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In this article, we study a biobjective economic lot‐sizing problem with applications, among others, in green logistics. The first objective aims to minimize the total lot‐sizing costs including production and inventory holding costs, whereas the second one minimizes the maximum production and inventory block expenditure. We derive (almost) tight complexity results for the Pareto efficient outcome problem under nonspeculative lot‐sizing costs. First, we identify nontrivial problem classes for which this problem is polynomially solvable. Second, if we relax any of the parameter assumptions, we show that (except for one case) finding a single Pareto efficient outcome is an ‐hard task in general. Finally, we shed some light on the task of describing the Pareto frontier. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 386–402, 2014  相似文献   
Maintenance scheduling for modular systems: Modeling and algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We study new models of scheduled maintenance management for modular systems, consisting of multiple components with respective cycle limits. The cycle limit of each component specifies the time interval in which this component must be repaired or replaced. The goal is to compute a feasible maintenance schedule that minimizes the cost associated with component maintenance. Applications of these models arise in Air Force aircraft maintenance as well as in other arenas with required preventive maintenance. The typical cost structures that arise in practical settings are submodular, which make the resulting models computationally challenging. We develop two efficient and operationally tenable approximation algorithms. We prove constant factor worst‐case guarantees for both algorithms, and present computational experiments showing that these algorithms perform within a few percent of optimality on operationally relevant instances. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 472–488, 2014  相似文献   
We introduce and study a generalization of the classic sequential testing problem, asking to identify the correct state of a given series system that consists of independent stochastic components. In this setting, costly tests are required to examine the state of individual components, which are sequentially tested until the correct system state can be uniquely identified. The goal is to propose a policy that minimizes the expected testing cost, given a‐priori probabilistic information on the stochastic nature of each individual component. Unlike the classic setting, where variables are tested one after the other, we allow multiple tests to be conducted simultaneously, at the expense of incurring an additional set‐up cost. The main contribution of this article consists in showing that the batch testing problem can be approximated in polynomial time within factor , for any fixed . In addition, we explain how, in spite of its highly nonlinear objective function, the batch testing problem can be formulated as an approximate integer program of polynomial size, while blowing up its expected cost by a factor of at most . Finally, we conduct extensive computational experiments, to demonstrate the practical effectiveness of these algorithms as well as to evaluate their limitations. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 275–286, 2016  相似文献   
We study an admission control model in revenue management with nonstationary and correlated demands over a finite discrete time horizon. The arrival probabilities are updated by current available information, that is, past customer arrivals and some other exogenous information. We develop a regret‐based framework, which measures the difference in revenue between a clairvoyant optimal policy that has access to all realizations of randomness a priori and a given feasible policy which does not have access to this future information. This regret minimization framework better spells out the trade‐offs of each accept/reject decision. We proceed using the lens of approximation algorithms to devise a conceptually simple regret‐parity policy. We show the proposed policy achieves 2‐approximation of the optimal policy in terms of total regret for a two‐class problem, and then extend our results to a multiclass problem with a fairness constraint. Our goal in this article is to make progress toward understanding the marriage between stochastic regret minimization and approximation algorithms in the realm of revenue management and dynamic resource allocation. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 433–448, 2016  相似文献   
本文把带纵骨实肋板式耐压液舱和对应的耐压船体看成一弹性整体,求解了耐压液舱区耐压船体的应力响应,并通过塑性极限分析,求得了其极限承载能力。理论分析与有限元计算及实验结果相比较,吻合较好。  相似文献   
FDPM和FOOJA是目前两种最为有效的适用于主、次子空间跟踪的方法,属于低复杂度算法。进一步降低算法运算复杂度,对保证算法的实时性具有非常重要的意义。以降低算法运算复杂度为背景,通过对FDPM、FOOJA算法的分析,指出存在两种简化运算量的FDPM1stcol、FOOJA1stcol方法。在有限精度运算条件下,对四种方法的稳定性、数值鲁棒性进行了深入分析和讨论。通过实验仿真,对分析的结论进行了验证。  相似文献   
杂波环境下多目标跟踪数据关联的快速算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
数据关联是实现杂波环境下多目标跟踪的关键问题,目前公认较好的方法是联合概率数据关联(JPDA),但是其计算和存储量很大,故在实际中寻求一种快速或近似的算法是十分必要的。本文提供一组有效快速算法,并在我们有关课题中得到初步验证。  相似文献   
在原子轨道线性组合方法中引进规范变换,推导出在外加恒定磁场下分子中的电子环流表达式,应用该理论导出了分子磁化率的一般公式,并对C60和C70分子中π电子的磁化率进行了计算。  相似文献   
为了解决副面遮挡导致小口径卡氏天线(D=293mm)副瓣电平恶化这一难题,本文提出了一种优化赋形方法。采用优化口径场分布,对主、副面形状进行赋形设计。用该法设计了一种八毫米低副瓣卡氏天线(sll1≤-25dB),实验结果与理论计算十分吻合。  相似文献   
本文讨论了程序语言的军用特征及ADA与C对军用软件的支持,最后指出军用语言的发展方向。  相似文献   
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