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This article argues that since the advent of democracy, the South African Police Service (SAPS) has been plagued by poor administration. Having inherited a repressive police force, the post-apartheid national police commissioners (NPCs) have found it difficult to transform the organisation. Among the unintended consequences has been a rise in police deaths. Although police deaths can be attributed to numerous factors, this article focuses on fault lines in the SAPS administration through a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis drawing largely on existing scholarly debates. Essential theoretical perspectives have been employed to gain insight into the root causes of the problem. The article concludes that poor administration and a lack of trust, partnership and collaboration between police officers and community members have perpetuated the killing of police officers. These killings are further compounded by the flawed and ill-conceived selection and appointment of NPCs. As a consequence, the article recommends that the appointment of NPCs should be promptly reviewed. It further recommends that each potential candidate should have risen through the ranks and must fully comprehend the challenges facing the organisation.  相似文献   
胡主席提出的建设“现代化武警”,明确了新世纪新阶段武警部队建设发展的总目标,回答了武警部队向哪里发展和怎样发展的根本性问题。从历史、价值、实践三重维度解读这一重要战略思想:一是信息化是建设现代化武警的主要标志,二是建设现代化武警关键是武警官兵的现代化,三是走具有中国特色的现代化武警建设之路是发展方向。  相似文献   
研究维和警察防暴战术理论体系,以丰富维和警察理论体系,为维和警察在任务区执行任务提供理论支持。重点对维和警察防暴战术理论体系的概念、构成及应用进行了论述。  相似文献   
电子证据相较于传统证据,其具有的独有特征,给公安边防情报部门确认其证明力带来了困难.分析公安边防情报工作中电子证据的概念、特征和来源,探讨公安边防情报工作中电子证据的认定和保障问题.  相似文献   
This paper examines how the Kenyan police responded to the 2007/08 crisis of post-election violence. It provides a critical re-evaluation of the well-known argument of the police being political instruments of the regime of the day. In addition, it develops the argument that the view of the police as mere tools of the political leadership is too limited an explanation of police conduct in responding to ethnic and election violence. It suggests that even with the limited available knowledge of the operations of African police organisations there is room to introduce more variables and complexity in explanations of their conduct.  相似文献   
This article assesses South Africa's 20 years of democracy, which has frequently been bedevilled by local protests. This article is particularly interested in those unrest incidents that have been distinct for one reason or another. In South Africa, the surge in local unrest incidents is often linked to police behaviour, which has become increasingly militant and brutal when quelling protests. While the right to protest is constitutional, the damage caused during protest action can be immense owing to acts of violence. Protestors' resorting to violent protest action is often linked to increased frustrations as a result of the government's inability to live up to the expectations of marginalised and poor communities. While this article draws primarily on existing scholarly debates focusing on social protests, the primary objective is to examine the impact of unrest incidents on local protests in post-apartheid South Africa. The article further argues that ‘spaces’ for participation in local governance should be created so that citizens can become architects of development and their own future.  相似文献   
武警院校在处突维稳、抢险救灾等应急任务中发挥着重要作用,但在实践中存在着后勤应急保障能力不足问题.分析武警院校应急保障社会化方式运用的必要性,提出具体运用对策和应注意的问题,以利于武警院校抓好应急保障能力建设,推动应急任务高质量完成.  相似文献   
随着建设现代化武警部队的逐步推进,各警种部队信息化装备不断发展,引进和研发了许多不同类型、不同规模的信息系统。如何合理整合运用这些系统使之尽快生成应急救援能力,是当前部队和院校面临的重大课题。建设警种部队应急救援信息系统,发挥信息系统优势向“能打仗、打胜仗”聚焦,是实现统一指挥、快速反应、科学用兵、科学施救、密切协同的根本保证。  相似文献   
学科体系建设是院校建设发展长远性、战略性工程。武警任职教育院校处于转型起步阶段,建设学科体系有利于增强开展学科前沿研究能力,有利于实现学科资源的配置优化。对此,武警任职教育院校要认清建设学科体系的重大意义,找准建设方法,力争形成具有武警特色的优势学科。  相似文献   
以发展先进军事文化为目标,搞好武警期刊全面建设,就要提高认识,确立崭新的思想观念;就要充分发挥武警期刊的关键性作用;就要加强武警期刊体系建设;就要坚持科学发展思想。  相似文献   
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