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寻找相容关系的极大相容类和简单图的极大完全子图,在解决二元关系与数据挖掘和管理决策中的具体问题时有重要作用。利用相容关系的极大相容类与简单图的极大完全子图之间的对应关系,对极大完全子图的路径长度进行分析,得到了关于极大完全子图路径长度的一个定理。并根据该定理构造了一个用矩阵的路径长度搜索简单图的极大完全子图的方法,进而利用该方法找出了对应相容关系的极大相容类。  相似文献   
军内行政执法主体是指依法享有军内行政执法权的组织。但是,在理论上如何界定军内行政执法主体的范围?军内行政执法主体之间的相互关系如何界定?军内行政执法主体之间的职权在宏观上如何划分?这便是本文所要探讨的问题。  相似文献   
建立正确、有效的任务模型是正确引导出信息系统需求的关键步骤。文中针对任务间时序依赖关系,给出与任务建模相关的若干形式定义和命题,帮助分析人员判断任务间的并发和死锁。给出任务间时序依赖关系建模的详细步骤,并根据时序依赖关系的传递性质,给出一种任务关系图上的传递闭包方法,可以帮助分析人员直观地判断任务间时序依赖关系的问题和错误,科学、合理地标记各个任务的时序等级属性,帮助建模人员从全局上明确各个任务在执行时所处的相对位置,以及在每个阶段需要同时展开哪些任务。  相似文献   
LIN Ying  FAN Yibin  WANG Yu 《国防科技》2018,39(1):017-020
"十三五"规划纲要鲜明提出要"探索建立军民融合项目资金保障机制"。通过分析军民融合项目资金保障机制创新的内在与外在动因,提出"合理定位协调政府、企业与资本市场的关系""坚持多元可持续的资金保障机制实现机理""立足国家能力、资本活力和法律规制平衡"三位一体的机制创新价值目标,由此提出军民融合项目资金保障机制框架建议,即融合引导机制、激励机制、风险防控机制、市场机制的机制框架,形成首尾相联、运作有序的管理闭环。  相似文献   
杨庆  周治宇 《国防科技》2018,39(3):127-130
三线建设决策由以毛泽东为核心的党中央领导集团提出并付诸实践,坚持主观能动性与客观实际相协调,坚持全局着眼与局部推进相结合,坚持两点论和重点论的统一,在国防建设领域和经济建设领域取得了巨大成就。对当今发展军民融合战略有较大的启示意义,应正确处理国家主导和市场运作的关系,正确处理整体推进和部分突破的关系,正确处理经济建设需求和军事需求的关系。  相似文献   
以习近平总书记关于军民融合和国家安全系列重要讲话精神为指导原则和设计思想,针对国防知识产权运营机制问题展开研究,从运营机制总体框架,可市场化国防知识产权生成机制、价值生成机制、价值实现与传递机制等方面,设计了军民融合背景下国防知识产权运营机制,并提出机制实施的保障措施。  相似文献   
梅霆  欧阳晓东 《国防科技》2018,39(2):037-040
文章探讨"军民融合式"油料保障的基本内涵,分析当前推行"军民融合式"油料保障面临的主要困难,从转变思想观念、健全法规体系、建立长效机制、优化资源配置、构建信息网络五个方面提出了建立"军民融合式"油料保障的对策措施。  相似文献   
The article explores the 1950 ‘Ambassador's Agreement’ (named after US Ambassador Lewis Douglas) about establishing long-term US air bases in the UK. During the discussions British representatives expressed resentment of American pressure and were concerned about the expense that developing the bases for American purposes might entail. There were even fears that Washington might use the airfields to launch an atomic bomb attack on the USSR without regard to the views of the UK government. The British consented to providing the bases because they wanted to enmesh the US further in UK and Western European defence. For their part American negotiators had wanted to further US atomic strategy without delay. Although the agreement imposed no restriction on the use of the airfields, some US officials believed that in a crisis the UK government might try to prevent them being used for atomic bombing missions.  相似文献   
This article examines the use of specialised plain-clothes military units in counter-terrorism, concentrating on examples involving liberal-democratic states. It analyses the benefits and problems arising from clandestine military activity, focusing in particular on British army units (notably 14 Intelligence Company and the Force Research Unit in Northern Ireland). The article concludes by arguing that such formations have a clear utility – notably in gathering intelligence on terrorist groups – but other aspects of their role are inherently controversial (notably in cases where undercover soldiers use deadly force against suspected terrorists). It also states that plain-clothes military operations need to be conducted on the basis of accountability, both for strategic reasons, and also in accordance with the norms of liberal democracy.  相似文献   
Why did the United States, a country notorious for supporting coups and military dictatorships in Latin America during the Cold War, seek to depoliticize security forces in the Caribbean basin during the early twentieth century? Drawing from primary sources, I argue that this emphasis on military non-partisanship abroad stemmed from Progressive Era reforms popular at home. These reforms, which stressed bureaucratic efficiency via nonpartisan expertise, had become institutionalized within the US military and State Department and then channelled into the imperial administration of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The State Department and Marine Corps attempted to replace local partisan armies with the kind of professional, nonpartisan armed forces that the US's own military had come to exemplify. That these civil-military reform efforts ultimately backfired should serve as a reminder of the difficulties inherent in using military interventions to transform coercive apparatuses and their societies.  相似文献   
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