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坦克分队在进攻战斗中的最佳火力分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用兰切斯特方程和极值理论就坦克分队在进攻战斗中如何分配火力及使火力分配最佳进行了研究。给出了最佳方案的计算方法  相似文献   
研究了在各自 C3 I情报系统的配合下 ,红蓝双方炮火间瞄对抗过程的计算机仿真模拟 ,建立了仿真模拟模型 ,给出了作战持续时间 ,双方的取胜概率 ,作战结束时双方的剩余兵力等重要作战数据的仿真模拟算法。通过改变作战系统的初始值 ,可以获得理想的刻画作战系统重要特征的作战数据 ,这在兵力部署与作战运筹中具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
加工中心用触发式测头系统监测方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要研究了在数控加工中心ARROW500上使用触发式测头(英国Renishaw的MP12测头)实现零件加工的自动监测,通过深入研究用触发式测头在加工中心上实现在线监测的方法,使加工零件的序前调整、找正,序中监控及序后测量等可自动完成,实现了加工中心高效率、高自动化的监测。  相似文献   
当前,地面无人装备作为多能合一的新质作战力量,已成为世界各军事强国发展的重点,对未来陆战形态影响深远。为准确把握地面无人装备对陆战的影响及未来陆战形态发展趋势,本文首先通过对地面无人装备的发展现状及在研项目的分析,分析装备能力的发展趋势以及可担负的作战任务;其次,从颠覆战场形态、改变作战方式及影响指挥控制方式三个方面阐述了地面无人装备给未来陆战带来的影响;再次,从无人化技术、作战样式及指挥决策三个方面对未来陆战形态的演进进行分析;最后为应对未来陆战变革带来的机遇与挑战,从军事需求、技术发展、优势保持及人才培养四个方面提出了对策与建议,具有一定的理论研究意义。  相似文献   

This article systematically assesses the 2014 Afghanistan Presidential Election, the first transfer of power from President Hamid Karzai to an elected successor, using provincial voting data as well as explicit data from polling centers. The analysis finds unusual voting results in the April election, where no candidate received 50%+1 votes required by the Afghan constitution, versus the voting results realized for the June ‘runoff election.’ As in other Afghan voting analyses, this article finds voting based on ethno-linguistic preferences, and interestingly found Dr. Ashraf Ghani receiving almost all the swing votes in the runoff election even though the other leading candidate from the April election all endorsed Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. More importantly, however, the research presented here clearly finds extremely strange voting patterns. For example, the polling data center analysis finds 606 polling places where Ghani received all 600 votes and Abdullah received none and another 900 polling centers that gave virtually all its votes to Ghani. These results in combination with other analyses raise the very real possibility that the election results were illegitimate. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the research to future Afghan elections and their processes as well as to the long-standing conflict in the country.  相似文献   
大型地下建筑商业区域设置方式及其消防安全评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型地下公共建筑的出现带动了地下商业的发展,在地下公共建筑内部和周边设置商业设施的情况已不断出现。该类地下商业设施的设置增加了公共建筑的火灾危险性,必须限制商业设置方式以降低火灾风险。针对地下商业的设计难点,总结提出诸如防火舱、防火隔离区、"安全岛"等多种商业设置方式,分析了其用于地下公共建筑内部及周边商业区域的火灾控制的安全性,从而保障人员的安全。  相似文献   
针对虚拟士兵在城市作战仿真领域的需求,重点研究了虚拟士兵在城市环境中路径规划问题。通过对三维城市虚拟环境空间进行分层信息处理,生成虚拟士兵能够感知的虚拟信息层。用A*算法求出虚拟士兵从初始位置到达目标位置的最佳路径,并给出算法的具体设计与实现。  相似文献   
针对装备作战仿真环境下,弹药消耗预测计算时间长、实时仿真速度慢的问题,以战役战术火力毁伤弹药需求预测计算方法为主线,以人工神经网络为技术支持,提出了智能化的弹药消耗预测方法。通过遗传算法对网络连接权值的训练及优化,以及误差目标函数的改进与隐含层神经元数目的智能选取,提高弹药消耗预测的实时仿真速度,为下一步的弹药消耗预测研究提供了理论参考与方法支持。  相似文献   
推进模拟蓝军部队建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过模拟蓝军来砥砺和检验部队,是提升部队训练层次和战斗力的迫切要求,是推行实战化训练的有效手段。推进模拟蓝军部队建设,应基于任务,科学筹划设计,准确把握方向;应深研对手,完善训练体系,落实专业训练;应紧贴实战,抓住建设重点,推进深入发展。  相似文献   
The simulations that many defense analysts rely upon in their studies continue to grow in size and complexity. This paper contrasts the guidance that the authors have received—from some of the giants of military operations research—with the current practice. In particular, the analytic utility of Hughes' simple salvo equations is compared with that of the complex Joint Warfighting System (JWARS), with respect to JWARS' key performance parameters. The comparison suggests that a family of analytic tools supports the best analyses. It follows that smaller, more agile, and transparent models, such as Hughes' salvo equations, are underutilized in defense analyses. We believe that these models should receive more attention, use, and funding. To illustrate this point, this paper uses two very simple models (by modern standards) to rapidly generate insights on the value of information relative to force strength. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
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