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South Korea is threatened by its troubled relationship with North Korea. North Korea possesses a large cache of missiles as well as chemical and biological weapons, and the future potential to mount nuclear weapons on its missiles. The United States is also challenged because of its defense commitments to Seoul. As a countermeasure, the United States and South Korea decided to deploy Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defenses in South Korea. However, China has objected. Chinese scholars believe the THAAD radar would be able to track Chinese inter-continental ballistic missiles, thereby weakening their deterrent. A technical analysis does not support this assertion. However, it is vital for South Korea, given its proximity and economic interdependence, to reassure China. South Korea should highlight that THAAD will be deployed by the United States Forces Korea and is not a commitment by Seoul to become part of U.S.-led missile defenses in the Asia-Pacific.  相似文献   
基于空战指标间复杂的影响关系,引入概率影响图,并结合指标间重要程度的比较对飞机空战能力进行客观评估。利用空战信息流图,依据作战结果计算能力指标值与发生概率,构建空战模型的概率影响图;定性分析能力指标间的影响关系,定量计算综合影响权重;综合考虑比较权和影响权,计算空战能力值。结果证明,影响关系在空战能力评估中占有很大比重。  相似文献   
In marked contrast with previous decades, defense issues in Argentina have started to receive increasing political attention over the last few years. The main goal of this article is to account for this new found interest in defense policy. The article contends that this revival could be accounted for by both the implementation of a neo-developmentalist strategy and a type of control that emphasizes civilian oversight over the armed forces. Both factors have promoted the implementation of policies that favored an increase in the military budget, the reconstruction of the defense industry and the establishment of a new military doctrine. This article evaluates the impact of factors that have not been previously considered by the literature on defense attention in South America.  相似文献   
Some scholars would have us believe that the distinctions between military and policing roles, methods and objectives have become increasingly blurred by the security demands of a post-Cold War and post-11 September global and domestic order. This article explores the current state of the police–military divide through a conceptual and case study analysis. It concludes that, in this case, there is some conflation occurring at a macro-level as international and domestic affairs have become increasingly indistinct, but the article also demonstrates that the actual ethos and practice of these agencies still differs strongly. Most importantly, the article argues that this distinction is in fact a very useful one in planning for future peace support operations  相似文献   
军事指挥自动化系统是部队作战指挥的核心体系,是敌军重点打击的对象。信息化战争的到来对部队指挥自动化系统的信息安全提出了严峻的挑战。针对该系统在未来战争中可能将面对的信息攻击,从战略上提出了解决的建议和意见,力图提高系统的信息安全性和可靠性,保障指挥自动化系统对部队的指挥控制能力。  相似文献   
针对飞行器在线航迹规划问题展开研究,提出了一种实时航迹搜索算法。该方法将飞行器的运动与航迹搜索结合在一起,可以有效地调节搜索的时间,满足在线实时应用的要求。通过在限定的时间内扩大寻优范围,该算法可以有效地避免不可行区域,并使生成的航迹更加优化。实验结果表明,算法能有效地处理各种航迹约束,实时地生成满意的三维航迹。  相似文献   
根据闭式循环柴油机推进装置(CCDAIP)的废气处理要求,研究提出了旋转式二氧化碳吸收器的填料内径、外径、轴向高度的估算数学模型,并对用水吸收二氧化碳的吸收器填料设计尺寸进行了操作安全性校核.  相似文献   
潜艇面临的威胁及潜空导弹   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着网络中心战的发展,潜艇出海作战将面临更大的威胁。着重分析了潜艇的空中威胁,概述了国外装备和正在研制的潜空导弹,并对其进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   
根据国内风洞的情况,比较了超声速地空导弹的飞行条件与风洞模拟能力的差距,分析了热环境风洞实验中应采用的相似准则,以及实验数据的处理方法。  相似文献   
封锁式防空和阻击式防空一般采用火力区相互接壤而形成链式防空,链式防空用于疆土防御.根据防空系统的任务和规模(国土防空、部队战场防空、海上舰队防空)以及入侵方式、武器性能特点的不同.基于随机理论建立了敌方采用同类武器组成链式防空体系,攻击机采用火力对抗条件下的国土突防模型.对基于随机理论的攻击机突防链型国土防空系统效能进行了一些假设和简化,建立了初步的效能模型,提供了一个分析的思路和方法.  相似文献   
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