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基于灰色关联分析的防空兵力编组方案优选*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要地防空中需要研究的问题很多,其中要地防空兵力编组方案优选是研究的重点问题之一,首先对灰关联分析方法和要地防空兵力编组的关联性进行了分析,然后在兵力部署要求的基础上,建立了评价指标体系及其量化分析,最后采用灰关联分析方法建立了方案优选模型,具体的实例验证了基于灰关联分析的兵力编组优选模型的可行性和有效性,为要地防空兵力编组方案的优选问题提供了一种量化的新思路.  相似文献   
从防空兵作战指挥的实际需求出发,利用概率论和防空作战运筹理论,描述了集中、分散、混合和平行等射击指挥方式的概念、特点及其相互关系,论述了射击指挥方式定量分析的基本方法、主要依据和指标,建立了基于群抗击效率的评估模型,在对多种射击指挥方式进行定量比较的基础上,揭示了射击指挥中具有普遍意义的、潜在的实用规则.  相似文献   
介绍了防空信息防御系统安全分析方法与流程.分析了防空信息防御作战的效能评估指标,由于诸指标主观性很强,普通的方法难以取得好的效果,而神经网络以其良好的非线性处理能力,为解决此问题提供了一个好的方法.对应用代数算法神经网络解决防空信息防御作战效能评估的方法问题进行了探讨.给出了代数算法及评估模型.并通过实例证明了方法的可行性,最后与一般的BP神经网络方法进行了对比,体现了该方法的先进性.  相似文献   
针对岸防炮兵雷达的特点和作战任务,从探测能力、定位能力、数据处理能力、目标识别能力、抗干扰能力、可用性、可靠性和生存能力8个指标层,建立岸防炮兵雷达作战效能评估的层次结构体系,并确定了指标体系综合指标的随机性和模糊性,运用模糊层次分析法对雷达效能进行综合评估,给出了确立各因素权重的方法.为该雷达作战使用提供了辅助决策的依据.  相似文献   
本文系统梳理了DARPA 2021财年预算文件中的生物科技领域项目,从项目布局的角度分析了其推动生物科技领域发展的思路。从分布情况看,DARPA布局的生物科技项目主要涵盖生物安全、脑与神经科学、人体效能恢复与增强、战伤救治等方向。通过分析得出DARPA推动生物科技领域发展的具体思路包括:聚焦传染病检测与防护,提升生物安全能力;推进神经接口、神经药物研发,攻克神经功能障碍;强化单兵生理与心理干预研究,提升士兵效能恢复与增强能力;利用交叉科学和解析生物学途径,探索战伤救治方法。由此可知,DARPA正在着力强化多学科的交叉融合优势,进一步挖掘和利用生物系统的巨大潜力,助力维持美军全球领先的军事科技代差优势。  相似文献   
As the generalization of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) and Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS), the q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS) has emerged as a more meaningful and effective tool to solve multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems in management and scientific domains. The MABAC (multi-attributive border approximation area comparison) model, which handles the complex and uncertain decision making issues by computing the distance between each alternative and the bored approximation area (BAA), has been investigated by an increasing number of researchers more recent years. In our article, consider the conventional MABAC model and some fundamental theories of q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS), we shall introduce the q-rung orthopair fuzzy MABAC model to solve MADM problems. at first, we briefly review some basic theories related to q-ROFS and conventional MABAC model. Furthermore, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy MABAC model is built and the decision making steps are described. In the end, An actual MADM application has been given to testify this new model and some comparisons between this novel MABAC model and two q-ROFNs aggregation operators are provided to further demonstrate the merits of the q-rung orthopair fuzzy MABAC model.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce partially observable agent‐intruder games (POAIGs). These games model dynamic search games on graphs between security forces (an agent) and an intruder given possible (border) entry points and high value assets that require protection. The agent faces situations with dynamically changing, partially observable information about the state of the intruder and vice versa. The agent may place sensors at selected locations, while the intruder may recruit partners to observe the agent's movement. We formulate the problem as a two‐person zero‐sum game, and develop efficient algorithms to compute each player's optimal strategy. The solution to the game will help the agent choose sensor locations and design patrol routes that can handle imperfect information. First, we prove the existence of ?‐optimal strategies for POAIGs with an infinite time horizon. Second, we introduce a Bayesian approximation algorithm to identify these ?‐optimal strategies using belief functions that incorporate the imperfect information that becomes available during the game. For the solutions of large POAIGs with a finite time horizon, we use a solution method common to extensive form games, namely, the sequence form representation. To illustrate the POAIGs, we present several examples and numerical results.  相似文献   
防空通信系统是保障防空指挥和控制有效性的重要手段,其效能的好坏将直接影响到作战结果.在分析效能评估方法的基础上,根据防空通信系统的特点,建立了防空通信系统综合评估指标体系.对防空通信系统的效能评估过程进行了描述,给出了效能评估模型和评估方法,并进行了实例分析.对全面而科学地评价防空通信系统的效能具有较强的实用性.  相似文献   
The US government initiated a Defense Counterproliferation Initiative to address the concern that, in the post-Cold War years, the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons would be widespread and create a significant challenge to the US military’s combat operations. In particular, non-nuclear states might use chemical or biological warfare agents against US forces with the belief that nuclear weapons would not be used against them in retaliation. Following the events of September 11, 2001, defense strategy and policy shifted to a wider view of the threat of adversarial use of “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD) and the term “counterproliferation” was replaced by “combating” or “countering WMD.” Over time, the Defense Department increasingly moved away from counterproliferation principles with the detrimental effect of losing capabilities that US forces still need for contemporary adversaries. This shift has been aggravated by other US government agencies’ use of “counterproliferation” in lieu of what would have been termed “nonproliferation” activities in the 1990s. The loss of clarity within the US government on these terms has led to the inability to focus the “whole of government” on this significant national security challenge. To alleviate this challenge, the US government needs a top-down initiative to refocus policy on the distinctly different aspects of WMD with respect to military combat operations, combating terrorism, and homeland security.  相似文献   
Most counterinsurgency campaigns have featured the use of some form of local defense forces. Such forces have had a somewhat mixed record, both in their usefulness in actually countering insurgents and in their longer-term impact on internal security. This article focuses on historical cases that provide lessons for the best operational and strategic uses of local defense forces and measures to control their activities.  相似文献   
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