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随着装备体系化作战模式在军事活动中的深入运用,其表现出的优势已被世界军事强国高度关注,装备体系贡献率作为衡量装备成体系化建设与作战运用优劣程度的重要指标,已成为当前军事学术中研究的热点。系统梳理与归纳了国内外对装备体系贡献率评估需求、评估理论、评估方法的研究现状,总结出研究成果中存在的问题,为下一步开展装备体系贡献率研究指引方向。装备体系贡献率评估综述对开展装备体系贡献率研究工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
In this study, the approximate and exact solutions for the stationary-state of the solids model with neglecting reactant consumption for both non-uniform and uniform temperature systems were applied on gas ignition under a constant pressure condition. The criticality conditions for a slab, an infinite cylinder, and a sphere are determined and discussed using dimensionless temperatures under constant ambient and surface temperatures for a non-uniform temperature system. Exact solution for a Semenov model with convection heat loss was also presented. The solution of the Semenov problem for constant volume or density as a solid and constant pressure were compared. The critical parameter δ is calculated and compared with those of Frank-Kamenetskii solution values. The validation of the calculated ignition temperatures with other exact solution and experimental results were offered. The relation between critical parameters form Semenov and F.K. models solution was introduced.  相似文献   
As an essential component of ammunition, pyrotechnics can control ignition with high reliability. However, due to limits of fabrication technology, traditional pyrotechnics are bulky. To achieve both functionality and miniaturization, MEMS pyrotechnics integrate initiator, safety-and-arming (S&A) device and lead charge and keep all components within a small size. MEMS S&A devices, as the core component to ensure system safety, are difficult to achieve active and rapid response to control signals with high safety and reliability. In order to overcome the difficulty, we propose the design and characterization of a MEMS pyrotechnic with a double-layer barrier S&A device. The MEMS pyrotechnic is a high-integrated device with an overall size of 13.4 × 8.5 × 5.2 mm3. The initiator is a NiCr bridge foil covered with an Al/CuO energetic film, which can generate flame when ignited by an excitation voltage. To match the flame energy, lead styphnate is chosen in this study as the lead charge. The S&A device contains four semi-circular barriers, which are directly driven by V-shape electro-thermal actuators to gain active control of the pyrotechnics' ignition condition with rapid response. To improve the system's reliability, the four barriers are axisymmetrically placed in two layers, two barriers for each layer, to constitute a double-layer structure with a thickness of 100 μm. The ignition test results show that the S&A device can prevent the initiator from detonating the lead charge in safety condition. In arming condition, the lead charge will be detonated.  相似文献   
信息与通信技术是影响国家政治、经济和军事等重要领域的高精尖技术。本文认为,美国政府通过启动"301调查"和建立出口管制实体清单等多种方式对中国信息与通信领域实施技术封锁和产品禁运,将延缓中国信息与通信技术的发展进度,加大全球信息与通信技术产业发展的成本消耗,但同时也刺激并加快了中国信息与通信技术自主可控的转型步伐。据此,本文提出加强顶层设计和统筹谋划、营造自主可控的产业生态环境、加强专业化人才队伍培养、构建合作共赢的命运共同体,努力突破信息与通信技术封锁等几项措施,以期为我国信息与通信技术领域的发展提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
赵云  陈磊  张博 《国防科技》2018,39(5):048-052
国防科技能够为"一带一路"沿线国家的经济、政治、安全、科技、文明等方面的发展进步做出重要贡献,我国可以将核能、航空、航天、船舶等国防科技领域作为重点先导领域推进实施。要着眼面临的机遇与挑战,着重从促进战略对接、打造品牌优势、推进军民融合、加强人才培养和关注人文交流等方面搞好战略应对。  相似文献   
师玉朋  刘海林 《国防科技》2018,39(6):066-071
发展军民融合产业是各级政府落实军民融合发展国家战略的重要抓手之一。针对军民融合产业界定不清等问题,从理论研究和实践工作层面梳理既有观点及演变趋势,形成对军民融合产业的客观认识。在此基础上,剖析军民融合产业的属性特征,从指导实践工作角度出发提出三种界定军民融合产业范畴及相关统计工作的合理化思路,并提出建立两级联动工作机制、开展国家工业基础中国防科研生产能力普查工作、试点开展军民融合产业分类标准及指标体系建设工作、加强军民融合产业统计数据质量监测等政策建议。  相似文献   
Mechanical properties and microstructure of multifunctional composites produced with palm kernel shell ash nanoparticle (PKSAnp)-A356 alloy composites was studied. The composites were produced using Double layer feeding stir casting method (DLF-SCM) by adding 1 wt%‒4 wt.% PKSAnp. The microstructure, density, electrical and mechanical properties were determined. The results shows that there was a uniform distribution of the PKSAnp in A356 alloy. The mismatch at the interface between the PKSAnp and A356 alloy was 4.26%. Improvement of 30.47%, 41.91%, 49.52%, 40.90% and 65.09% were obtained for hardness values, tensile, yield strength, %elongation and impact energy at 4 wt% PKASnp. The work has established that the developed composites can be used for multifunctional applications where combination of toughness and strength is vital.  相似文献   
中国现代文学史的教学应该有文献史料运用的意识,在文学作品解读的基础上充分利用教材中所列的文献史料,并认真查阅,从文学史现象的历史和文学史叙述本身的过程中掌握现代文学史的知识脉络。同时也需结合时代发展下教材的编写特点和学生学习的新习惯,在互联网教学平台上使用编写者提供的文献史料资源,多方面、多层次地进入到现代文学史的教学中。  相似文献   
随着我国集装箱进出口贸易的迅猛增长和各地对偷渡活动严厉打击,不法分子开始尝试利用集装箱组织大规模偷渡,并渐呈上升和蔓延趋势,严重干扰了口岸正常的出入境秩序。从集装箱运输流程主要环节(装货、施封、存放、运输、装船)入手,通过分析当前海港口岸集装箱偷渡活动的特点及在集装箱管理过程中存在的问题,提出预防与控制集装箱偷渡的对策。  相似文献   
有机磷系阻燃剂的研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有机磷系阻燃剂因其高效、无烟、低毒、无污染等特点,备受研究者关注,在合成和应用等方面取得了显著成就。对近年来国内外有机磷系阻燃剂的合成及应用进展情况作了简要综述,并展望了有机磷系阻燃剂的发展方向。  相似文献   
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