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Commanders of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) have repeatedly stressed the hearts and minds approach in Afghanistan, in saying that the human terrain is decisive for a successful outcome of the mission. Avoidance of civilian casualties is considered of strategic importance, and by nature highly dependent on the management of tactical level Escalation of Force (EoF) situations. Non‐lethal weapons (NLWs) are expected to enable tactical commanders to avoid innocent civilian casualties in such situations. This article considers a selected NLW on its potential to accomplish this requirement. It uses a defence technology assessment approach to analyse EoF situations experienced by Dutch ISAF forces in which the NLW is inserted. The analysis demonstrates that a range of contextual factors in the Afghanistan high‐risk environment tend to narrow down the window of opportunity for the NLW to help defuse the risk of unintended civil casualties.  相似文献   
潘平 《国防科技》2017,38(4):005-007
国防科技和武器装备领域是军民融合发展的重点,也是衡量军民融合发展水平的重要标志。加快国防科技和武器装备军民融合发展,是保军强军的重要支撑,更关乎国家安全和发展一系列重大问题,必须从战略高度深刻领会其全局意义,以清醒头脑研判国防科技和武器装备军民融合发展形势,用务实举措推动国防科技和武器装备军民融合创新发展。  相似文献   
游翰霖  陈方舟  成清 《国防科技》2017,38(4):088-093
在常规军力优势相对衰落、经费预算日益缩紧的背景下,美军为维持其军事霸权,提出了旨在实现兵力全球自由投送的第三次抵消战略(Third Offset Strategy)。通过梳理抵消战略的现实背景、历史沿革和战略目的,我们发现如果把第三次抵消战略简单视作美军的军事技术发展战略甚至军事战略,就会陷入片面而幼稚的认识误区。除了防范潜在的技术诱骗和技术突袭,更应该从大国博弈的战略视角出发,全面审视和应对第三次抵消战略对我国的挑战。美军实现国家利益的需求导向、自我变革的决心勇气和创新能力、科技兴军的先进理念和以军为主的军民融合成功经验值得借鉴。要以我为主参与制定未来战争的"游戏规则",做到"你打你的,我打我的";要深入研究美军作战体系和美国国家战略的薄弱环节,有针对性地"攻其所必救",从而化解重大安全挑战,争得新的战略机遇期。  相似文献   
This paper challenges the widely held view in the research communities around the world that US drone strikes on the Pakistan's north-western border area with Afghanistan lead to large-scale civilian casualties and are unpopular in that tribal area. As an example of that view the author analyses a recent research report, ‘The Year of the Drone’, produced by the New American Foundation, and argues that sources of the report are questionable and doubtful. The author, who is a native of the border area with Afghanistan and has lived almost all of her lifetime in the area, informs that the drone attacks are popular in the region and the reports about large-scale civilian casualties are baseless. She provides some evidence in support of her argument and cautions the researchers against the uncritical acceptance of the notions, like the drone attacks are unpopular or have killed civilians.  相似文献   
基于对材料特性和防弹机理的认识,设计了由Al2O3陶瓷、616装甲钢和高强PE材料构成的陶瓷基复合装甲板,并用现役127.mm穿甲燃烧弹进行靶试考核,检验靶板设计思路,结果表明:防护面密度为128 kg/m2的靶板可防住该弹。  相似文献   
介绍了重庆商务职业学院新校区的校园规划策略。基于生态保护进行校园规划,通过建筑布局与地形环境的协调共生形成山水校园,结合历史人文营造个性化校园空间。同时,从生态保护、规划分区、建筑布局、景观空间等方面探讨文化内涵与个性校园的规划设计策略,得出自然山水形成了丰富的地域景观,并由此创造出具有个性的地区文化的结论。旨在为山地校园建设起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   
为了抵抗传统生物认证方案中易受的攻击,确保用户信息安全,通过结合用户密码实现双因子生物认证的方法,提出了一种基于数据隐藏和可撤销模板的生物特征信息保护方案,并通过MD5哈希算法和AES-256加密算法,确保了生物信息的完整性。实验证明,本方案有效隐藏了生物特征信息,相比其他方案具有更高的安全性和效率。  相似文献   
Information technology (IT) infrastructure relies on a globalized supply chain that is vulnerable to numerous risks from adversarial attacks. It is important to protect IT infrastructure from these dynamic, persistent risks by delaying adversarial exploits. In this paper, we propose max‐min interdiction models for critical infrastructure protection that prioritizes cost‐effective security mitigations to maximally delay adversarial attacks. We consider attacks originating from multiple adversaries, each of which aims to find a “critical path” through the attack surface to complete the corresponding attack as soon as possible. Decision‐makers can deploy mitigations to delay attack exploits, however, mitigation effectiveness is sometimes uncertain. We propose a stochastic model variant to address this uncertainty by incorporating random delay times. The proposed models can be reformulated as a nested max‐max problem using dualization. We propose a Lagrangian heuristic approach that decomposes the max‐max problem into a number of smaller subproblems, and updates upper and lower bounds to the original problem via subgradient optimization. We evaluate the perfect information solution value as an alternative method for updating the upper bound. Computational results demonstrate that the Lagrangian heuristic identifies near‐optimal solutions efficiently, which outperforms a general purpose mixed‐integer programming solver on medium and large instances.  相似文献   
针对导弹面临的严酷气动热力环境,基于传统波纹夹芯结构,为导弹设计了一种兼具承载和热防护功能的一体化结构。建立热-结构耦合计算模型,对一体化结构进行结构承载与热防护性能分析,结果表明:一体化结构在高温下具有较好的承载能力;增加一体化结构隔热层与内壁厚度有助于提高导弹的热防护效率。以一体化结构热防护效率最高和质量最小为目标,采用第二代非支配排序遗传算法实现了多目标优化,并认识到:一体化结构热防护效率与质量相互影响,设计时需要需综合考虑。  相似文献   
为建立考虑腐蚀因素的船体结构寿命预测方法,在分析现有常用的船体结构腐蚀损伤时变模型的基础上,根据舰船维修保障实际情况建立了考虑腐蚀防护系统作用时间和维修时间等因素的腐蚀时变模型.根据相关规范选择了船体结构腐蚀寿命标准,并建立了一种计算船体结构腐蚀寿命的方法.该方法建立了船体结构腐蚀寿命与腐蚀防护系统作用时间和修理时间等...  相似文献   
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