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针对日益普遍和多样的网络攻击行为,如何对网络各种攻防过程进行分析已逐渐成为热点研究方向。在对计算机网络对抗问题复杂性表现和产生根源进行探讨基础上,从完全信息静态博弈、完全信息动态博弈、不完全信息静态博弈、不完全信息动态博弈4个视角,对计算机网络对抗问题进行分类论述,对各解决方法进行了综合比较,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
复杂度可以用来刻画信号的波形变化特征。文中使用了L-Z复杂度和分形维数这两种复杂度作为干扰识别的特征参数并结合支持向量机对干扰进行分类。仿真结果表明L-Z复杂度和分形维数计算复杂度低,且具有较好的类别差异度,同时文中提出的算法具有较高的识别准确率。  相似文献   
对于无向赋权图,利用换顶过程中矩阵翻转与数据块调换时上三角部分数据的变化规律,对权值矩阵的数据进行处理,以完成无向完全图中H圈(H路类似)的修正过程。事实上,多边修正的原理最终是通过变换顶点达到的,而其主要用到的换顶规则是矩阵数据的块调换与翻转,该思想还可以推广到有向图的情形。最后利用换顶原理对多边修正算法进行了复杂性分析,讨论修正边数对复杂性的影响。  相似文献   
We consider a problem of scheduling jobs on m parallel machines. The machines are dedicated, i.e., for each job the processing machine is known in advance. We mainly concentrate on the model in which at any time there is one unit of an additional resource. Any job may be assigned the resource and this reduces its processing time. A job that is given the resource uses it at each time of its processing. No two jobs are allowed to use the resource simultaneously. The objective is to minimize the makespan. We prove that the two‐machine problem is NP‐hard in the ordinary sense, describe a pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithm and convert it into an FPTAS. For the problem with an arbitrary number of machines we present an algorithm with a worst‐case ratio close to 3/2, and close to 3, if a job can be given several units of the resource. For the problem with a fixed number of machines we give a PTAS. Virtually all algorithms rely on a certain variant of the linear knapsack problem (maximization, minimization, multiple‐choice, bicriteria). © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
In this paper, we explore trade‐offs between operational flexibility and operational complexity in periodic distribution problems. We consider the gains from operational flexibility in terms of vehicle routing costs and customer service benefits, as well as the costs of operational complexity in terms of modeling, solution methods, and implementation challenges for drivers and customers. The period vehicle routing problem (PVRP) is a variation of the classic vehicle routing problem in which delivery routes are constructed for a period of time; the PVRP with service choice (PVRP‐SC) extends the PVRP to allow service (visit) frequency to become a decision of the model. For the periodic distribution problems represented by PVRP and PVRP‐SC, we introduce operational flexibility levers and a set of quantitative measures to evaluate the trade‐offs between flexibility and complexity. We develop a Tabu Search heuristic to incorporate a range of operational flexibility options. We analyze the potential value and the increased operational complexity of the flexibility levers. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
提出软件的变量度量方法分别度量软件的变量个数、变量距离及变量聚合缺乏度来估计软件的复杂度.该方法与已有的软件复杂度度量方法,如Halstead科学度量法、McCabe圈复杂度度量法以及Chidamber的6个度量OO代码的指标等不同,它通过度量构成软件的基本元素-变量,更能从底层抓住软件的本质,而且该方法运用于实际的软件复杂度估计十分准确有效.  相似文献   
One of the achievements of scheduling theory is its contribution to practical applications in industrial settings. In particular, taking finiteness of the available production capacity explicitly into account, has been a major improvement of standard practice. Availability of raw materials, however, which is another important constraint in practice, has been largely disregarded in scheduling theory. This paper considers basic models for scheduling problems in contemporary manufacturing settings where raw material availability is of critical importance. We explore single scheduling machine problems, mostly with unit or all equal processing times, and Lmax and Cmax objectives. We present polynomial time algorithms, complexity and approximation results, and computational experiments. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
Measuring nationwide progress of counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan using violence trends is difficult due to several factors: aggregation of data to the national level may obfuscate disparate local trends; the observed seasonality in violence makes comparisons difficult and may obscure progress; and short-term spikes or troughs – attributable to weather, military operations and tempo, or holiday periods – heavily influence simple averaging schemes. Despite these challenges, proper understanding of violence statistics is critical to estimating the effectiveness of military forces added during a surge or redeployed as part of transition. This article explores methods for analyzing observed violence trends to identify causal factors, to provide a comparable baseline, and to inform assessments at appropriate levels of aggregation. One methodology for seasonal adjustment of violence data is discussed and shown to provide a logical baseline for examining trends. An ordinary least squares regression model is developed and implemented using time-series violence data.  相似文献   
A national recycling and waste management company provides periodic services to its customers from over 160 service centers. The services are performed periodically in units of weeks over a planning horizon. The number of truck‐hours allocated to this effort is determined by the maximum weekly workload during the planning horizon. Therefore, minimizing the maximum weekly workload results in minimum operating expenses. The perfectly periodic service scheduling (PPSS) problem is defined based on the practices of the company. It is shown that the PPSS problem is strongly NP‐hard. Attempts to solve large instances by using an integer programming formulation are unsuccessful. Therefore, greedy BestFit heuristics with three different sorting schemes are designed and tested for six real‐world PPSS instances and 80 randomly generated data files. The heuristics provide effective solutions that are within 2% of optimality on average. When the best found BestFit schedules are compared with the existing schedules, it is shown that operational costs are reduced by 18% on average. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 59: 160–171, 2012  相似文献   
参数估算法是当前装备经济性分析的主要方法,TruePlanning软件为国际主流的装备经济性分析软件。基于TruePlanning软件,以制造复杂度(Manufacturing Complexity)为研究对象,通过对TrueH模块进行深度剖析,分析并确立了结构制造复杂度(Manufacturing Complexity for Structure)的建模思路和模型形式。通过一个实例分析,选取5个必要的输入参数,构建结构制造复杂度的初步模型,并进一步考虑附加参数的输入,对模型进行修正。结果显示了结构制造复杂度对各技术参数的不同响应形式和敏感程度,为开发国产费用估算模型提供了可行的思路。  相似文献   
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