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《兵团教育学院学报》作为主要反映本校教学、科研及兵团中小学教育教学成果为内容的综合性学术理论刊物,在推动学校的学科建设、学术研究、培养人才及促进兵团各级各类教育发展等方面发挥着重大作用。本文对学报2009-2013刊登的学术论文进行了计量分析,厘清学报的发展脉络,同时也发现了学报中存在的一些问题如:特色栏目不突出,高质量稿源匮乏,学报宣传力度不大等并提出相应解决措施。 相似文献
构造迭代算法研究了矩阵方程[AXB,GXH] = [C,D] ,证明了该算法可经有限步得到方程的对称最小二乘解及其最佳逼近,并给出了相关性质.最后,通过数值例子表明该算法是有效的. 相似文献
The well‐known generalized assignment problem (GAP) involves the identification of a minimum‐cost assignment of tasks to agents when each agent is constrained by a resource in limited supply. The multi‐resource generalized assignment problem (MRGAP) is the generalization of the GAP in which there are a number of different potentially constraining resources associated with each agent. This paper explores heuristic procedures for the MRGAP. We first define a three‐phase heuristic which seeks to construct a feasible solution to MRGAP and then systematically attempts to improve the solution. We then propose a modification of the heuristic for the MRGAP defined previously by Gavish and Pirkul. The third procedure is a hybrid heuristic that combines the first two heuristics, thus capturing their relative strengths. We discuss extensive computational experience with the heuristics. The hybrid procedure is seen to be extremely effective in solving MRGAPs, generating feasible solutions to more than 99% of the test problems and consistently producing near‐optimal solutions. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 468–483, 2001 相似文献
数学解题教学中寻求隐含条件的规律探索 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李强 《兵团教育学院学报》2012,(4):82-84
中学数学教学中,解数学难题的过程就是从题设中不断地挖掘并利用隐含条件进行推理和变形的过程。数学题中的隐含条件形形色色,花样繁多,但从对解题过程的影响看,又可以分为制约解题方向的隐含条件、制约解题思路的隐含条件、制约解题准确性的隐含条件等三类隐含条件。只要我们把握了难题中隐含条件的规律特征,运用我们获得的数学知识,结合适当的数学思想和数学方法,就可以轻松解决难题了。 相似文献
研究一类二阶常微分方程组两点边值问题,利用Krasnoselskii’s不动点定理,得到当f和g满足超线性或次线性时边值问题一个正解存在的充分条件. 相似文献
This study considers the block relocation and loading problem in container terminals. The optimal loading sequence and relocation location are simultaneously decided on the basis of the desired ship‐bay and initial yard space configuration. An integer linear programming model is developed to minimize the number of relocations in the yard space on the basis of no shifts in the ship bay. The accuracy of the model is tested on small‐scale scenarios by using CPLEX. Considering the problem size in the real world, we present a rule‐based heuristic method that is combined with a mathematical model for the removal, loading, and relocation operations. The influence of rules on algorithm performance is also analyzed, and the heuristic algorithm is compared with different types of algorithms in the literature. The extensive numerical experiments show the efficiency of the proposed heuristic algorithm. 相似文献
The costs of many economic activities such as production, purchasing, distribution, and inventory exhibit economies of scale under which the average unit cost decreases as the total volume of the activity increases. In this paper, we consider an economic lot‐sizing problem with general economies of scale cost functions. Our model is applicable to both nonperishable and perishable products. For perishable products, the deterioration rate and inventory carrying cost in each period depend on the age of the inventory. Realizing that the problem is NP‐hard, we analyze the effectiveness of easily implementable policies. We show that the cost of the best Consecutive‐Cover‐Ordering (CCO) policy, which can be found in polynomial time, is guaranteed to be no more than (4 + 5)/7 ≈ 1.52 times the optimal cost. In addition, if the ordering cost function does not change from period to period, the cost of the best CCO policy is no more than 1.5 times the optimal cost. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005. 相似文献
In the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001, numerous changes have been made to aviation security policy and operations throughout the nation's airports. The allocation and utilization of checked baggage screening devices is a critical component in aviation security systems. This paper formulates problems that model multiple sets of flights originating from multiple stations (e.g., airports, terminals), where the objective is to optimize a baggage screening performance measure subject to a finite amount of resources. These measures include uncovered flight segments (UFS) and uncovered passenger segments (UPS). Three types of multiple station security problems are identified and their computational complexity is established. The problems are illustrated on two examples that use data extracted from the Official Airline Guide. The examples indicate that the problems can provide widely varying solutions based on the type of performance measure used and the restrictions imposed by the security device allocations. Moreover, the examples suggest that the allocations based on the UFS measure also provide reasonable solutions with respect to the UPS measure; however, the reverse may not be the case. This suggests that the UFS measure may provide more robust screening device allocations. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005. 相似文献
Nicholas G. Hall Gilbert Laporte Esaignani Selvarajah Chelliah Sriskandarajah 《海军后勤学研究》2005,52(3):261-275
We study the problem of minimizing the makespan in no‐wait two‐machine open shops producing multiple products using lot streaming. In no‐wait open shop scheduling, sublot sizes are necessarily consistent; i.e., they remain the same over all machines. This intractable problem requires finding sublot sizes, a product sequence for each machine, and a machine sequence for each product. We develop a dynamic programming algorithm to generate all the dominant schedule profiles for each product that are required to formulate the open shop problem as a generalized traveling salesman problem. This problem is equivalent to a classical traveling salesman problem with a pseudopolynomial number of cities. We develop and test a computationally efficient heuristic for the open shop problem. Our results indicate that solutions can quickly be found for two machine open shops with up to 50 products. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005 相似文献