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为研究子弹圆环内均匀散布的情况子母弹对圆目标的毁伤概率,首先研究子弹散布范围覆盖圆目标的面积,然后用概率分析的方法推导出了子弹单圆环均匀散布下子母弹单发射及相关射击对圆目标的毁伤概率计算公式,并讨论了子弹多环均匀散布下子母弹毁伤概率的计算方法。算例表明子弹双圆环内均匀散布时,子母弹对圆目标的毁伤概率要略高于子弹单环对圆目标的毁伤概率。  相似文献   
本文根据电波传播及通信的理论,利用了现有的实测参数图表,分析并估算了×××电台进行数据传输的实际能力,即最大有效数传距离和抗噪声干扰性能.所得的数值及结论与实际条件下的通信实验结果相当接近.对一般战术电台都有适用意义.文章探讨了跳频工作的抗干扰性,有助于人们认清跳频抗干扰的实质,以减少一些盲目性,并能更合理地运用不同工作方式完成通信任务.  相似文献   
为科学评估合成部队战斗力水平,在准确量化作战行动的基础上,设计定义了39个作战能力最小数据集,抽象出快速反应、情报侦察、指挥控制等11种专题作战能力评价体系。以该标准采集的数据为样本, 运用集对-层次分析法实现了合成部队作战能力的综合评估。最后以火力打击能力评估模型为例,验证了该方法的有效性实用性。  相似文献   
G=(V,E)是简单连通图,用G—v表示从G中删除v以及与v相关联的边所得到的图,ir_n(G)表示G的n—irredundance数,证明了下列不等式: ir_n(G—v)≥(ir_n(G) 1)/2这个结果推广了Favaron的相应结论。  相似文献   
基于集对分析的航材保障效能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航材保障是航空兵部队技术保障的物资基础,其效能直接影响空军武器装备的作战效能.应用集对分析方法在确定随机系统中的某一特性上具有同异反定量刻画的特点,通过建立各系统航材保障效能评估指标的集对,据此对航材保障效能进行评估,最后得出一组合理的评估结果.  相似文献   
以无伞末敏子弹为背景,分析了描述大攻角飞行弹丸横向运动和角运动的运动变量,建立了大攻角情况下弹丸所受非线性空气动力和空气动力矩的模型,推导出了复数形式的弹丸横向运动与角运动方程。数值积分计算表明,弹丸在特定非线性空气动力和力矩作用下,能够形成所需形式的扫描运动,证明所建力学模型正确合理,可以用于无伞末敏子弹动力学特性的分析与计算。  相似文献   
在未来的海战中,小口径舰炮可能要多次抗击来袭的空中目标.在最后一次抗击中,很可能会出现剩余弹药不再满足整个射击航路段所需的弹药数这种情况.此时如何合理地确定射击方法将对小口径舰炮武器系统的射击效果产生直接的影响.在现有战术软件的基础上,提出压缩开火距离数学模型,可以明显提高小口径舰炮武器系统,对空中目标尤其是导弹目标的命中概率.  相似文献   
Safety of underground ammunition storage is an important issue, especially during the accidental ignition of missiles. This work investigates the pressure and temperature distribution of the multi-layer underground ammunition storage with a pressure relief duct during the accidental ignition process of the missile. A large-scale experiment was carried out using a multi-layered restricted space with a pressure relief duct to simulate the underground ammunition store and a solid rocket motor to simulate the accidental ignition of the missile. The results show that when the motor gas mass flow increased by 5.6 times, the maximum pressure of the ammunition storage increased by 5.87 times. At a certain motor flow rate, when the pressure relief exhaust area at the end of the relief duct was reduced by 1/2, the maximum pressure on the first layer did not change. But the rate of pressure relief was reduced and the time delayed for the pressure of ammunition store to drop to zero. In this experiment, when the motor ignition position was located in to the third layer ammunition chamber, the maximum pressure was reduced by 32.9% and also reduced the rate of change of pressure. In addition, for the experimental conditions, the theoretical analysis of the pressure relief of the ammunition storage is given by a simplified model. Based on the findings, some suggestions to the safety protection design of ammunition store are proposed.  相似文献   
This study investigates the ricochet behaviour of three different small-arms projectile types using a novel ricochet measuring device.The results can be used to estimate the danger potential of ricochets on shooting ranges.A ricochet is the change of direction and velocity of a projectile after impacting an oblique surface.This impact produces strong vibrations on a rigid plate.During this impact,flexural waves travel radially outwards from the point of impact.These waves are used to determine the properties of the impactor with accelerometers situated on the target surface.With the use of two measurement plates,one can produce a ricochet and detect the velocity at the same time.Accelerometers are suitable for accurate momentum measurements of single impacts.However,depending upon strike velocity and the impact angle,a ricochet can separate in multiple fragments after being deflected.From the operational safety perspective,these fragments need to be detected,as well.The approach of a coupled sensor concept was chosen to solve this problem.Thermographic sensors were additionally used to visualise the heat which is produced after pene-trating a rubber layer pasted in front of the steel target plate.With this approach one was able to detect the position of impact.The investigations showed that the measurement system performance is better with a multiple sensor design,which includes accelerometers for the velocity,impact strength and partly the position measurement,while the thermographic sensor was used for the position measurement and partly the momentum measurement.The investigated ammunition showed plausible fragmentation behaviour,and the results can already be used to estimate the danger potential of different ammunition types.Frangible projectiles fragment to small particles already after being deflected under a small angle.However,Full Metal Jacket projectiles with or without a steel core do not fragment under angles which are less than 5°.The objective of the paper is to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the complex ricochet me-chanics of small projectiles using standard accelerometers with the adequate signal processing approach.This measuring system is supported by an off the shelf thermographic camera.  相似文献   
追击炮射击时可能会发生弹药重复装填,常常导致膛炸等严重事故,迫击炮防重装装置可有效防止该类事故发生。分析对比了光电式、电磁式、机械式3种技术方案的工作原理、技术特点,设计了一种安全可靠、能够适应各种复杂恶劣环境的机械式迫击炮防重装装置,详细介绍了其结构设计、工作原理和技术性能。  相似文献   
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