of when to commit to an order quantity from its parts supplier. During the supplier's lead‐time, information arrives about end‐product demand. This information reduces some of the forecast uncertainty. While the supplier must choose its production quantity of parts based on the original forecast, the manufacturer can wait to place its order from the supplier after observing the information update. We find that a manufacturer is sometimes better off with a contract requiring an early commitment to its order quantity, before the supplier commits resources. On the other hand, the supplier sometimes prefers a delayed commitment. The preferences depend upon the amount of demand uncertainty resolved by the information as well as which member of the supply chain sets the exchange price. We also show conditions where demand information updating is detrimental to both the manufacturer and the supplier. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
针对战场快速物资运输的指挥控制问题,提出一种基于线性规划的方法。根据供求双方物质的供应和需求总量、地理空间上的位置以及运输工具的运载能力等信息,制订一个满足供求双方物资总运载量,并以运送所有物资耗费时间为最小的优化目标,改进了传统运输问题模型。仿真分析表明,该方法为实现战场物资快速运输的指挥控制提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
当前公安现役部队院校开展心理调控工作日益成为人们关注的焦点,它关系到和谐警营的创建、学员心理品质的优化和部队战斗力的提高等重大现实问题。为此,必须建构公安现役部队院校心理调控机制,从领导、内容、管理和运行等方面规范公安现役部队院校的心理调控工作,以促进公安现役部队院校的全面建设。  相似文献   
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