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This article examines British responses to the Sino-Indian border war of 1962. It illustrates how, in the years leading up to the war, Britain’s colonial legacy in the Indian subcontinent saw it drawn reluctantly into a territorial dispute between Asia’s two largest and most powerful nations. It analyses disagreements in Whitehall between the Foreign Office and Commonwealth Relations Office over the relative strength of India and China’s border claims, and assesses how these debates reshaped British regional policy. It argues that the border war was instrumental in transforming Britain’s post-colonial relationship with South Asia. Continuing to filter relations with India through an imperial prism proved unsatisfactory, what followed was a more pragmatic Indo-British association.  相似文献   
公安边防部门取得刑事侦查权,是侦查体制改革的结果。但在边防管辖和查办案件的种类、边防海警刑事办案权的实现、边防检查站查获的刑事案件的管辖、公安边防部门侦查主体资格的完善等方面,还应继续改革.使边防部门刑事侦查机制不断完善。  相似文献   
近年来,边防部队通过大力开展基层警营文化建设,取得了可喜的成绩,但整体情况仍然滞后,需从多方面分析其存在的问题及原因,才能进一步提出对策,使警营文化效能的发挥达到最佳。  相似文献   
加强政府对消防工作的科学决策,编制“城市火灾风险与灭火救援力量”方案是落实科学发展观的具体举措。围绕进一步规范“城市火灾风险与灭火救援力量”的评估工作,从火灾形势、消防力量、公共消防设施建设、消防工作社会化、公民消防素质教育等方面提出开展评估的具体办法,并从机构设定、评估定位、工作原则和程序等方面就公共消防安全评估机制建设提出建议。  相似文献   
部队建设的基础在基层,基层建设是警卫部队建设与发展的重要内容,也是警卫事业全面发展的重要保证。在新世纪新阶段,只有以科学发展观为指导,把科学发展观贯穿于警卫部队基层建设的全过程,落实到各项具体工作中,才能使部队建设在安全、有序的环境下得以全面、持续、和谐、健康地发展,才能真正提升部队战斗力,履行好警卫部队肩负的历史使命。  相似文献   
民谣作为诗歌的一种形式,不但极大地丰富了英国民间文学,也构成了英国文学中一份极其宝贵的遗产.  相似文献   
新世纪的公安消防部队 ,已成为一支多元化的职能部队 ,在反恐怖、反分裂的军事斗争中 ,如何发挥出行动迅捷、指挥得当、装备精良、战法高超、保障有力、敢打必胜的作用 ,直接关系到部队中心任务完成和整体作战水平。结合新形势、新任务、新课题 ,努力探索消防部队在反恐怖、反分裂任务中执行维稳处突、抢险救援的有效途径和作战方法 ,是十分必要的。  相似文献   
随着世界经济全球化、我国经济市场化的社会变革 ,消防部队的封闭式管理工作遇到了许多新问题 ,我们必须从思想上、制度上、生活上以及形成合力等方面搞好管理工作  相似文献   
投掷式通信干扰机是未来通信对抗装备发展的一种趋势,针对其压制无线战术通信的兵力部署优化问题,引入"通信干扰压制概率"和"通信干扰效益"两个指标,建立了基于双层规划的兵力部署优化模型,上层规划以整体通信干扰效益最大化为目标,下层为随机机会约束规划,以通信干扰压制概率满足一定置信水平为约束,以干扰机需求量最小化为目标。采用随机模拟、遗传算法和动态规划相结合的混合智能算法求解双层规划模型,并通过算例分析验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been a sharp growth in political and sociological interest in the British military. Set against the backdrop of the armed forces’ increasing presence in everyday life, alongside the organizations’ ongoing restructuring, the current paper focuses on the MoD’s problematic attempts to recruit 30,000 reservists by 2020; what has become known as the Future Reserves 2020 programme (FR2020). We argue that these changes are driven in part by the need to cut costs in defence. However, we also suggest that they are a reflection of the changing nature of modern military organisation, and the manner in which armed forces engage with the societies of which they are a part, and with the citizens that make up that society. We locate FR2020 programme in the context of a wider narrative about the changing nature of military organisation in contemporary western democracies, identifying structural, circumstantial and normative reasons for change. We also examine the specific challenges of implementing FR2020 in practice, including issues of recruitment and retention, integration and support, and relations with families and employers, drawing on the experience of comparator countries to do so. We conclude by considering the implications of these changes, both for the future of UK armed forces, and for the evolving nature of military-society relations in Britain.  相似文献   
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