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通过对IPSec实现VPN隧道这种网络安全技术和基于小波分析的信息图像伪装算法的深入研究,将这两种技术有机结合,在应用层对信息进行伪装,在网络层实现VPN 隧道传输,并据此构建一个可解决公用的信道上述问题的信息安全传输平台模型,从而为军队油料信息安全传输提供一种较好的解决方法。  相似文献   
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the airline community within the United States have adopted a new paradigm for air traffic flow management, called Collaborative Decision Making (CDM). A principal goal of CDM is shared decision‐making responsibility between the FAA and airlines, so as to increase airline control over decisions that involve economic tradeoffs. So far, CDM has primarily led to enhancements in the implementation of Ground Delay Programs, by changing procedures for allocating slots to airlines and exchanging slots between airlines. In this paper, we discuss how these procedures may be formalized through appropriately defined optimization models. In addition, we describe how inter‐airline slot exchanges may be viewed as a bartering process, in which each “round” of bartering requires the solution of an optimization problem. We compare the resulting optimization problem with the current procedure for exchanging slots and discuss possibilities for increased decision‐making capabilities by the airlines. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
What is the case for defence and is it a worthwhile investment? This question is addressed for two contrasting nations, namely, the UK and New Zealand. Economists have a set of standard analytical tools for addressing the question but they are difficult to operationalise. This paper provides policy‐relevant answers.  相似文献   
警卫人员技能训练质量决定着执行警卫任务质量的好坏乃至成功与否,其中格斗技能训练在警卫执勤中起着重要的基础作用。针对中外警卫人员格斗技能训练的现状、特点等进行对比,并对中外警卫人员格斗技能训练的发展趋势进行前瞻性研究和探索,为今后警卫格斗技能训练的科学发展提供参考。  相似文献   
I present a formal framework to explore the welfare and distributional effects of a government’s optimal choice over two types of public spending in a closed economy: domestic security (DS) and investment in social capital (SC). Production is characterized as a function of social and physical capital stocks that both vary across the regions. DS stands for total factor productivity, while SC stands for human capital and civic cooperativeness combined. SC accumulates via public spending on universal primary education, cultural, and civic events and such, and is exposed to regional spillover effects. Numerical simulations of the static solution of the government’s welfare maximization problem reveal that the optimal rate of spending on SC (m*) is negatively related with the income share of physical capital, SC spillovers and fiscal decentralization. Simulations also show that SC homogeneity is positively associated with both the level and equitability of aggregate income. The maximum attainable levels of income, welfare and social cohesion and the most equitable incomes are all observed to realize at some intermediate range of m* values. In case DS augments SC, however, social cohesion improves and welfare declines monotonously in m*.  相似文献   
当前公安现役部队机关在管理方面还不同程度地存在着不到位及越位问题,分析问题产生的原因,提出充分发挥机关管理效能应采取的对策,对机关服务和保障基层建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   
针对公安科研工作的现状及特点,提出了适合公安科技管理部门进行信息化管理的信息系统解决方案。简要分析了系统需求,从系统数据流程、软件结构及功能框架、实现方案、系统安全保密架构几方面设计了系统体系结构,为公安科研工作提供了统一的科研成果信息化管理平台。  相似文献   
土壤滑坡或土壤冲蚀造成一段埋地管道成为悬空。管道悬空严重影响埋地输油管道的安全运行。基于双参数模型地基理论,把悬空管道设定为弹性地基梁,考虑轴向力、内压、内流、外流和土壤刚度系数等因素的作用,建立管道与土壤相互作用的力学模型,计算悬空管道的临界长度评估其安全性。根据管道边界条件和失效模式的不同,分析上述各因素对悬空管道临界长度的影响,进而对悬空管道的屈服失效、屈曲失效、共振和疲劳失效进行安全评估。结论对埋地管道的合理设计、土壤刚度的处理、管道安全性的提高具有工程实际意义。  相似文献   
公安边防部队的士官学历教育尚在起步阶段,任重而道远。各级领导应着眼部队长远建设,确立优先发展的战略地位;应立足部队现实需要,设置学科专业;应根据岗位任职需求,确定课程体系,突出实用性;应适应教学任务的要求,完善管理与保障体系。  相似文献   
This paper examines the rationale and centrality of private military and security companies (PMSCs) in humanitarian assistance operations in Sudan, asking why PMSCs are involved in humanitarian assistance operations in Sudan and what the principles underlying their activities are. To answer this question, the paper draws attention to the link between humanitarian crises and PMSC interventions. Where there is no meaningful alternative intervention, undergirded by humanitarian concerns that are also profit driven, PMSCs come in to provide the needed services. The protracted and complicated internal armed conflicts in Sudan, which have lasted for over two decades, have produced as many as 4,8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) – the single largest number in the world. The kind of humanitarian assistance operations provided by PMSCs in Sudan have become critical to the provision of much-needed services which were inadequately provided by governmental authorities at both unilateral and multilateral levels. This paper argues that the humanitarian crises in Sudan created a regime that permits humanitarian assistance operations by both state and non-state actors.  相似文献   
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