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This survey article deals with defence spending in West Germany from 1960 on, and the resulting manpower levels and major weapons of the Federal Armed forces, focusing on macro‐economic aspects. Statistics compiled from a variety of published and unpublished sources are presented in 16 tables. An econometric defence‐spending function is derived for the period. For comparison, the equivalent data of East Germany from the last years is also presented. The small set of developments in the next few years that can be predicted firmly are discussed.  相似文献   
We identify the causal effect of a reduction in military personnel on a number of socioeconomic indicators within the peripheries of military bases. The base realignments and closures in Germany are used as an exogenous source of variation that allows us to identify the effect of a demand shock on household income, output, unemployment, and tax revenue within a specified buffer zone around each base. The analysis covers 298 communities for the period 2003–2007. Consistent with evidence found elsewhere, we find that these base adjustments have only a marginal impact on the local community in which the bases are located.  相似文献   
To manage their assets at an enterprise level, defense organizations have turned to portfolio theory for the planning, analysis and management of their military forces and materiel. Despite being well established in the commercial sector, the application of portfolio approaches in defense is problematic. The vexatious question for defense of how to define and measure benefits arising is complicated by the increased utility and effectiveness achieved through networking of military forces and the equipment they use. The authors discuss the challenges for defense in using a portfolio approach and propose a conceptual model for dealing with the effects arising from networking with information and communications technologies.  相似文献   
科学的危机传播包括危机预警传播、危机应急传播和危机善后传播.公安现役部队危机预警传播应以人为本,常态化传播危机预警信息;危机应急传播应体现人文关怀;危机善后传播应进行社会心理疏导,发掘并弘扬人性的善与美.  相似文献   
结合实地调研,分析了环京消防部队在首都重大活动消防安保工作中面临的形势任务和主要风险,从抓实"责任链"工程、"防火墙"工程、"一体化"工程、"生命线"工程等方面探讨了环京消防部队做好首都重大活动消防安保工作的对策。  相似文献   
为实现中国梦和强军梦,全军和武警部队正在掀起进一步推动部队训练向实战靠拢、院校教育向部队靠拢的热潮。对于武警院校来讲,就是要紧紧扭住“能打仗、打胜仗”这个强军之要,通过提高认识、创新指导理念、健全机制,切实推动院校向部队靠拢。  相似文献   
随着建设现代化武警部队的逐步推进,各警种部队信息化装备不断发展,引进和研发了许多不同类型、不同规模的信息系统。如何合理整合运用这些系统使之尽快生成应急救援能力,是当前部队和院校面临的重大课题。建设警种部队应急救援信息系统,发挥信息系统优势向“能打仗、打胜仗”聚焦,是实现统一指挥、快速反应、科学用兵、科学施救、密切协同的根本保证。  相似文献   
政治理论教学作为传授党的创新理论的主阵地,在强军目标“三进入”中发挥着举足轻重的作用。扎实推进强军目标“三进入”,必须坚持把培养高素质军事人才作为根本要求,积极搭建教学平台,不断拓展基本途径,从而不断提升“三进入”的质量效果。  相似文献   
领导干部要有强烈的问题意识,是习主席在全面深化改革中提出的新要求。领导干部作为军队改革的推动者、组织者、实施者,所处地位十分重要,其问题意识的强弱直接影响改革成效。把握问题意识的科学内涵,就是要用系统论的观点,从正确地对待问题、敏锐地发现问题、辩证地分析问题和科学地解决问题四个方面加以理解。军队领导干部增强问题意识,应做到坚定理想信念,服从服务大局,破解单位建设难题,密切联系群众。  相似文献   
基于空基平台的TBM助推段拦截可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究对TBM目标进行空基助推段拦截的作战可行性,设计了空基反TBM的拦截作战过程。在此基础上,从拦截时序、拦截作战距离、拦截方式和拦截弹末速度要求、拦截时空综合等4个方面详细分析了空基助推段拦截TBM的可行性,同时建立了拦截可行性分析计算模型;最后,对拦截可行性进行了仿真验证。从而为空基反导武器装备发展和作战使用研究提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
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