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本文主要讨论应用象差自动校正技术时如何确定合理的初始结构;怎样正确使用结构参数自变量和选择恰当的自变量增量。  相似文献   
平视显示器中显示器的误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了目前装备的平视显示器中显示器的误差原因,重点分析了显示器中几种误差的形成及结果,并对误差影响较大的部分提出了补偿措施。  相似文献   

The United States and China are testing boost-glide weapons, long-range strike systems capable of flying at Mach 5 or faster through the upper atmosphere. For the United States, these systems would provide a conventional prompt global strike capability, which, together with US ballistic missile defense programs, Chinese experts regard as a threat to China's ability to conduct nuclear retaliation. This perception is encouraging the Chinese military to modify its nuclear posture in ways that tend to create greater risks for both sides. If China's own boost-glide systems are meant to carry nuclear payloads only, their deployment would not fundamentally alter the current situation between the two states. However, if they were conventionally armed or dual-purpose, or if the United States could not determine the payloads they carried, the deployment of Chinese boost-glide systems could compound problems of strategic stability created by the introduction of ballistic missile defense, antisatellite, and antiship ballistic missile capabilities. If the technical hurdles can be overcome, it may be difficult for the two sides to refrain from these deployments in the absence of strong mutual trust or an established arms-control relationship. New confidence-building measures and expanded mutual transparency are warranted to avoid creating new dangers.  相似文献   
在总脉冲量确定的情形下,在启控时间、总脉冲数、最小点火时间间隔及点火阈值等脉冲参数对末修弹落点散布的影响进行详细分析的基础上,利用数值仿真的方法,对比例导引模式、抛物线导引模式、落点预测导引模式、弹道追踪导引模式和zx导引模式等常用导引模式下的脉冲参数优化进行深入分析研究.  相似文献   
为研究气缸张开式尾翼工作原理,分析某型滑膛反坦克炮榴弹气缸充放气过程,建立尾翼弹在炮膛内的气缸压力模型,将其与炮弹底部气体压力、密度、温度等参量的变化规律相耦合,并对气缸压力模型进行可解性分析,得到一种求解气缸气体压力、密度等参数随时间变化的数值方法.  相似文献   
针对弹道导弹主动段防御中多枚弹道导弹同时跟踪问题,提出了基于多假设思想的主动段跟踪算法.重点阐述了该算法中假设生成、假设概率计算、假设约简以及假设剪枝等环节.从工程实用的角度出发,采用求解一个线性分配问题(LAP)方法得到M个最优假设,大大减少了假设数量,并运用N-scan回溯剪枝方法对假设进行剪枝,确定要输出的航迹,提高了算法的效率和实用性.仿真实验表明,该算法能够对主动段多枚弹道导弹目标准确关联跟踪.  相似文献   
介绍了国外导弹防御系统研制和部署过程中所考虑的进攻方可能采取的几种典型对抗措施,研究分析了对抗导弹防御系统的基本方法、技术和策略。通过使用大量诱饵或假目标、减弱弹头的雷达信号特征或红外特征、隐藏弹头的真实位置,以及进行弹头机动等一种或多种组合的对抗措施,可以有效对付那些使用外大气层碰撞杀伤拦截器的导弹防御系统。  相似文献   
为了实现某型单兵火箭的射击在陆军分队作战模拟仿真系统中的仿真模拟,运用数理统计理论对单兵火箭提前修正量进行分析研究,论证了单兵火箭的射程与提前修正量的一元线性回归分析的统计规律,给出了一元线性回归方程和提前修正量的置信区间,论证了在置信区间中的实际提前修正量的射击的弹着点符合正态分布的射击规律和散布律公式。根据得到的理论结果,指导模拟仿真系统对单兵火箭的射击进行仿真模拟。  相似文献   
通过分析载波估计频偏、信号长度对星座图恢复的影响,采用将长信号分割为短信号的方法减小频偏对星座图恢复的干扰,并通过旋转叠加修正的方法解决了由信号长度减小导致码元失去历遍性而带来的星座图恢复不完整问题,最后根据信噪比大小选取不同聚类算法进行聚类并再次修正,实现了星座图对称的幅相调制信号的星座图完整恢复。多次仿真表明,该算法对频偏估计精度的要求可以降低1~2个数量级,减小了参数估计的工作量,使因参数估计精度不高而带来的信号后续分析困难问题得到了良好解决。  相似文献   
Sixteen years after stepping out of the nuclear closet, India's nuclear posture, some of its operational practices, and hardware developments are beginning to mimic those of the original five nuclear weapon states. Several proliferation scholars in the United States contend that India's national security managers are poised to repeat the worst mistakes of the superpowers’ Cold War nuclear competition, with negative consequences for deterrence, crisis, and stability in South Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. This article takes a contrarian view. It dissects the best available data to show why the alarmist view is overstated. It argues that not only are the alarmists’ claims unsupported by evidence, their interpretation of the skeletal and often contradictory data threatens to construct the very threat they prophesize.  相似文献   
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