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蚁群算法在无人机航路规划中的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
蚂蚁算法是一种新的源于大自然生物界的仿生随机优化方法。吸收了昆虫中蚂蚁的行为特征,通过其内在的搜索机制,在一系列组合优化问题求解中取得了成效。将蚁群算法应用于无人机(UAV)航路规划,提出了一种适用于航路规划的优化方法,可以为在敌方防御区域内执行攻击任务的无人机规划设计出高效的飞行航路,保证无人机以最小的被发现概率及可接受航程到达目标点,提高了无人机作战任务的成功率。仿真结果初步表明该方法是一种有效的航路规划方法。  相似文献   
在分析水下航行器路径规划影响因素及主要障碍物特点的基础上,提出了一种基于几何算法的水下航行器路径规划算法,并采用该算法对障碍物进行建模和路径规划研究,解决了水下航行器航经多障碍物海区的路径规划问题.最后,通过仿真试验验证了该算法的准确性与可行性.  相似文献   
We present a tactical decision model for order acceptance and capacity planning that maximizes the expected profits from accepted orders, allowing for aggregate regular as well as nonregular capacity. The stream of incoming order arrivals is the main source of uncertainty in dynamic order acceptance and the company only has forecasts of the main properties of the future incoming projects. Project proposals arrive sequentially with deterministic interarrival times and a decision on order acceptance and capacity planning needs to be made each time a proposal arrives and its project characteristics are revealed. We apply stochastic dynamic programming to determine a profit threshold for the accept/reject decision as well as to deterministically allocate a single bottleneck resource to the accepted projects, both with an eye on maximizing the expected revenues within the problem horizon. We derive a number of managerial insights based on an analysis of the influence of project and environmental characteristics on optimal project selection and aggregate capacity usage. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
针对舰载对陆巡航导弹在实际飞行中,其航迹需要参考近似大地线的航线,在充分考虑导弹由海对陆的航路规划过程基础上,提出了易于编程、精度有所改进的空间两点间大地距离的计算方法。该方法在考虑高程的地球椭球模型参数的求取基础上,利用Bowring反解公式重新推导了顾及高程的空间航路点间的计算公式。相关算例表明,该方法提高了导弹规划航路点间距离的计算精度且易于工程实现。  相似文献   
基于CPN建模的行动方案开发与分析系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
协助和支持军事计划人员制订和分析作战计划的建模与仿真能力是军方的现行需求,而行动方案的开发与分析则是作战计划建模与仿真的重点。针对作战计划过程期间开发的军事任务的排序与调度问题,设计了一个行动方案开发与分析系统,系统采用客户机-服务器体系结构,运用基于有色Petri网建模的军事计划领域的概念表示法,并使用状态空间分析技术完成军事任务的自动化排序与调度。军事计划人员通过图形用户界面使用系统,在面对紧急突发事件时,可以快速及时地开发出适当可行的COA,并对COA进行逻辑可行性分析。  相似文献   
借助兵力交换的思想,从宏观层次上研究不同类型的防空导弹火力单元对空中目标的优化分配问题;分析在最优目标分配策略下区域防空中各类型防空导弹火力单元的火力分配问题,并建立了递阶优化的求解模型.该模型可为区域防空部署的决策与分析提供科学依据.  相似文献   
We consider the scheduling of large‐scale projects to maximize the project net present value given temporal and resource constraints. The net present value objective emphasizes the financial aspects of project management. Temporal constraints between the start times of activities make it possible to handle practical problem assumptions. Scarce resources are an expression of rising cost. Since optimization techniques are not expedient to solve such problems and most heuristic methods known from literature cannot deal with general temporal constraints, we propose a new bidirectional priority‐rule based method. Scheduling activities with positive cash flows as early and activities with negative cash flows as late as possible results in a method which is completed by unscheduling techniques to cope with scarce resources. In a computational experiment, we compare the well‐known serial generation scheme where all activities are scheduled as early as possible with the proposed bidirectional approach. On the basis of a comprehensive data set known from literature containing instances with up to 1002 activities, the efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
摘 要:任务规划是舰载无人机作战使用的基础。根据舰载无人机作战性能特点,从作战使用的角度对舰载无人机任务规划的概念进行了诠释,提出将舰载无人机的任务规划区分为战术规划和航迹规划,给出了舰载无人机任务规划应遵循的原则以及任务规划的内容和步骤,提出了舰载无人机在驱护舰编队对海作战中可遂行的战术任务。  相似文献   
We consider a generalization of the well‐known generalized assignment problem (GAP) over discrete time periods encompassed within a finite planning horizon. The resulting model, MultiGAP, addresses the assignment of tasks to agents within each time period, with the attendant single‐period assignment costs and agent‐capacity constraint requirements, in conjunction with transition costs arising between any two consecutive periods in which a task is reassigned to a different agent. As is the case for its single‐period antecedent, MultiGAP offers a robust tool for modeling a wide range of capacity planning problems occurring within supply chain management. We provide two formulations for MultiGAP and establish that the second (alternative) formulation provides a tighter bound. We define a Lagrangian relaxation‐based heuristic as well as a branch‐and‐bound algorithm for MultiGAP. Computational experience with the heuristic and branch‐and‐bound algorithm on over 2500 test problems is reported. The Lagrangian heuristic consistently generates high‐quality and in many cases near‐optimal solutions. The branch‐and‐bound algorithm is also seen to constitute an effective means for solving to optimality MultiGAP problems of reasonable size. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
In this article, we consider shortest path problems in a directed graph where the transitions between nodes are subject to uncertainty. We use a minimax formulation, where the objective is to guarantee that a special destination state is reached with a minimum cost path under the worst possible instance of the uncertainty. Problems of this type arise, among others, in planning and pursuit‐evasion contexts, and in model predictive control. Our analysis makes use of the recently developed theory of abstract semicontractive dynamic programming models. We investigate questions of existence and uniqueness of solution of the optimality equation, existence of optimal paths, and the validity of various algorithms patterned after the classical methods of value and policy iteration, as well as a Dijkstra‐like algorithm for problems with nonnegative arc lengths.© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 66:15–37, 2019  相似文献   
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