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基于贝叶斯理论,提出用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法来估计Lorenz混沌系统的未知参数。首先导出了未知参数分布规律的后验概率密度函数;接着采用自适应Metropolis算法构造Markov链;然后截取收敛的链序列,计算混沌系统参数的估计值。数值试验表明:该方法具有很高的估计精度,同时具有较好的抗噪声性能。  相似文献   
依据混沌系统的脉冲同步特性,结合数字信号处理技术,可以得到原发射信号的时间延迟信号与变时间尺度信号.据此提出脉冲同步技术在混沌雷达系统中的应用方案,给出连续混沌信号雷达的结构框架.仿真实例以Colpitts电路产生的混沌信号为雷达发射信号,验证了基于脉冲同步的混沌信号时延与变时间尺度技术应用于混沌雷达的可行性.混沌雷达系统中的信号处理部分以宽带互模糊函数为工具,根据宽带模糊函数的定义给出了混沌信号雷达信号处理部分的详细框图.  相似文献   
In this paper, the ballistic impact experiments, including impact test chamber and impact double-spaced plates, were conducted to study the reaction behaviors of a novel functionally graded reactive material (FGRM), which was composed of polytetrafluoroethylene/aluminum (PTFE/Al) and PTFE/Al/bismuth trioxide (Bi2O3). The experiments showed that the impact direction of the FGRM had a significant effect on the reaction. With the same impact velocity, when the first impact material was PTFE/Al/Bi2O3, compared with first impact material PTFE/Al, the FGRM induced higher overpressure in the test chamber and larger damaged area of double-spaced plates. The theoretical model, which considered the shock wave generation and propagation, the effect of the shock wave on reaction efficiency, and penetration behaviors, was developed to analyze the reaction behaviors of the FGRM. The model predicted first impact material of the FGRM with a higher shock impedance was conducive to the reaction of reactive materials. The conclusion of this study provides significant information about the design and application of reactive materials.  相似文献   
亲社会行为具有无私增进他人利益的道德属性.亲社会行为与道德的这种特殊关系,决定了亲社会行为培养离不开道德教育的作用.事实上,道德教育对亲社会行为培养具有诸多正向作用.如道德榜样教育激发亲社会行为模仿,道德知识传授解释亲社会行为的合理性,道德舆论宣传创设亲社会行为的情境氛围等,通过考察这些正向作用,为亲社会行为的伦理培养提供有益思考.  相似文献   
研究了在干扰存在情况下基于全维PI观测器的混沌系统鲁棒故障检测设计问题。基于一类Sylvester矩阵方程的参数化解,给出了干扰和残差信号解耦的充要条件,并建立了具有鲁棒故障检测功能的全维PI观测器设计的参数化方法。Lorenz混沌系统的数值算例及其计算结果表明:在干扰存在的情况下,基于全维PI观测器的混沌系统鲁棒故障检测设计方法简单有效。  相似文献   
目的:探讨不同游戏方式下的暴力网络游戏对不同攻击性特质大学生攻击性的影响。方法:采用攻击性特质问卷、词汇决策任务和竞争反应时任务对60名大学生进行问卷和实验研究。结果:在不同游戏方式下,被试表现出的攻击性认知和行为存在显著差异(F(2,52)=4.41,P<0.05;F(1,52)=50.06,P<0.001)。高、低攻击性特质者在游戏后的攻击性认知和行为上存在显著差异(F(1,52)=15.25,P<0.001;F(1,52)=82.35,P<0.001)。结论:不同游戏方式下的暴力网络游戏对大学生的攻击性存在不同的影响,相比竞争游戏和单人游戏,合作游戏是一种较好的游戏方式,可以在一定程度减少大学生,特别是高攻击性特质大学生的攻击性认知和行为。此外,暴力网络游戏对大学生攻击性认知和攻击性行为的影响存在一致性。  相似文献   
In this paper, the reaction characteristic and its application in shaped charge warhead of a novel reactive material, which introduced copper (Cu) and plumbum (Pb) into traditional polytetrafluoroethylene/aluminum (PTFE/Al), are studied. The thermal analysis and chemical reaction behavior of the PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb mixture are investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC),Thermo-gravimetry (TG), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques. Then, the shaped charge liners with PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb reactive materials are fabricated, and the X-ray experiments show that they could form reactive jets with excellent performance under the detonation effects of the shaped charge. Based on that, the penetration experiments of shaped charge with PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb reactive liner against steel plates are carried out, and the results demonstrate that the PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb reactive jets could produce a deeper penetration depth compared to the traditional PTFE/Al reactive jets. Meanwhile, the PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb reactive jets also show significant inner-blast effects, leading to dramatically cracking or fragmentation behavior of the penetrated steel plates. This new PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb reactive liner shaped charge presents enhanced penetration behavior for steel targets that incorporates the penetration capability of a high-density and ductility jet, and the chemical energy release of PTFE-matrix reactive materials.  相似文献   
反步设计法是通过将一个系统分解为多个低阶子系统,一步步构建Lyapunov函数导出稳定的控制律,获得需要的控制器,实现同步的目的.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,结合反步法思想为混沌ADVP系统设计了同步控制器.注意到系统参数间量级相差很大,在选择增益矩阵时,通过调节柯西不等式放大参数,使控制中系数的量级差别适当减小....  相似文献   
框支短肢剪力墙转换结构在实际工程中已得到广泛应用,但其理论研究尚需完善.在试验和分析的基础上,通过对不同墙肢布置方式的两榀斜柱式转换结构试件在竖向和水平荷载共同作用下受力机理、承载能力、破坏形态、滞回特性、变形能力、延性系数、抗震耗能以及破坏机制等抗震性能参数的分析和对比,揭示了墙肢布置方式变化对整个转换结构受力性能及...  相似文献   
提出了一种基于MIDI音乐的音频半脆弱性水印算法,将待嵌入水印转化为MIDI音乐,并对水印进行了主成份分析,可在具有较小冗余的载体中进行嵌入;尔后,用混沌加密及重复编码,来提高水印的鲁棒性;同时采用三种检测方法,提高对水印提取的判断正确率。实验结果表明,算法对于一般性的攻击(剪切、回声等)具有较好的鲁棒性,可实现较好的认证功能。  相似文献   
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