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比例原则是边防行政执法的一项重要指导原则,对于实现边防行政执法的公平与正义,保护边防行政执法相对人的合法权益,节省社会资源,提高边防行政执法的效率,促进政府职能转变,乃至构建和谐边境都具有重大意义;在边防行政执法中贯彻比例原则,主要从规范边防行政执法、加强监督、规范自由裁量权、完善救济途径等方面入手。  相似文献   
军事法学基础理论研究水平的高低,直接反映了这一学科理论创新发展的程度.基础理论研究的不断深化,有助于促进学科理论体系趋于成熟和完善.近年来,军事法学基础理论研究不断深入发展,在诸多方面取得了重要研究成果.军事法学研究者围绕军事法的概念与调整范围、军事法的独立部门法地位、军事权、军事法体系以及军事法学研究方法等学科基础问题进行了富有成效的创新研究,有力提升了军事法学理论研究的学术水准,将军事法学研究推进到新的发展阶段.  相似文献   
公安现役部队遂行非战争军事行动训练规律,是指客观存在于部队训练诸要素之间的本质的必然联系.其主要包括:任务牵引、理论先导、科技强训、以人为本、训战结合规律.认识部队军事训练规律、遵循军事训练规律,对于加强公安现役部队军事训练工作,提高部队军事训练盾量,不断推动部队军事训练发展,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
针对自行火炮海上自动间瞄瞄准问题,分析了海浪对火炮身管扰动的规律,建立了相应的数学模型,对火炮随动系统进行了功率需求分析和优化设计,并在特定海况条件下进行了仿真。分析和仿真结果表明,在现有火炮的基础上,针对海浪扰动适当增加随动系统的输出功率,对随动系统进行改进设计,根据火炮位置变化实时更新射击诸元,可以使火炮在海浪扰动条件下达到间瞄射击所要求的瞄准精度。  相似文献   
任务在执行过程中受到各种因素的影响,任务时间可能会偏离预定计划,在资源数量有限的情况下,由于要满足时间的约束,往往会出现时间重叠而发生资源冲突。消解这种资源冲突的一个最直接的方法是及时调整任务计划时间消解潜在的资源冲突。针对任务执行过程中冲突消解人工决策耗时较长的问题,设计了一种基于STN的任务在执行过程中的自动消解方法,通过案例仿真,证明方法是可行的,并且能够比人工决策方式节约时间。  相似文献   
根据大量的模拟钢铁冶金企业的实体火灾的试验数据和工程设计经验,提出细水雾灭火系统的消防解决方案,并对该系统在实际应用过程中所可能出现的问题进行了专项研究,提出应对措施。  相似文献   
自动喷水灭火系统投入运行后,系统的可靠性则依赖于运行管理,运行管理质量的好坏,决定了自动喷水灭火系统在规定的条件下和规定的时间内完成设计赋予的规定功能的能力。介绍了自动喷水灭火系统水源设施,即消防水池、消防水箱和水泵接合器日常的检验维护,为保证自动喷水灭火系统的正常运行提供了简便可行的方法。  相似文献   
Interpreting the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, by Daniel H. Joyner. Oxford University Press, 2011. 192 pages, $100.  相似文献   
International law clearly requires an imminent threat of attack as a justification for the preemptive use of military force. However, the standard definition of an imminent threat was derived centuries before the development of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons or ballistic missiles and other delivery systems that can reach their targets in a matter of minutes. Any use of force to alleviate threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD) prior to tactical warning of the actual launch of such weapons falls into the legally and ethically controversial category of “anticipatory self-defense,” leaving decision makers potentially liable to prosecution for war crimes. Effective and ethical enforcement of nonproliferation therefore demands a standard for imminence of threat broad enough to allow military action as a last resort but sufficiently restrictive to prohibit indiscriminate action against suspected WMD programs. Following a critical review of selected literature and cases on preemption, the author proposes a new standard for preemptive military action: the existence of operational WMD, or a clandestine program to develop WMD, in contravention of international law. The author discusses the implications of this new proposed standard, which at the time of writing would permit preemptive attack against WMD-armed terrorist groups but prohibit it against all states except Iran and possibly North Korea.  相似文献   
This essay explores the obligations arising from the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, signed in Palermo, Italy at the end of 2000. It also discusses the initiatives required to prepare the legal system and related infrastructure of Zimbabwe for its implementation. Zimbabwe joined more than 120 other countries in signing the Palermo convention, but has not yet ratified it. The ratification would enshrine the latest initiatives to develop effective strategies against transnational organised crime. The Palermo convention makes demands on the laws and institutions of states parties which could enhance their capacity to confront organised crime. Ratification signifies competence to implement the prescribed obligations, which can only occur after introducing suitable domestic laws, and adopting the necessary administrative mechanisms. The required reforms are bound to have certain policy and legislative implications for Zimbabwe. Regional initiatives complementary to the Palermo convention are expected to catalyse positive changes in Zimbabwe's response mechanisms.  相似文献   
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