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In order to improve the energy level of fuel air explosive(FAE) with delayed secondary igniters, high energetic metal powders were added to liquid fuels mainly composed of ether and isopropyl nitrate. Metal powders' explosive properties and reaction mechanisms in FAE were studied by high-speed video, pressure test system, and infrared thermal imager. The results show that compared with pure liquid fuels, the shock wave overpressure, maximum surface fireball temperature and high temperature duration of the mixture were significantly increased after adding high energetic metal powder. The overpressure values of the liquid-solid mixture at all measuring points were higher than that of the pure liquid fuels. And the maximum temperature of the fireball was up to 1700 ℃, which was higher than that of the pure liquid fuels. After replacing 30%of aluminum powder with boron or magnesium hydride, the shock wave pressure of the mixture was further increased. The high heat of combustion of boron and the hydrogen released by magnesium hydride could effectively increase the blast effect of the mixture. The improvement of the explosion performance of boron was better than magnesium hydride. It shows that adding high energetic metal powder to liquid fuels can effectively improve the explosion performance of FAE.  相似文献   
In the context of restricted budgetary resources and the growing cost of maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) activities, a major issue for modern armed forces is to sustain defense platforms. A possible method consists of realizing economies of scale through the concentration of maintenance activities, which involves the spatial reorganization of existing industrial sites dedicated to MRO. This article provides a formalized framework to discuss the optimal organization for the MRO of defense platforms in space. The public planner organizes the maintenance of defense platforms with only two possible spatial configurations. In the dispersed configuration, two industrial production units in charge of the maintenance optimally cover space, whereas in the concentrated configuration, a unique industrial unit covers space. Focusing on the tipping point between the two configurations, the balance of forces between agglomeration and dispersion in defense support activities is described and discussed. On the one hand, economies of scale provide an opportunity to optimize defense support costs, favoring concentration in a unique industrial unit. On the other hand, space causes dispersion to reduce both transport costs and operational social costs. This trade-off illustrates a general principle in spatial economics with an application to MRO production in the French case.  相似文献   
The French defense policy has been considered unique among western countries. This policy relies on the concept of ‘strategic autonomy’, which is based on nuclear deterrence, autonomy of action, independence of defense industry, and arms exports. From an economic perspective, it implies major consequences both at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. Given its importance, it is crucial to use economic expertise to provide insights on defense policy.  相似文献   
双机空战的仿真与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用矩阵博弈理论、计算机仿真的方法研究了空战过程,使双机的空中格斗阶段─目标的跟踪、射击、弹道计算及射击效果的评定连续化,并用FORTRAN─77语言编程在计算机上进行了F_A、F_B两种飞行的空战,仿真结果与实际情况基本一致。本程序具有通用性,可对不同种类的飞机及武器系统的性能作出定性和定量的分析和评估。  相似文献   
介绍了一个用于空-空多目标攻击数字仿真的分布式操作系统MTA-OS的设计思想、系统结构、组成及主要功能。  相似文献   
温妮  傅中力 《国防科技》2017,38(1):077-081
推动军民融合深度发展,是党的十八届三中全会提出的明确要求,也是当前和今后一段时期国防科技工业一项重大战略任务。作为传统的制造业大省和军工大省,湖南省推动军民融合已具备较好的"产学研"基础。为促进湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展,紧贴制造强省战略,分析了湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展面临的形势要求,阐述了湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展的重点领域,给出了推动湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
国防动员任务规划为执行动员保障任务提供明确的方案计划,是高效有序开展国防动员协同保障的重要前提和关键环节,既要综合考虑各类影响因素,又要确保对接结果适时、适量、适地、适度.本文分析了动员任务规划的现实问题,通过梳理实际开展动员任务规划的阶段步骤,明确了动员任务规划模型的研究内涵和边界;在此基础上,建立了国防动员任务规划...  相似文献   
空中目标战术意图层次推理框架及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以提高对空态势感知能力为目的,着眼于构建以专家系统为特征的目标意图推理决策支持系统,首先根据目标意图的含义从意图、行动和状态三个层次进行了层次表示,并简要分析了实现意图推理的六种途径.根据空中目标的作战使用等领域知识将其意图从属性类型、战术类型、威胁类型和任务类型四个层次进行了分解.基于意图推理输入信息的分布性特征以及意图的层次分解建立了基于判定树的意图层次推理框架以及数据驱动的推理控制机制.该框架为建立空中目标战术意图的推理实现方法提供了重要的依据.  相似文献   
ZHANG Xiao 《国防科技》2018,39(1):005-008
党的十九大报告把军民融合发展战略作为七大国家战略之一,明确提出要"更加注重军民融合"。必须将交通领域军民融合视作整个军民融合深度发展的重要突破口,建设军民融合大交通体系。提出以新形势下军事战略方针为统揽,以军民深度融合为途径,聚焦保障军队打赢,大力推进民用交通设施工具贯彻要求;依托国家路网基础,大力推进军地交通运输网络统筹纳入;强化应战应急一体,大力推进各种交通力量建设互补衔接;着眼战略投送能力,大力推进军民交通物流体系有机结合。  相似文献   
章桂韶 《国防科技》2018,39(3):092-095
通过摘取法律法规中体现国防专利优先性的法律规范,阐明国防专利分别在国防专利申请阶段和国防专利实施阶段的优先性。对国防专利在专利制度中的优先性进行法理学分析,从国内国防建设的角度论证国防专利优先性的原因,通过研究美国和俄罗斯的国防专利制度来分析国防专利具有一定优先地位的合理性。文章对我国国防专利在专利制度的优先性提出发展建议,在国防专利申请阶段,国防专利要加大对国防专利权人的补偿力度,同时设立专门机构对普通专利进行国防专利审查。国防专利实施阶段要完善定密解密制度,发挥市场在国防专利向普通专利转换中的关键作用。  相似文献   
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