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文化现代化是现代化的重要内容,也是现代化的最终体现。在中国文化走向现代化的过程中,毛泽东的文化现代化思想无疑占有重要地位,他领导的中国革命和建设为文化现代化奠定了基础,他回答了涉及中国文化建设的重大理论问题,并且在中国文化现代化的实践中进行了尝试。  相似文献   
语言与文化息息相关,在进行语言教学时,必须要融入文化教学。中日两国的文化既有相似之处也有独特性。针对大学日语教学的现状,分析比较中日文化的差异,指出大学日语教学必须重视文化差异,这样才能培养学生的跨文化交际能力,把学生培养成应用型、复合型人才。  相似文献   
基于业务过程的装备保障训练业务知识管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出装备保障训练业务知识管理研究的构想。从知识的角度,分析了装备保障训练的知识传授和保障能力生成的本质,阐述了装备保障训练业务知识管理的必要性和内涵;从训练业务过程、知识管理过程、支撑体系3个维度构建了装备保障训练业务知识管理框架,提出基于业务过程的装备保障训练业务知识体系构建方法,分析了装备保障训练业务知识管理的主要活动,为装备保障训练业务知识管理提供了基本的理论和方法指导。  相似文献   
社会稳定是改革发展的重要前提,而保持农村稳定是全社会稳定的关键。维护农村社会稳定根本途径在于文化建设,但文化建设对农村社会稳定有双向效应。文化建设对农村社会稳定的正面效应有减贫效应、社会结构优化效应、社会控制效应、社会心理优化效应和社会化效应,而文化建设的受益不均衡效应、虚化效应、过度社会动员效应及其信息失稳效应等又不利于农村社会稳定。因此,要充分重视农村文化建设的积极作用,也要清醒认识其负面效应,并为维护农村社会稳定考虑扬正抑负的对策。  相似文献   
在新的社会形势下,消防部队已经承担日益繁重的灭火及抢险救援任务,这是《消防法》和《公安消防部队执勤条令(试行)》明确赋予消防部队的权力和职责,但是,消防部队在履行这种职责时经常导致权利(力)冲突,并致使当事人权利受损。目前在消防行政补偿尚难以充分实现的情形下,可以尝试建立受益人补偿机制,对受损权利进行必要救济。  相似文献   
河北公安边防总队通过实施爱民固边战略,发挥了乡村先进文化对社会软治理的引领作用,用承栽着乡村先进文化内容的、群众喜闻乐见的形式来影响群众,从而实现了社会协调,加深了沿海地区村民对于社会的认同感以及对于社会价值的遵从。  相似文献   
以某地下商业街的消防设计为例,进行了详细的计算,并比对《建规》和《人防》规范对地下商店安全疏散消防设计的区别,可直观看出不同的规范计算结果的不同对疏散设计的影响。  相似文献   
Personal cognitive processes inform how individuals understand their environment. Cultural variation, fundamental attribution error, causal attribution, and durability bias create obstacles to Western understanding of irregular war and have created a significant institutional bias in how the US military perceives its enemies- a perception only somewhat softened after a decade of irregular war. United Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is in a better position to overcome these problems through persistent engagement. In the event of major conflict, environmentally sensitized military planners will be better able to achieve military and policy objectives.  相似文献   

What was the scope of the Bosnian jihadi participation in the war in Syria? Did the Bosnian volunteers tend to join one particular faction? Why did the Bosnian youngsters decide to join the holy war in the Levant? Was this an organized and hierarchical process or was this a grassroots movement? Last, were all the Salafis in Bosnia supportive of this dynamic or did this process cause internal frictions? These are some of the questions that this research will try to answer.  相似文献   
This article describes and analyzes a little understood Afghan Taliban propaganda tool: chants or taranas . These melodic refrains effectively use historical narratives, symbology, and iconic portraits. The chants are engendered in emotions of sorrow, pride, desperation, hope, and complaints to mobilize and convince the Afghan population of the Taliban's worldview. The chants represent culturally relevant and simple messages that are communicated in a narrative and poetic form that is familiar to and resonates with the local people. They are virtually impossible for the United States and NATO to counter because of Western sensitivities concerning religious themes that dominate the Taliban narrative space, not to mention the lack of Western linguistic capabilities, including the understanding and mastering the poetic nature of local dialects.  相似文献   
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