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多源信息的验前分布融合方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
验前分布的获取和表示是B ayes理论应用中的一个关键问题。针对目前多源验前信息融合中存在的过分依赖专家信息的问题,提出了一种基于第2类极大似然估计原理(M L-II)确定验前分布权重的方法,该方法将现场试验数据看作是由其边缘分布产生的样本,然后根据不同验前分布下现场样本似然性的大小来确定其在验前分布融合中的作用,并以此进一步确定不同验前分布的权重因子。最后通过算例证明了该方法比基于专家信息的融合方法更为合理和有效。  相似文献   
消防部队实行集中核算制以来,提高了部队财务管理水平和经费使用效益,同时也出现一些问题,应从明确会计责任、强化财务监督、提高人员素质等方面进行阐述,对消防部队财务集中核算工作的规范化深入探讨。  相似文献   
一种用于越肩发射截获区分析的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在越肩发射原理仿真 4进行后 ,提出了一种新的方法用于越肩发射的截获区分析。与传统的弹道处理方法相比 ,这种方法主要是把越肩发射作为一个物理过程考虑 ,而不是仅仅考虑是否命中 ,这样就可以综合考虑影响越肩发射整个过程的各个因素。通过采用这种方法分析越肩发射截获区 ,在最后得出一些有益且不同与过去弹道分析的结论。  相似文献   
The formation and separation behaviors of tandem EFPs are studied by the combination of experiments and simulations. The results show that different formation and separation processes can be obtained by adjusting the double-layer liners, and simulations agree with experiments well. Then, the interaction process between the two liners is discussed in details, and the formation and separation mechanism are revealed. It can be found that there are four phases in the formation and separation processes, including impact phase, propulsion phase, slide phase and free flight phase. During the impact phase, the velocities of two liners rise in turns with kinetic energy exchange. In the propulsion phase, the axial impact becomes insignificant, but the radial interaction between two liners influences the appearance of tandem EFPs. Meanwhile, it should be mentioned that the inner surface of foregoing EFP remains to be in contact with the outer surface of following EFP in the propulsion phase, and the following one would continue to push the foregoing one for about 10μ to 20 μs, causing the velocities of following and foregoing EFPs gradually decreasing and increasing respectively. In the slide phase, an obvious relative movement occurs between the two EFPs, and there would be barely kinetic energy exchange. Then, the two EFPs separate gradually and get into the phase of free flight. Generally, if the outer and inner liners have the same thickness, the outer copper-inner copper liners form two long EFPs, the outer copper-inner steel liners become a foregoing short steel EFP and a following long copper EFP, and the outer steel-inner copper liners produce a foregoing long copper EFP and a following conical steel EFP. In addition, thickness match also has an important impact on formation appearance and separation process for both outer copper-inner copper liners and outer steel-inner copper liners. With the thickness ratio of outer liner to inner liner decreasing, the length and length-diameter ratio of both foregoing and following EFPs increase gradually.  相似文献   
胡总书记的"三句话"具有深刻的科学内涵。实践这三句话必须从三个方面做起:一是铸造忠诚可靠的公安消防警魂;二是彰显服务人民的公安消防宗旨;三是树立竭诚奉献的公安消防形象。  相似文献   
随着电子信息技术业的高度发展,电子竞技运动已发展成为广大人民群众喜闻乐见的一种体育运动。电子竞技运动作为一项新兴体育项目,在新疆高校还处在萌发阶段。本文从新疆高校大学生对电子竞技运动的认知现状入手,对其阶段存在的不足进行分析,进而提出新疆高校电子竞技运动的未来发展前景,旨在实现新疆高校电子竞技运动能否尽早开展起来、填补我区高校一项竞技运动项目的空白,丰富改善在校大学生的业余文化生活,为新疆高校大学生拓宽可持续发展的文化娱乐的天地。  相似文献   
森林防灭火指挥专业本科学历任职教育阶段有其自身的特点规律,从提高人才培养质量考虑有必要加强对其人才培养模式的研究。根据人才培养模式构建理论,结合森林部队人才需求等实际,遵循针对性、实用性、适度超前性的原则,构建了森林防灭火指挥专业本科学历任职教育阶段"校队共育、训战一体"人才培养模式,又根据实施过程中出现的一些问题,对完善人才培养模式提出了一些建设性建议。  相似文献   
Thermal safety of modular charge which is fed into and retained in the chamber after gun fires consecutively is first investigated with cook-off method.A two-dimensional cook-off model of modular charge in gun chamber is established and the cook-off process of modular charge in gun chamber is numerically simulated.Then the effects of module number and firing condition on charge thermal safety are evaluated by researching the cook-off response characteristics of modules.The results show that,under conditions of different module numbers the cook-off responses all occur on the module closest to the boundary of missile,and the single-base propellants located at the inner surface of cartridge ignite first.When the number of loaded module changes from 1 to 6,the cook-off response temperatures vary little,only in a small range of 478.1 K-482.4 K.The cook-off response times decrease logarithmically in the range of 211.2 s-166.7 s with the increasing length of residual air gap in gun chamber.The simulation results are well matched with the experimental data.Furthermore,different firing conditions have great influence on the cook-off response time,minor influence on the initial response position and little in-fluence on the response temperature.Under the three conditions of consecutive 32 launches with 5 rounds/min,43 launches with 1 round/min,and 41 launches with different firing frequencies,the cook-off response temperatures are 479.2 K,481.1 K and 479.9 K respectively and the response times are 709.2 s,211.2 s and 214.4 s respectively.The response position is near the middle area of the inner cartridge surface in the former condition and near the right area in the latter two conditions.  相似文献   
美国法律对美联储宽松货币政策规范不力、金融信贷管制法律松弛、金融监管体系存在法律漏洞、法律长期缺乏对金融技术与制度创新保持协调发展的规范等是酿成金融危机的关键因素。应对国际金融危机,我国必须坚持依法推进市场调节与政府调控相辅相成,强化金融监管措施,强化对金融创新风险的防控,力求法律监管机制防范金融风险的全覆盖,依法防控国际金融危机对实体经济影响的深入。  相似文献   
在知识经济条件下 ,科学技术迅猛发展 ,而科技创新劳动能够推动生产力飞速发展 ,是一种推动和实现科技重大质的飞跃的劳动 ,是具有科学知识高积累和高创造性能力的科技人才进行的生产劳动 ,是具有高度创造性、极其复杂的劳动 ,是创造价值的巨大源泉。科技劳动是劳动价值论的重要范畴 ,深入研究它在价值创造中的重大作用具有深刻的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
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