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与传统课堂教学相比,网络教学环境独有的特点对学习者提出了更高的要求:要求学习者不仅要掌握知识、技能,更要学会学习,管理自己的能力,进行有意义、高效的学习,使其努力指向目标并最终实现目标。本文结合师范生公共必修课《现代教育技术》在线网络课程的教学实践,有效跟踪学习者的学习行为活动,分析学习者的学习状态、学习风格,以及对学习行为的自我调节能力,总结摸索出一些培养并提高学习者自我调节能力的指导性策略,希望能对广大网络学习者有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
It is shown, in this note, that the right spread order and the increasing convex order are both preserved under the taking of random maxima, and the total time on test transform order and the increasing concave order are preserved under the taking of random minima. Some inequalities and preservation properties in reliability and economics are given as applications. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
任职教育是我军院校教育改革的重要举措。青年教员作为任职教育的生力军,却存在着诸多先天性不足,制约了教学质量和教学效果。通过分析当前任职教育青年教员普遍存在的问题,并结合我校实际情况,对其如何多途径提高自身素质能力进行了探讨。  相似文献   
针对兵团教师队伍的现状,本文认为需要在教师队伍中进一步弘扬兵团精神。新时期弘扬兵团精神必须要加大对兵团精神的宣传力度,提高青年教师对兵团精神的认识;弘扬兵团精神必须与加强教师职业道德建设相结合,帮助教师形成新型的师德观;弘扬兵团精神必须与切实提高教师的待遇相结合,倡导奉献精神与改善教师待遇并不矛盾;弘扬兵团精神必须把加强学校管理与加强教师自我修养相结合,提高教师的整体素质。  相似文献   
针对预警监视网络中信息过载的问题,为了提高情报分发的效率,提出了基于目标威胁规则的情报按需分发方法。依据目标特征以及保卫对象,利用模糊综合决策和层次分析法估计目标威胁值,在此基础上,通过设定阈值过滤,并与用户作战需求模型动态匹配,最终将所得到的目标情报信息分发给特定情报用户。仿真表明,该方法能够有效地实现情报的按需分发。  相似文献   
基于任务的连续出动舰载机航空保障重调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对舰载机和各种保障资源进行调度是提高舰载机航空保障效率、保证舰载机所承担作战任务顺利完成的有效手段。为了克服以往研究中没有考虑作战任务变更对舰载机航空保障调度的影响,使用重调度的理论与方法研究了基于任务的连续出动舰载机航空保障重调度问题,建立了连续出动舰载机航空保障重调度模型。采用免疫算法对模型进行求解,可以避免模型的解空间可能出现组合爆炸问题。最后通过一个实例表明该模型可以很好的应对由作战任务变更所引起的重调度问起,算法求解速度满足作战需求,从而验证了模型的准确性及算法的有效性。  相似文献   
政治理论课是党在军队开展的政治工作的重要组成部分,是军队思想政治教育的主渠道、主阵地。作为没有部队经历的文职人员,提高政治理论课教学能力,要从坚定理论信仰、提升知识水平、拓宽沟通渠道等方面下功夫。  相似文献   
弹药信息化是武器装备信息化的重要组成部分,直接影响战斗力的生成。如何分析、评估保障单位在信息系统体系作战弹药信息化保障能力的建设水平,对我军信息化建设至关重要。在分析影响弹药信息化保障能力形成的主要因素的基础上,构建了符合我军弹药信息化保障能力特点的评估指标体系,提出了一种基于主成分和集对分析法综合分析的基于信息系统体系作战弹药信息化保障能力评估方法,通过该方法可求得指标权重,最终获得被评估单位弹药信息化保障能力的整体建设水平。结合实例分析,验证构建的评估模型能够用于我军基于信息系统体系作战弹药信息化保障能力的评估,进一步为如何提高弹药信息化保障能力提供技术指导。  相似文献   

The Sahel has gained attention in international politics as one of the central theatres in the war on terrorism. International actors in this war seek alliances with states in the region, reinforcing the latter’s military strength and their legitimacy from outside. At the same time, increasingly-connected young populations question the legitimacy of their states, and contest that legitimacy from within and below. In the absence of states delivering any reasonable form of social contract, young people become torn between different governing orders and find themselves in a liminal space. In this article we present the cases of youth in Mali and Chad, who find themselves in a period of re-definition of their position in society and hence search for legitimate structures representation. In this search they may frame their belonging in terms of ethnicity, religion or political opposition – and increasingly also in adherence to global citizenship. New information flows and connectivity among young people in these regions, and between them and the diaspora, has given a new turn to their search for citizenship/belonging and rightful representation. However, whether their search will be successful in this geopolitical context is questionable.  相似文献   
This article reassesses the foreign policy legacy of George W. Bush in light of the emerging historical record of his administration. We conclude that, whereas Bush’s foreign policy was in widespread disrepute when he left office in 2009, that reputation is likely to improve – perhaps significantly – in the coming years. We identify six particular arguments that lend credence to an emerging ‘Bush revisionism.’ To be clear, we do not necessarily argue that the balance sheet on Bush’s foreign policy was positive, but the arguments presented here are likely to generate a more sympathetic and favorable historical assessment of Bush’s presidency over time.  相似文献   
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