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针对常规相控阵雷达的馈线网络小型化问题以及由发射高增益定向波束引起雷达信号被截获概率较大的问题,提出了一种新的相控阵雷达系统。该系统的馈线网络中仅有一个带移相器的收发共用通道,在时序控制模块的控制下贯续接入各收发共用的阵元进行发射信号馈送或信号接收,同一时刻只有一个阵元与通道连接。基于此系统提出了类波束形成的概念与技术,通过各阵元依次发射时间分集的脉冲信号形成类发射波束;各阵元依次接收这些脉冲信号并进行相干脉冲积累以形成类接收波束;并通过控制移相器的相移量以及通道切换时间形成各阵元间发射或接收的相位差进而控制类波束的最大指向。仿真分析证明了该系统能以较小的硬件规模在不形成高增益定向波束的前提下具有与常规相控阵相当的性能。  相似文献   
将纳米Cu和纳米金刚石复配成Cu/C复合添加剂,对其在500SN基础油中的减摩抗磨性能进行了研究.结果表明,加入了Cu/C复合添加剂的试油能明显改善500SN基础油的摩擦学性能:当纳米Cu添加量为4%,纳米C添加量为2%时,加入了Cu/C复合添加剂的试油减摩性能最好,同500SN空白试油相比,摩擦因数可降低94.8%;...  相似文献   
研究了激光三维成像雷达在动能拦截器空间目标探测与识别方面的应用。首先介绍了激光3D成像雷达系统基本原理,然后设计了激光3D成像雷达目标识别的工作流程,最后提出了基于旋转图像转换的3D目标识别算法。进一步探索了红外+LADAR主被动复合光学成像导引头在空天防御拦截武器目标探测与识别的应用,分析了复合光学导引头的关键技术,给出了相应的成像结果。  相似文献   
采用纳米电刷镀技术在钢基体表面制备了n-Al2O3/Ni-P复合刷镀层,研究了复合刷镀液中纳米颗粒含量、刷镀电压和刷镀笔移动速度对复合刷镀层中P和Al2O3含量的影响.优化后的工艺参数范围为刷镀液中n-Al2O3颗粒含量20~30 g/L、刷镀电压8~12 V、刷镀笔移动速度5~10 m/min.制备的n-Al2O3/Ni-P复合刷镀层组织致密,含有纳米颗粒和非晶相.  相似文献   
实验室自制了锂基润滑脂,通过四球试验研究zn作为锂基润滑脂添加剂在不同工况条件的摩擦学性能,利用光学显微镜和EDX分析了磨斑表面形貌及元素组成,探讨了zn的润滑作用机理,并对zn与SiO2不同复配方案的摩擦学性能进行了研究。结果表明:在低载荷条件,zn能更显著地提高锂基润滑脂的抗磨性能;在中高载荷条件,zn同时具有减摩抗磨性能,但对Pn值的提高没有太大帮助。EDX能谱分析表明磨斑表面存在特征zn元素,说明zn能够在摩擦表面沉积,形成摩擦学性能显著的表面润滑层;同时,zn与硬质颗粒SiO2在适宜的复配比例时具有一定的协同效应,能提高锂基润滑脂的摩擦学性能.  相似文献   
An effective hybrid optimization method is proposed by integrating an adaptive Kriging (A-Kriging) into an improved partial swarm optimization algorithm (IPSO) to give a so-called A-Kriging-IPSO for maxi-mizing the buckling load of laminated composite plates (LCPs) under uniaxial and biaxial compressions. In this method, a novel iterative adaptive Kriging model, which is structured using two training sample sets as active and adaptive points, is utilized to directly predict the buckling load of the LCPs and to improve the efficiency of the optimization process. The active points are selected from the initial data set while the adaptive points are generated using the radial random-based convex samples. The cell-based smoothed discrete shear gap method (CS-DSG3) is employed to analyze the buckling behavior of the LCPs to provide the response of adaptive and input data sets. The buckling load of the LCPs is maximized by utilizing the IPSO algorithm. To demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methodology, the LCPs with different layers (2, 3, 4, and 10 layers), boundary conditions, aspect ratios and load patterns (biaxial and uniaxial loads) are investigated. The results obtained by proposed method are in good agreement with the literature results, but with less computational burden. By applying adaptive radial Kriging model, the accurate optimal results-based predictions of the buckling load are obtained for the studied LCPs.  相似文献   
针对操作系统的实时性,以NucleusPlus嵌入式实时操作系统为研究对象,分析其内核的实时机制及上下文切换时间、中断响应时间这两个重要的实时性指标。设计了一个交替等待/获取信号量的方法来测试上下文切换时间,该方法主要是利用信号量的等待和获取来发生上下文切换,经实验验证,比原有的方法所测得的结果更精确,适用范围更广,可为实时应用在选择合适的操作系统方面做参考。  相似文献   
Due to notable characteristics, sustainability concept and environmental issues, hybridisation natural with synthetic fibres to fabricate composites have been rapidly gaining market share in different applications (structural, military, aerospace and automotive vehicles). Compression, tension and fatigue tests of various stacking sequences of plain jute/carbon reinforced (PVB) polyvinyl butyral by hot hydraulic press technique were experimentally conducted. Six types of fabricated composites with various constituents (jute, carbon and their hybrids) were fabricated and tested. Notably, fatigue lifetime of hybrids increases with increasing the carbon content relative to the jute fibre content. On the other hand, Jute composites possess high strain compared to pure carbon composite, which gives an overall improvement in mechanical behaviours. Interestingly, H1 hybrid with Carbon/Jute/Carbon sequences offers similar fatigue stiffness behaviour of H3 hybrid with Carbon/Jute/Carbon/Jute sequences when subjected to cyclic loading. Carbon composite (C) exhibited the highest fatigue resistance, whiles jute composite (J) possessed the highest strain and semi brittle trends in both mechanical and fatigue performance. Results concluded that plain jute fibres could partially replace high-cost synthetic carbon fibres to produce more eco-friendly hybrids to be utilised in different composites industries.  相似文献   
通过实验研究了不同类型的闸刀开关在不同过负荷电流条件下的温度上升情况,测量了闸刀开关在两类过负荷条件下的最高温度以及达到最高温度需要的时间,并对影响闸刀开关温度升高的因素以及达到最高温度时能否引燃周围可燃物进行了分析讨论。实验结果显示,闸刀开关在Ⅱ类过负荷条件下的火灾危险性远大于在Ⅰ类过负荷条件下的火灾危险性。在同类过负荷电流条件下,闸刀开关的额定电流越大,过负荷倍数越大,火灾危险性也越大。  相似文献   
根据复合材料强度准则中应用最广的Tsai—wu失效准则,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对纤维缠绕复合材料管道等径三通强度进行分析。分析结果表明,复合材料管道三通在承受内压时,在主管和支管的连接处会产生应力集中,纤维的缠绕方向不同三通的强度因子会各异,缠绕角在50°~60°时复合材料管道三通的强度最好,此结论可以为纤维缠绕复合材料管道三通的设计制造提供一种有效的参考。  相似文献   
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