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论我国海上执法力量的整合与构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行的海上执勤执法体制存在种种弊端,国家迫切需要建立一支近能管理、远能维权、平战结合的海上执法力量及其管理机构,以此来抵御非军事入侵、维护海洋权益和实施海洋管理。运用科学发展观和比较分析法,提出从战略发展、与国际接轨、依法治国和整合成本四个方面,构建我国以海警为主的海上执法力量。  相似文献   
在军事斗争中,我军应准确把握法律战的含义,使军事斗争与法律战有机结合。在信息化战争条件下,法律战正面临着前所未有的挑战。法律战只有与舆论战、心理战相结合,才能发挥出“三战”整体效益。军事优势是法律战获胜的前提和关键。武警部队应结合军事工作的基本特点,努力提高法律战的作战能力。  相似文献   
In contrast with a widespread perception of Russia as an expansionist power in the Arctic, this article argues that Moscow does not seek military superiority in the region. Rather, Moscow's military strategies in the Arctic pursue three major goals: first, to demonstrate and ascertain Russia's sovereignty over its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in the region; second, to protect its economic interests in the High North; and third, to demonstrate that Russia retains its great power status and still has world-class military capabilities. The Russian military modernization programs are quite modest and aim at upgrading the Russian armed forces in the High North rather than providing them with additional offensive capabilities or provoking a regional arms race. The Russian ambitions in the Arctic may be high, but they are not necessarily implying the intentions and proper capabilities to confront other regional players by military means. On the contrary, Moscow opts for soft rather than hard power strategy in the Arctic.  相似文献   
案例教学在国外较为流行,哈佛大学商学院、法学院等一些高级专业课程已经取得较大成功。我国高等院校已经基本普及,军队院校案例教学也取得一定成果。执勤案例库可以有效提高学员对勤务理论知识的理解和掌握;运用案例库进行案例教学能增强教学针对性、提升实战能力;执勤案例库可以培养学员分析判断、综合处理复杂问题的能力。所以,必须重视武警执勤案例库建设,并充分运用案例库进行教学。  相似文献   
随着武警部队编制体制的不断调整,士官教员逐步成为院校人才教育的重要组成部分。武警院校应发挥士官教育的优势,不断健全士官教员的培养机制、科学合理的管理模式,使士官教员成为新型军事人才培养的有力推手和有益补充,进一步科学提升武警院校学员满足第一任职的需求及院校教育的发展。  相似文献   
Over the past few years there is an apparent re-regionalization of al-Qaeda activity, intensified by the ongoing Middle East turmoil. Its main characteristic is a trend towards the abandonment of focoist strategies and their replacement by more popular-based ones. This article aims at evaluating their capacity to implement such a strategy shift and sustain the required level of violence. As a means of evaluating this capacity, this article proposes the use of a DIME (diplomatic, informational, military, and economic) framework, which will hopefully provide an alternative angle of theorizing and understanding ‘armed non-state actors’ (ANSAs). The model is applied in the case of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which appears to have effectively developed the military and informational dimensions, due partly to its own prowess and partly to the Yemeni state's weaknesses and the shortcomings of counterinsurgency. In contrast, the economic and diplomatic dimensions suffer from the lack of resources and the anti-systemic nature of AQAP.  相似文献   
随着国际形势的不断变化,维和工作也日益复杂,对维和警察的基本素质提出更高的要求,在这种需求的基础上特提出了“一要、二增强、六懂、六会、五掌握”的训练要求。  相似文献   
在联合国任务区执行任务的中国维和警察,展示的是我国警察的整体形象,这就要求维和警察不仅要具备较强的业务素质还要具备较高的政治素质。因此,维和警察的政治考察工作尤为重要。阐述了政治考察工作的必要性和几个重要环节,对政治考察工作提出了构想。  相似文献   
为确立装甲机械化部队信息系统建设的体系结构,分析了装甲机械化部队信息系统存在的问题,根据装甲机械化部队军事能力需求得出了装甲机械化部队的信息系统的体系结构方案,并就相关问题进行了描述和探讨,可供装甲机械化部队信息系统建设参考。  相似文献   
校园文化作为武警院校内部的精神环境,像一种无形的模具,从外在形式到内在心理,形成军校学员共同的政治价值观与政治理想,使每一位成员都成为军队责任感和荣誉感的承担者,从而真正凸显了“文化强警”这一时代主题。“校园文化建设”更应成为春潮涌动的巨大“引擎”,在文化强警的大潮中迎风破浪。  相似文献   
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