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以伊拉克战争为背景,介绍了美军及北约的战术数据链发展情况、技术概要,重点论述了不同时期的战术数据链在技术体制上的差异,以及由此可能导致互联、互通和互操作的分析.最后,结合我军的一些现状,在汲取外军教训的基础上,提出我军在战术数据链建设方面的一些建议.  相似文献   
天基信息支援下区域反导组网作战各系统实现互连、互通、互操作的关键是战术信息分发系统,而该系统中存在着多种类型的数据链路,这些链路之间又存在着各种约束条件,因此科学合理的对这些链路进行规划是系统实现的重要工作之一.建立并提出了天基信息支援下区域反导组网作战战术信息分发系统数据链路的规划模型和一种新的解算方法,为该系统数据链路的规划提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
当前公安现役部队机关在管理方面还不同程度地存在着不到位及越位问题,分析问题产生的原因,提出充分发挥机关管理效能应采取的对策,对机关服务和保障基层建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   
详细介绍了俄罗斯海军中小型水面舰艇装备使用的新型作战情报指挥控制系统,试图为我国从事相关研究的人员提供一些系统设计、系统集成方面的新鲜思路和方法.  相似文献   
结合消防部队实际并具体到近年来消防部队的信息化建设工作,就现代信息化建设在消防部队中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决方法,对当前消防部队的信息化建设工作有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

When on the wrong end of an asymmetry in the projection of hard power, weaker sides countenance the grim arithmetic of avoiding direct and massed confrontations. Invariably, insurgents have over the ages tended to employ indirect tactical methods to render their stronger opponents ineffective. Ultimately – interest asymmetry, regime type, asymmetries of strategy, and external intervention – combine in a complex interplay and pattern, to militate against a strong side. In Sudan, these factors interacted throughout the civil wars to produce regional autonomy and finally an independent South Sudan in 2011. Similar strategic logic had confronted many large African states battling insurgencies in Ethiopia, Angola, Nigeria, Zaire, and apartheid-era South Africa. Oftentimes, weakening public resolve has caused these governments to accommodate, capitulate or withdraw even if they try not to blink. Notwithstanding the regime type, it can be concluded that the majority of strong actors are prone to fail in a protracted, asymmetric conflict. Hence, the notion of linking victory in counterinsurgency to the degree of openness (democratic polyarchies); or closeness (totalitarianism) – is still valid but highly contestable in the case of Africa’s large dysfunctional states.  相似文献   
集中说明了虚拟技术在系统建模、计算机系统以及组网连接上的应用,重点探讨了在虚拟技术基础上构建初级分布式战术C3I系统体系结构的原理和方法。是文献〔1〕的续文  相似文献   
公安边防部队的士官学历教育尚在起步阶段,任重而道远。各级领导应着眼部队长远建设,确立优先发展的战略地位;应立足部队现实需要,设置学科专业;应根据岗位任职需求,确定课程体系,突出实用性;应适应教学任务的要求,完善管理与保障体系。  相似文献   
首先介绍了联合战术信息分发系统(JTIDS)的一般概念,进而针对它的抗干扰措施———直接序列扩频的扩频码的优选及扩频图案的设计,提出了合适的算法,并用C语言在微机上仿真实现。实验结果证明优选的码字质量高,生成速度快,此方面的仿真实现逼近JTIDS,有利于对JTIDS进行深入研究,从而对它实施有效干扰。  相似文献   
Since the peace agreements of 2002–2003 which ended the second war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, reconstruction of the army has been an inherently political process, in common with other attempts to carry out security sector reform (SSR). This article briefly sketches out the Congolese army's history, then attempts to fill a gap in the literature on Congolese SSR by detailing what can be found of the actual structure and shape of the present army. The efforts that have been made to reform the army are then examined, followed by a conclusion which examines the major issues and possible ways forward.  相似文献   
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