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This article identifies and evaluates likely challenges facing NATO today and into the next millennium. These contingencies include ethnic‐based civil wars in Europe, transnational terrorism, rogue states, increased world income inequality, out‐of‐area conflicts, and environmental and resource security. Using concepts and tools from collective action, I assess these challenges and suggest effective policies for addressing them. NATO still has a crucial role to play in maintaining world security in the post‐Cold War era.  相似文献   
针对目前军事仿真系统开发中存在的军事仿真规则提取不完备的问题,在充分发挥ECA规则提取方法优势的基础上,提出了面向实体的军事仿真规则提取方法。该方法以实体状态变迁为中心,运用系统论方法,重点分析实体的环境、功能、行为、组元和结构状态,并将分析结果引入ECA规则。通过将该方法应用于装备抢修组实施抢修的规则提取中,验证了其对于提高规则的完备性与可信性具有较好的效果。  相似文献   
The load-carrying capacities and failure patterns of reinforced concrete components can be significantly changed by membrane effects. However, limited work has been carried out to investigate the blast resistance of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (HFR-LWC) members accompanying membrane action. This paper presents a theoretical approach to quantitatively depicting the membrane behavior and its contribution on the behavior of HFR-LWC beams under close-range blast loadings, and the suitability of the proposed model is validated by a series of field tests. An improved Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) model was employed to describe the dynamic responses of beam-like members under blast loadings accompanying membrane action, where the mass-load coefficient is determined according to the nonuniformly distributed load induced by close-range explosion, and the membrane action is characterized by an in-plane (longitudinal) force and a resisting moment. The elasto-plastic and recovery responses of HFR-LWC beams under the combined action of blast load and membrane force were analyzed by the promoted model. A specially built end-constrain clamp was developed to provide membrane action for the beam member when they are subjected to blast load simultaneously. It is demonstrated that the analytical displacement-time histories are in good agreement with experimental results before peak deflections and that the improved SDOF model is an acceptable tool for predicting the behavior of HFR-LWC beams under blast loadings accompanying membrane action.  相似文献   
伊拉克主要战事结束两年半了,反美武装成为驻伊美军最主要的作战对象.面对美军先进的武器装备,反美武装采取了灵活机动的战术手段.分析了伊拉克反美武装军事行动的几个特点.  相似文献   
污染物协同作用和拮抗作用的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对光化学烟雾和金属元素的研究,揭示协同作用和拮抗作用的本质和表现,从而引起人们对污染物联合作用的重视。  相似文献   
针对直流位置伺服系统,提出了一种改进型IMC-PI控制方法。引入作用函数,并将其与IMC-PI控制器串联,构成改进型PI控制器,其中IMC-PI控制器根据内模控制原理进行设计,作用函数为系统偏差的微分表达式,其阶次的选择应保证系统开环传递函数为严格正则。改进IMC-PI控制可使系统的调节过程分为作用函数趋近零和保持为零的两个阶段,从而保证系统偏差按照作用函数等于零确定的轨迹趋近于零。仿真结果表明所提方法可使系统具有良好的动态响应性能和鲁棒性。另外,利用Qstudio RP实验平台跟随跟随1+sin(10t)rad正弦信号时,IAE为0.14 rad·s,实验结果表明该方法可有效改善伺服系统的性能。  相似文献   
本文针对水际岸滩沉船顽固障碍难以破除的现实课题,通过列举沉船顽固障碍的危害性,分析了其碍障作用机理,探索和总结了一套平战时敌沉船顽固障碍定位标识的数据库,并对几种常用的破除方法进行了可行性分析。为增强对沉船顽固障碍碍航的直接认识,本文从实战角度分析近年来因碰触沉船而发生的现实事故,提出了优先回避原则,据此可避开沉船等障碍物规划编队航行路线。此外,紧急作战情况时若发现沉船顽固障碍,出于航道有限或战法需要,必须对沉船顽固障碍物进行破坏清除。目前沉船顽固障碍清除的方法主要有快速打捞或者移位法、水下爆破辅以水下切割的解体法、依托陆军现有爆破装备破除法以及联合引导空海火力清除法四种方法。 [关键词] 沉船顽固障碍;作用机理;探测定位;破坏清除  相似文献   
为探究影响金属射流欧姆加热效应的因素,在被动电磁装甲系统等效电路模型的基础上,根据虚拟源点理论建立金属射流的作用时间模型,进一步明确金属射流在侵彻被动电磁装甲过程中每部分射流微元的作用时间;结合金属射流的比作用量模型,利用Matlab软件对金属射流的电流和比作用量波形随被动电磁装甲系统的电感、电容、电阻和充电电压的变化规律进行数值分析.仿真结果表明:随着系统电感的减小、电阻的减小、电容的增大和充电电压的增大,金属射流比作用量的峰值增大,有利于射流发生电爆炸.  相似文献   
The success of any humanitarian aid mission is generally measured by the timeliness of critical supplies that are delivered to the affected area. However, a more interesting analysis may be to determine the effect of the aid on the overall satisfaction of the local population. The authors' research focused on the delivery of humanitarian aid to a notional region that was decimated by flooding with ships, landing craft and security personnel provided by the US Navy and Marines. While the research effort addressed naval force structure, the focus of the research was: (1) to assess different delivery methods for the aid; and (2) to determine how the aid delivery impacted the overall satisfaction of the local population. To examine both concerns, two simulation models were developed, with one examining the throughput of aid delivered during the operation, and the other the satisfaction of the population based on the humanitarian aid effort.  相似文献   
As US counterinsurgency campaigns draw to a close, doctrine for asymmetric warfare written during the War on Terror has come under heavy criticism. While many have argued that this shift to ‘winning hearts and minds’ is evidence that the United States is taking humanitarianism and nation-building seriously, others argue that a wide gap exists between US counterinsurgency doctrine and the protection of civilians afflicted by conflict. In this article, I show that the latter is true by comparing theories of instrumental and communicative action to US doctrine for operational design, stability operations, and counterinsurgency. I argue that these texts treat the people as an object to be manipulated for the achievement of pre-determined self-interested strategic goals rather than members of a community that jointly designs operations to fulfill shared objectives. However, US doctrine does contain communicative elements that, if prioritized, would better support humanitarian and state-building objectives otherwise subordinated in the War on Terror.  相似文献   
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