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干扰暴露区及干扰扇面等传统评估指标对静态干扰部署可以进行有效评估分析,对机动干扰掩护难以进行准确描述分析。为有效评估电子对抗航空兵随队支援干扰能力,以及准确进行航空兵突防编队配置及干扰力量需求分析,引入了干扰掩护区的概念,并建立相关模型进行仿真计算,得出3条电子对抗随队支援航空兵突防的运用启示。  相似文献   
为提高航空装备不安全事件的预测水平,减少事故造成的人员和财产损失,将灰色灾变与回归分析方法有机结合,提出一种航空装备不安全事件的组合预测方法。该方法先从数据中找出灾变点(灾变发生的日期),通过建立这些灾变点的灰色灾变模型预测未来灾变点,再对这些灾变点上的值构建灰色预测模型,计算出未来灾变点的灾变值;而对于非灾变点,可建立合适的回归分析模型进行预测。为验证其可行性,在某飞行训练基地的航空装备不安全事件频数的数据基础上,建立了灰色灾变回归组合预测模型,结果表明,模型对2001年~2004年预测的相对误差平均控制在6.87%以内,所建立的组合模型,能够比较客观地反映航空装备安全的未来实际状况。  相似文献   
Few issues were as contentious in the development of the Soviet Navy as the role of aircraft carriers and sea-based aviation. Despite the continued insistence by the highest naval authorities and scientific experts that surface combatants simply could not be protected in the open ocean without the support of ship-borne aviation, Soviet leaders – for a variety of reasons – resisted aircraft carrier development until the final decades of the Cold War. In examining one of the most defining and telling asymmetries of the Cold War at sea, the author argues that while the USSR was economically and technologically capable of building aircraft carriers of any class, bureaucratic infighting, misperceptions of cost and practicality, and the inherent flaws of a totalitarian system ultimately created an impossible gap in capabilities between the two sides. The priorities and direction of Soviet weapons and defense technology development during the Cold War was largely a factor of the military-political situation taking shape at home, and in the world. As a rule, the navy was assigned missions that corresponded to its capabilities at a given point in time, rather than the other way around. Often, the navy lacked the material resources needed to implement its core mission. The availability of these resources, in turn, depended on the country's economic situation, its scientific potential, the technological state of its industry, as well as the subjective influence of political and military leaders on the priorities of technological development. The impact of the country's socioeconomic imperatives was undoubtedly also felt in the sluggish pace of development of ship-borne aviation and aircraft carriers in the USSR.  相似文献   
对V型12缸柴油机缸盖振动燃烧段信号与缸内压力进行了时域对比,分析了失火时的缸盖振动响应,研究了供油规律随转速变化情况。分析表明缸盖振动中包含喷油器针阀落座的振动响应,研究了基于短时能量动态双阈值端点检测提取针阀落座响应时间特征的方法,利用振动信号的峰值加速度来表征针阀落座的强度。在不同工况及不同状态下提取了针阀落座时间及强度的振动特征,结果表明:振动特征能够有效反映针阀的工作情况,可以用于燃油喷射系统故障的诊断。  相似文献   
运用CFD方法,模拟计算了在反应堆棒状燃料元件包壳表面加装纵向涡产生器(LVG)后,燃料棒、气隙、包壳和冷却剂的温度场和冷却剂的流场。计算时采用分块结构网格对带LVG的计算区域划分网格,使用SSTk-ω模型模拟冷却剂的湍流流动,对于控制方程和湍流方程的离散采用二阶格式以保证计算精度。计算结果表明:加装LVG后,包壳和冷却剂间的换热有所改善,燃料棒、气隙和包壳的最高温度有所降低。在LVG附近,燃料棒、气隙、包壳和冷却剂温度均会出现一个峰值,然后急剧下降。冷却剂流动的湍动能突然增强,有效地增强了冷却剂的横向流动,经过LVG后,湍动能逐渐减弱,横向流动速度也逐渐减小。  相似文献   
为解决载机军舰远洋作战时所需的航空燃油按时补给问题,建立了带有自动调节系统的载机军舰航空燃油分段接力式补给的预测模型。对航空燃油分段接力式补给进行研究,采用系统动力学方法,构建影响补给船队补给效率的各元素因果回路图与存量流量图及预测模型,并以系统动力学软件Vensim PLE 5.9为平台进行建模仿真。运行结果表明,该模型在扰动条件下能进行航空燃油分段接力式补给趋势的预测,可为航空燃油分段接力式补给方案的制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   
装备战场抢修是保持和恢复战斗力的重要方法,而抢修时间对战场抢修的效果有着重要影响,甚至直接影响着战争的进程。准确预测并确定装备的抢修时间有利于战场指挥员合理分配抢修力量,有针对性地开展抢修工作,以最大程度地保持和恢复装备战斗力,使战伤装备尽快重新投入战斗。以航空装备某电子系统为例,建立了战场抢修时间的计算模型,并对模型进行求解,实例证明,该方法对于预测并确定战场抢修时间提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   
To improve the thermal properties of aluminum (Al) in the energetic system, a coated structure with ammonium perchlorate (AP) was prepared by a facile approach. And N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) was chosen as an ideal solvent based on heterogeneous nucleation theory and molecular dynamics simulation. This coated structure could enlarge the contact area and improve the reaction environment to enhance the thermal properties. The addition of AP could accelerate oxidation temperature of Al with around 17.5 °C. And the heat release of 85@15 composition rises to 26.13 kJ/g and the reaction degree is 97.6% with higher peak pressure (254.6 kPa) and rise rate (1.397 MPa/s). An ideal ratio with 15 wt% AP was probed primarily. The high energy laser-induced shockwave experiment was utilized to simulate the reaction behavior in hot field. And the larger activated mixture of coated powder could release more energy to promote the growth of shockwave with higher speed up to 518.7 ± 55.9 m/s. In conclusion, 85@15 composition is expected to be applied in energetic system as a novel metal fuel.  相似文献   
野外进行1.8kg的FAE静爆实验,采用不同配方的纯固态燃料和液一固混合燃料与等质量的TNT对比分析。实验结果表明,FAE的爆炸效果明显优于等质量的TNT,而纯固态FAE爆炸性能强于液一固混合FAE;FAE爆炸后测到的超压分布呈现单调减趋势,这是由于测量点都分布在云爆区范围之外;FAE的云雾分散效果优于等质量的TNT装药,火焰持续时间也长。通过高速摄影图片看出,合适配方的纯固态无约束的FAE弹体火球的持续时间与有约束的液一固混合FAE弹体相当。分析了纯固态FAE爆炸后超压峰值时刻与火球最大直径时刻不同步的原因,探讨了纯固态FAE一次起爆机理。  相似文献   
空地航空子母弹靶场效能分析建模研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了航空子母弹靶场效能评估模型,然后应用优化理论给出了子母弹靶场效能最优值,以该最优值作为子母弹武器设计的效能准则,具有简单、可比性好等优点.  相似文献   
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