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从中西方不同的思维方式在汉英互译过程中产生的影响展开讨论,进而探讨由于中西方不同的思维方式在汉英互译过程中,在语言上呈现出的主要差异,指出学习和掌握中西方不同思维方式如何作用于各自的语言,对汉英互译的准确性有很大帮助。  相似文献   
马克思在研究亚洲或东方社会的状况时,提到亚细亚生产方式的概念,对此概念的严格定义则不是马克思关注的焦点,他的关注点集中在东西生产方式的区别上,以及当时东方社会为何遭受到西方社会的打击,并在此基础上为包括东方国家在内的落后国家寻找一条出路。然而,后人却对亚细亚生产方式概念进行了各种各样的论争,这虽有时代背景上的原因,也有诸多理论上的原因,无疑也背离了马克思探讨亚细亚生产方式的原意。可是另一方面,通过对亚细亚生产方式的研究和争论,有助于了解包括中国在内的亚洲国家的历史和现状。了解自身历史的生产方式,以及和西欧生产方式进行对比,对于现代化进程中的中国有着很大的借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   
李文哲  宋佳平  刘林宇 《国防科技》2018,39(3):069-071,095
本文分析了反潜无人艇在打造新型水下作战体系、夺取水下空间控制权中的现实军事需求,对反潜无人艇担负的作战任务及典型作战模式进行研究,并针对任务实际提出了反潜无人艇的能力需要。  相似文献   
Based on fuzzy adaptive and dynamic surface (FADS), an integrated guidance and control (IGC) approach was proposed for large caliber naval gun guided projectile, which was robust to target maneuver, canard dynamic characteristics, and multiple constraints, such as impact angle, limited measurement of line of sight (LOS) angle rate and nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. Initially, a strict feedback cascade model of IGC in longitudinal plane was established, and extended state observer (ESO) was designed to estimate LOS angle rate and uncertain disturbances with unknown boundary inside and outside of system, including aerodynamic parameters perturbation, target maneuver and model errors. Secondly, aiming at zeroing LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate in finite time, a nonsingular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) was designed with adaptive exponential reaching law. Furthermore, combining with dynamic surface, which prevented the complex differential of virtual control laws, the fuzzy adaptive systems were designed to approximate observation errors of uncertain disturbances and to reduce chatter of control law. Finally, the adaptive Nussbaum gain function was introduced to compensate nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. The LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate were convergent in finite time and whole system states were uniform ultimately bounded, rigorously proven by Lyapunov stability theory. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) and digital simulation experiments both showed FADS provided guided projectile with good guidance performance while striking targets with different maneuvering forms.  相似文献   
近距格斗规避方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空中格斗过程中,当歼击机处于有利位置时,飞行员应操纵歼击机进行机动飞行以便能采用一定的攻击方式攻击目标飞机,当飞行员判断出空战态势对其不利时,往往采用一定的规避机动方法躲避敌机的跟踪和攻击。文中重点阐述了歼击机在空对空格斗状态下常用的几种规避机动方式:逃逸法、保持航向正切法和终端消极偏差法,给出了其定义,分析了其主要的运动特征,并对规避路线运动学方程及边界等运动特性进行了一定的研究。  相似文献   
高层建筑火场供水问题是灭火救援能否取得成功的关键,对其供水方式进行研究具有重要意义和紧迫性.按“固、内、外”三个类别,从固定设施、移动装备、现场环境和人员等方面,就现有高层建筑常用供水方式的优缺点进行论述,并结合供水方式的优缺点,就供水车数量确定、水带铺设方式、移动供水装备选用、熟悉演练等方面提出建议,以期提高高层建筑供水水平.  相似文献   
结合工程实践,对不同连接模式下潜艇作战系统体系结构与可靠性作了较深入的探讨,对高可靠性系统的特征及关键技术作了较全面论述  相似文献   
针对金属类MEMS机构可靠性水平较低且没有标准化的可靠性试验方法的现状,提出将强化试验方法引入金属类MEMS机构的可靠性研究中.确定强化试验的内容为温度循环、随机振动和冲击试验,并分别设计试验剖面.选取MEMS惯性开关作为典型器件开展试验研究,试验结果表明,所设计的可靠性试验能够有效激发MEMS机构的潜在缺陷,温度应力易引起MEMS器件层间产生疲劳效应,而振动和冲击应力则易引发器件结构性损坏;环境应力对MEMS机构具有疲劳累积效应,经历较多试验类型的样本较经历较少试验类型的样本更容易失效;惯性开关的主要失效模式是分层和变形,这2种失效模式在金属类MEMS机构中具有代表性.  相似文献   
Feature extraction is an important part of signal processing, which is significant for signal detection, classification, and recognition. The nonlinear dynamic analysis method can extract the nonlinear characteristics of signals and is widely used in different fields. Reverse dispersion entropy (RDE) proposed by us recently, as a nonlinear dynamic analysis method, has the advantages of fast computing speed and strong anti-noise ability, which is more suitable for measuring the complexity of signal than traditional permutation entropy (PE) and dispersion entropy (DE). Empirical wavelet transform (EWT), based on the theory of wavelet analysis, can decompose a complex non-stationary signal into a number of empirical wavelet functions (EWFs) with compact support set spectrum, which has better decomposition performance than empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and its improved algorithms. Considering the advantages of RDE and EWT, on the one hand, we introduce EWT into the field of underwater acoustic signal processing and fault diagnosis to improve the signal decomposition accuracy; on the other hand, we use RDE as the features of EWFs to improve the signal separability and stability. Finally, we propose a novel signal feature extraction technology based on EWT and RDE in this paper. Experimental results show that the proposed feature extraction technology can effectively extract the complexity features of actual signals. Moreover, it also has higher distinguishing ability for different types of signals than five latest feature extraction technologies.  相似文献   
建设海洋强国战略目标、建设强大海上军事力量需要探索中国特色的装备体系建设新模式。针对未来信息化战争体系对抗的特点,在研究中外武器装备体系建设经验基础上,提出了海上军事力量装备成体系建设的新模式,并讨论了海上军事力量装备成体系建设的有关问题。  相似文献   
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