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对士气内涵的揭示,一直是个见仁见智的问题。对军队士气的研究应当从外延着手分析,确定真正符合士气本质属性的取舍标准。文章着重澄清以下几个问题:是士气的影响因素还是士气本身;士气能否被科学地测量;士气是否具有跨情境的稳定性;士气能否对战斗力构成影响。  相似文献   
通过对光电跟踪仪安装时水平度调整方法的研究,提出了利用坐标变换算法,用以实现光电跟踪仪安装时水平度的快速调整.利用该算法不但可以减少安装时的测量次数,节约安装调整时间,而且提高了设备安装时的测量精度,具有广泛的推广应用价值.文中还对该方法的测量计算误差进行了分析.  相似文献   
This study investigates the ricochet behaviour of three different small-arms projectile types using a novel ricochet measuring device.The results can be used to estimate the danger potential of ricochets on shooting ranges.A ricochet is the change of direction and velocity of a projectile after impacting an oblique surface.This impact produces strong vibrations on a rigid plate.During this impact,flexural waves travel radially outwards from the point of impact.These waves are used to determine the properties of the impactor with accelerometers situated on the target surface.With the use of two measurement plates,one can produce a ricochet and detect the velocity at the same time.Accelerometers are suitable for accurate momentum measurements of single impacts.However,depending upon strike velocity and the impact angle,a ricochet can separate in multiple fragments after being deflected.From the operational safety perspective,these fragments need to be detected,as well.The approach of a coupled sensor concept was chosen to solve this problem.Thermographic sensors were additionally used to visualise the heat which is produced after pene-trating a rubber layer pasted in front of the steel target plate.With this approach one was able to detect the position of impact.The investigations showed that the measurement system performance is better with a multiple sensor design,which includes accelerometers for the velocity,impact strength and partly the position measurement,while the thermographic sensor was used for the position measurement and partly the momentum measurement.The investigated ammunition showed plausible fragmentation behaviour,and the results can already be used to estimate the danger potential of different ammunition types.Frangible projectiles fragment to small particles already after being deflected under a small angle.However,Full Metal Jacket projectiles with or without a steel core do not fragment under angles which are less than 5°.The objective of the paper is to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the complex ricochet me-chanics of small projectiles using standard accelerometers with the adequate signal processing approach.This measuring system is supported by an off the shelf thermographic camera.  相似文献   
通过分析埋地储罐在不同覆土状态下所受的浮力和覆土重力,对几种常用规格埋地储罐的抗浮能力以及影响抗浮性能的因素进行了分析比较,指出了使用现有抗浮计算公式存在的问题,提出埋地储罐的抗浮验算新方法,并说明了工程中常用的埋地储罐抗浮措施.  相似文献   
线导鱼雷攻击时对目标参数解算依赖小 ,这一特点有利于远距离隐蔽快攻和提高舰艇的作战和生存能力。在鱼雷发射后边解算边导引实时修正雷达误差 ,可以提高鱼雷自导发现目标的概率 ;导引过程中进行人工干预 ,可以提高鱼雷抗干扰能力。在无目标运动要素的条件下 ,对线导鱼雷攻击水面目标的纯方位导引法进行研究 ,提出一种较为有效的导引方法  相似文献   
纯方位定位中的“Legs”机动方式与系统的可观测性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由多个等速直线运动段组成的观察站运动方式,称为“Legs”机动方式,所谓的纯方位系统是可观测的,是指系统在纯方位观察条件下,能唯一地求解出目标的运动参数。讨论了“Legs”机动方式,对纯方位目标定位系统可观测性的影响,建立了该模式下系统可观测的必要条件。  相似文献   
研究计及定子绕组电阻时十二相同步电机对称稳态电抗的测定,导出了有关计算公式,并在实机上进行了试验.  相似文献   
针对点位坐标、距离和方向的靶场试验应用需求,基于RTK(Real Time Kinematic)技术设计了一套靶场大地测量系统。系统采用固定站+移动站方式设计,移动站可以在固定站配合下进行测量,也可以单独进行测量。既能满足点位坐标、距离、方位角高精度的测量需要,又能满足多种坐标测量和实时测量的靶场应用需求。  相似文献   
在14根方钢管混凝土构件试验的基础上,分析了初应力系数、荷载偏心率、混凝土强度、试件长细比等因素对承载力的影响,给出了钢管初应力对方钢管混凝土压弯构件承载力的影响系数,采用ANSYS有限元分析程序进行了非线性全过程分析.  相似文献   
惯组在外场进行标定时常常会受到环境的振动干扰,从而会对惯组的标定精度造成极大的影响.为解决这一问题,在分析了粗差对惯组标定精度影响的前提下,建立了一种改进的辨识惯组误差系数的数学模型,使其能够分辨出那些受到振动干扰影响的惯组误差系数.最后利用抗差最小二乘估计对惯组误差系数进行处理,通过等价权函数的连续降权和连续减弱影响处理,抵制了异常数据对惯组标定精度的影响.仿真结果表明,抗差最小二乘估计具有很强的抗差能力,能有效减弱异常干扰对参数估计的影响,提高惯组外场标定的精度和数据的可靠性.  相似文献   
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