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基于CML模型的编队器材携带方案优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随船备件配置优化问题研究目前主要集中在只有定量或定性约束上,而对既有定性约束又有定量约束的混合约束问题未见文章提及,同时研究对象多为单船,而对舰艇编队研究比较少。针对此问题,以舰艇编队出海任务准备阶段为背景,以保障费用、舰艇仓库空间、舰艇最大排水量及舰员维修能力作为模型的约束条件,以编队备件保障概率为目标函数,采用正态逆向云模型、边际效应法及拉格朗日乘子法(称为CML模型)对此类问题进行求解,给出系统资源因子求解步骤及分析方法,并对本模型进行动态调整和优化。实例分析表明本模型求解方法和步骤可以为多个定量和定性约束下舰船备件携带问题提供新的参考。  相似文献   
为客观描述光电成像系统激光干扰效果,提出目标区域局部特征和图像质量相结合的干扰效果评估算法。图像的局部特征用特征点描述,图像质量用结构相似度指数描述。该算法利用特征点匹配算法确定场景图像中的目标区域,计算干扰前后目标区域内特征点数量的变化、干扰后目标区域内未饱和面积所占的比重以及目标区域内图像的结构相似度指数,并将上述各参数相乘得到最终的评价指标。利用该方法对典型激光干扰图像进行评估,结果表明:在不同入射功率和不同光斑位置情况下,所提评估指标比单独使用结构相似度的评估指标具有更大的取值范围和更明显的非线性变化特征。这说明:该指标能够反映光电成像系统激光干扰过程的丰富细节,更加适合激光干扰效果的评估。  相似文献   
在真空背景下的实验表明,当微秒量级的强脉冲激光与靶材相互作用时,由于靶材的升华,激光维持爆震波依然存在。爆震波产生的压缩波传入靶内,该应力波的作用是材料破坏的重要因素。而强脉冲激光引起的汽化反冲压力、热应力和烧蚀破坏也是不可忽视的因素。实验还表明,在真空背景下维持爆震波足以将后续激光屏蔽。  相似文献   
将形成性评估恰当地运用到大学英语课堂,能显著改善教学效果,有效弥补当前武警“合训”院校大学英语教学与测试的一些不足。从分析大学英语教学中的形成性评估的重要性着手,指出形成性评估中存在的问题及原因,并提出了一些设想和方案。  相似文献   
听、说、读、写是语言学习者必备的技能,而位居首位的听力,往往成为许多学生的绊脚石。仅仅靠有限的《英语听力》课堂时间,无法从根本上提高学生的听力水平。根据建构主义理论,听力的提高很大程度上要靠学生课后自主学习。而学生《英语听力》课程自主学习能力和效果的提高,取决于教师的课堂指导、书面作业及口头作业的选择。  相似文献   
使用my Evalvid-NT仿真软件,选取封包延迟、画面延迟、封包抖动率和画面抖动率4个指标对多媒体网络的视频传输效果进行仿真。经过仿真计算后得到的可解画面比例与理论值非常接近。  相似文献   
在通过三相胞元方法求解出的复合材料有效刚度基础上,将三相胞元置于有效介质氛围中,且有效介质与复合材料具有相同弹性常数;根据有效自洽理论对受单轴拉应力作用的复合材料进行局部应力场分析,理论结果表明:只有考虑存在脱粘界面时,颗粒增强复合材料局部应力场具有明显的尺度效应,其应力值还与脱粘界面含量有关;基体承载的应力要小于外载应力,颗粒内纵向应力要大于外载荷,对基体材料起到了强化的作用,这与实际情况相符合。  相似文献   

In 2011 a wave of revolutionary movements, the so-called Arab Spring, spread in the Middle East and North Africa. Libya was one of the most affected countries, ending Gaddafi’s dictatorship after an international intervention and a civil war. This paper assesses the effects that this revolution had on Libyan economy. The analysis is made by means of the synthetic control method. Our estimates for the 2011–2014 period show (i) a cumulative loss in the growth rate of per capita real GDP of 64.15%; (ii) a cumulative loss in per capita real GDP of 56,548 dollars; and (iii) a cumulative loss in the aggregate real GDP of 350.5 billion dollars.  相似文献   
When a penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE) impacts on a reinforced concrete (RC) target, the target is damaged with a large opening. An understanding of how PELE projectile parameters affect the opening dimension, is essential for effective design of the PELE projectile. In this study, under the condition that the impact velocity and target parameters (strength and thickness) were fixed values, the important influence factors of the PELE (jacket wall thickness B, jacket material strength Y1, filling material strength Y2 and angle of monolithic jacketθ) were determined by a dimensional analysis. Tests and simulations of the PELE penetrating the RC target were conducted to analyze the influence of these factors on opening diameter ((D), an equivalent diameter under relative kinetic energy). Based on the test and simulation results, it is found that the influence of these factors B, Y1 andθon the deformation mode of the jacket shows a similar trend:as values of the three factors decrease, the jacket deforms from small bending deformation to large one, and then to curling deformation. This causes the opening diameter to first increase with the decrease of these three factors, and then decreases. It is well known that the bending resistance of the jacket is related to these factors B, Y1 andθ. Therefore, a plastic limit bending moment (M0) of the jacket was quoted to characterize the influence of these factors on the bending deformation of the jacket and the opening diameter of the target. The influence factor Y2 causes (D) to first increase with the increase of Y2, and then decreases. A formula was developed to predict the opening diameter, whose influence parameters were considered in a dimensionless way. It has been shown that the dimensionless opening diameter (D)/d1 is dependent on two dimensionless parameters Q = (d31fc/M0) and G = (fc/Y2), where d1 and fc are the outer diameter of the projectile and the compressive strength of the target, respectively.  相似文献   
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