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舰空导弹武器系统作战效能评估综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在舰空导弹武器系统作战效能评估研究现状基础上,分析武器系统作战效能评估的关键研究方向,如作战效能评估方法及模型、作战指挥效能评估、武器系统使用可用性评估、人机系统可靠性评估、武器系统生存能力评估、任务完成程度评估、武器系统战场抢修研究等,展望了该研究领域的发展动向。  相似文献   
根据防空作战的实际,分析了传统算法在计算防空火力单元射击有利度过程中存在的局限性,引入了防空火力单元可射击系数、电磁环境修正系数这两个参数,并结合高炮、地空导弹武器系统的差异,对防空火力单元可射击系数、电磁环境修正系数这两个参数的具体计算方法进行了介绍。在此基础之上,对传统算法进行了改进,提高了防空火力单元射击有利度计算算法的合理性和科学性。  相似文献   
防空反导一体化雷达是新时期解决隐身飞机、弹道导弹威胁的主要手段,通过研究国外防空反导一体化雷达的发展状况,总结出防空反导一体化雷达的性能需求以及技术发展趋势,并为我国防空反导一体化多功能雷达系统的发展提出部分建议.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of September 11, 2001 and Hurricane Katrina, the United States government has spent tens of billions of dollars to improve the nation's ability to respond to a natural disaster or terrorist attack, but the emphasis on immediate first response has left many long-term environmental, political, and technological challenges unaddressed. Although a dirty bomb attack is unlikely to yield the same amount of physical devastation and death as caused by Katrina or a nuclear weapon, the social, psychological, and economic impact would be enormous. At present, however, the United States lacks the technology necessary to decontaminate a large, densely populated urban area under time, political, and economic constraints. This article reviews past cleanup experiences and current decontamination capabilities to consider the long-term implications of a dirty bomb, identifies weaknesses in America's existing response capabilities, notes possible areas of political friction, and considers the implications of the failure to adequately prepare. Having the appropriate decontamination techniques established and long-term plans in place before an incident occurs will significantly improve the government's ability to protect public and environmental security, establish a viable decontamination strategy, allow residents to return to their homes, and get the local economy back on its feet.  相似文献   
Based on the first-person account of coauthor Pierre Billaud, a prominent French participant, this article describes for the first time in such detail the history of the development of the French hydrogen bomb in the 1960s and the organization of military nuclear research in France. The authors illustrate the extent to which French defense and governmental authorities did not support research on thermonuclear weapons until 1966. Billaud, a project insider, relates the historical episodes that led to France's successful 1968 thermonuclear test, including the names of the individuals involved and how a timely tip from a foreign source hastened the success of the first H-bomb test.  相似文献   
离心式消防泵在运行过程中常常会因各种故障而影响其正常运转,甚至不能实现水、泡沫等灭火剂的供给。因此,提高离心式消防泵运行的可靠性是紧急状态下保证火场供给能力的重要举措。结合离心泵的结构原理,综合分析了离心式消防泵在使用过程中的常见故障,给出了离心式消防泵故障的快速诊断方法,并有针对性地提出了预防和处置离心式消防泵故障的措施。  相似文献   
空战是空军的基本作战手段,研究空间信息支援下的空战效能对明确空军装备的需求,搞好空军装备和航天装备体系的规划论证与顶层设计具有重要的现实意义.对空间信息支援下的我方战斗机空战效能进行了分析,建立了效能评估模型,并利用算例进行计算,对计算结果进行了对比分析.  相似文献   
激光制导炸弹投放域分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某型激光制导航空炸弹为例,进行了三维动态数字仿真研究.建立激光制导炸弹空间六自由度运动方程组,激光制导炸弹控制系统数学模型和控制信号的形成模型,用拟合技术求解气动力因数,仿真计算了水平投放时的投放域,并对影响攻击区边界的因素和影响制导精度的因素进行了分析和讨论.对激光制导炸弹的研制提出了几点建议.  相似文献   
建筑消防供水系统中,当消防水箱不能满足静压要求时,应设增压设施。给出了稳压增压装置气压罐调节容积及气压罐容积的计算方法,分析了水枪和喷头实际出水量大于规范中的额定值、工况点的选择和增压水泵的出水量等规范中存在的问题。  相似文献   
在分析低成本防空导弹概念和需求的基础上,探讨了防空导弹武器系统的成本分解结构和对成本价格的敏感因素,研究了实现低成本的可行性、必要性及其与陆军防空装备体系建设的关系。  相似文献   
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