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公安消防部队心理咨询工作可划分为主观系统和客观系统,与此相关联,心理咨访关系的影响因素也可以划分为主观因素和客观因素两个方面。系统要素与系统本身以及各个子系统之间的相互影响和作用,可从模型构建中得到揭示。  相似文献   
Personal cognitive processes inform how individuals understand their environment. Cultural variation, fundamental attribution error, causal attribution, and durability bias create obstacles to Western understanding of irregular war and have created a significant institutional bias in how the US military perceives its enemies- a perception only somewhat softened after a decade of irregular war. United Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is in a better position to overcome these problems through persistent engagement. In the event of major conflict, environmentally sensitized military planners will be better able to achieve military and policy objectives.  相似文献   
We investigate operations impacts of consumer‐initiated group buying (CGB), whereby consumers voluntarily form buying groups to negotiate bulk deals with retailers. This differs from regular purchasing whereby consumers visit retailers individually and pay posted prices. Upon the visit by group consumers, a retailer decides to forgo or satisfy their demand in its entirety. Turned down by a retailer, group consumers continue to visit other retailers. In the case where their group effort fails to conclude a deal, some group consumers switch to individual purchasing provided they receive a non‐negative utility by doing so. Even after a successful group event, the group consumers who forgo the event out of utility concern may switch to individual purchasing as well. Retailer competition, group size, and the chance that group consumers switch to individual purchasing upon unsatisfaction are crucial to how retailers adjust operations to deal with CGB. With retailer competition, the rise of CGB results in every consumer paying the same reduced price when group size is small but makes group consumers pay more than by purchasing individually when group size is large. This has mixed consequences on the profits for retailers in both absolute and relative terms.  相似文献   
在新形势下,心理学知识与思想政治教育结合是一个必然的发展趋势。在思想政治教育中引入心理学,既尊重思想政治教育者的客观性,又有助于科学的把握教育者与被教育者互动的心理规律。思想政治教育者在开展工作中善于分析高校学生的心理健康的原因,并且能够提出解决策略。努力提高自身的综合素质,重视情感因素,通过了解学生的个体差异、从众心理、逆反心理等更好的引导学生,培养学生健全的人格和正确的思想认识方向,以实现思想政治教育的最终目标,提高当代大学生的全面素质。  相似文献   
Motivated by the presence of loss‐averse decision making behavior in practice, this article considers a supply chain consisting of a firm and strategic consumers who possess an S‐shaped loss‐averse utility function. In the model, consumers decide the purchase timing and the firm chooses the inventory level. We find that the loss‐averse consumers' strategic purchasing behavior is determined by their perceived gain and loss from strategic purchase delay, and the given rationing risk. Thus, the firm that is cognizant of this property tailors its inventory stocking policy based on the consumers' loss‐averse behavior such as their perceived values of gain and loss, and their sensitivity to them. We also demonstrate that the firm's equilibrium inventory stocking policy reflects both the economic logic of the traditional newsvendor inventory model, and the loss‐averse behavior of consumers. The equilibrium order quantity is significantly different from those derived from models that assume that the consumers are risk neutral and homogeneous in their valuations. We show that the firm that ignores strategic consumer's loss‐aversion behavior tends to keep an unnecessarily high inventory level that leads to excessive leftovers. Our numerical experiments further reveal that in some extreme cases the firm that ignores strategic consumer's loss‐aversion behavior generates almost 92% more leftovers than the firm that possesses consumers’ loss‐aversion information and takes it into account when making managerial decisions. To mitigate the consumer's forward‐looking behavior, we propose the adoption of the practice of agile supply chain management, which possesses the following attributes: (i) procuring inventory after observing real‐time demand information, (ii) enhanced design (which maintains the current production mix but improves the product performance to a higher level), and (iii) customized design (which maintains the current performance level but increases the variety of the current production line to meet consumers’ specific demands). We show that such a practice can induce the consumer to make early purchases by increasing their rationing risk, increasing the product value, or diversifying the product line. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 435–453, 2015  相似文献   
运动心理学是研究人在从事体育运动时的心理特点及其规律的心理学分支,与体育学、体育社会学、运动生理学、运动训练理论和方法,以及其他各项运动的理论和方法有着密切的联系。通过分析当前消防攻坚组训练工作中存在的运动心理学上的问题,探讨、分析其原因,探讨运动心理学促进消防攻坚组训练工作,帮助攻坚组成员们创立良好的心理机制,保持良好的心理状态,促进官兵的身心健康,培养官兵健全的人格和坚强意志,使攻坚组成员们更好地完成党和人民赋予的各项任务。  相似文献   
加强武警院校心理服务工作,是新形势下院校建设的重要课题。必须以新的思路适应心理工作的需要,认真落实规章制度,突出工作重点,构建服务网络,积极探索有效载体,进一步提高心理服务工作的质量效益,为院校建设奠定坚实的安全基础。  相似文献   
教师教学不能只给学生灌输知识,而应该引导学生用自己的头脑来建构知识。建构主义理论正是基于此,提出了合作学习、支架式教学等方式,并取得良好成效,从而成为了"教育心理学的一场变革"。本文在阐述建构主义理论的学习观和教学观的基础上,重点探讨这场革命中提出的新观点和新理念对于高校普通心理学教学模式以及教学方法的启示,以期能够在普通心理学的实际教学中找到新突破,提高学生的学习效果和教师的教学效果。  相似文献   
根据利昂·费斯汀格的认知失调理论引申出认知失衡概念,分析群体性事件发生过程中,群众对政府的期望值、对政府的公信形象、对社会现实和对社会参照群体的认知失衡,使一些群众产生心理失衡,致使他们对政府态度的转变和实施一些反社会的行为。必须贯彻党的群众路线,树立党员干部的良好形象;着实解决群众关心的利益问题,促进群众对政府的认知协调;把握群众工作的主动权,及时纠正群众的认知失衡。  相似文献   
公共课心理学是体现师范特色的重要必修课,但在课程安排、教材内容、教师、教学方法和教学效果方面还存在着一些问题。针对这些问题,研究者们主要对教学体系和教材进行了改革,本文也根据教学实际提出一些具体的改革措施和建议。  相似文献   
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