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法制现代化是中国当前重大的社会主题之一,它是一个历史的、发展的过程。公安法治建设必然对国家法制现代化进程产生重大的影响。公安机关的性质、地位和作用决定了公安执法人员必须具有正确的执法思想。而法律至上观念、权利本位观念、分权制衡观念、正当程序观念对公安执法人员正确执法思想的形成有着直接的影响。  相似文献   
本文利用弹后空间一维均相流假设推导了弹道参数λ_ε,λ,λ_ε的理论表达式。同时对三个参数的相关量进行了研究,得出了与ε相关的关系。利用多通道数据解决了λ-ε的变化规律。文中给出一套完整的膛内火药燃烧规律的处理方法,并对实例进行了计算。  相似文献   
为提升指挥控制系统应对变化的能力、解决当前指挥控制系统敏捷演化的难点问题,提出了基于知识的敏捷指挥控制系统演化方法。结合领域知识,对上下文和指挥控制规则进行建模,给出了实现敏捷指挥控制的知识推理方法和基于知识的敏捷指挥控制系统演化机制,为指挥控制系统敏捷演化奠定了基础。最后,试验验证该方法能有效提升指挥控制系统敏捷演化水平。  相似文献   
法治的实现有赖于法治要素的具备,而正当程序有助于法治要素的满足。法治社会应具有的正当程序理念是:正当程序是对人权的尊重和保护,是实现正义的重要途径,程序正义优先于实体正义。  相似文献   
弹药需求预计是弹药保障的前提,是科学筹划弹药保障方案的关键。首先给出了基于弹药目标数据库的弹药需求预计思路,进而在分析目标和弹药性能的基础上,分析了数据元素和数据结构,设计了弹药目标数据库,并给出了基于弹药目标数据库的配对选择及消耗量预计算法。基于弹药目标数据库的弹药需求预计方法能够最大可能避免基于经验推算法的弹药需求预计中大量依赖经验因素的缺陷,准确估计弹药需求,为弹药需求预计提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
CGF行为建模的目的是使行为模型能更好地体现出人类行为特征,提高作战仿真系统的可信性和科学性。在介绍CGF、CGF行为建模概念的基础上,对当前几种主要的CGF行为建模方法进行了比较,并分析了CGF行为模型的一般结构。构建了基于规则的CGF行为模型,重点对基于规则CGF行为模型的决策推理方法进行了研究。采用产生式规则方法对决策知识进行了描述,定义了决策推理过程中的3个要素:态势、动作、决策推理,并对其决策推理过程进行了研究。  相似文献   
The Sri Lankan Civil War (1983–2009) is regarded as a violent reflection of deepening divides along political and ethnic lines. During this civil war the Sri Lankan Government and its security forces have been implicated in unlawful killings carried out in a pervasive manner against civilians, whilst at the same time specifically targeting ethnic Tamils, humanitarian workers and journalists. The human rights of all citizens suffered as a result and ultimately led to the weakening of the rule of law. With the end of the civil war, the Sri Lankan Government has made little progress in providing accountability for wartime abuses. Its absence of and reluctance to ensure justice is seen as a logical culmination of decades of impunity. The importance of acknowledging historical behaviour and taking accountability for past violations will be discussed. In an analysis for paving the way to a new democracy in Sri Lanka, the main outcomes of this article are calls for accountability arising out of the government’s actions during the war; an investigation into the present state of human rights, the rule of law and finally; an examination into the political solution going forward to ensure a process of reconciliation and peaceful co-existence.  相似文献   
通过对外军战场抢修工作研究和法规建设的回顾,分析了战场抢修研究的重要意义,指出了我军战场抢修工作中亟待解决的问题,论述了加强我军战场抢修法规建设的必要性和紧迫性。根据我军战场抢修的长期实践,借鉴外军有益经验提出了我军战场抢修管理法规和技术法规体系的内容和要求。最后还就加强我军战场抢修法规建设应采取的措施提出了建议。  相似文献   
We study a parallel machine scheduling problem, where a job j can only be processed on a specific subset of machines Mj, and the Mj subsets of the n jobs are nested. We develop a two‐phase heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness subject to the machine eligibility constraints. In the first phase, we compute the factors and statistics that characterize a problem instance. In the second phase, we propose a new composite dispatching rule, the Apparent Tardiness Cost with Flexibility considerations (ATCF) rule, which is governed by several scaling parameters of which the values are determined by the factors obtained in the first phase. The ATCF rule is a generalization of the well‐known ATC rule which is very widely used in practice. We further discuss how to improve the dispatching rule using some simple but powerful properties without requiring additional computation time, and the improvement is quite satisfactory. We apply the Sequential Uniform Design Method to design our experiments and conduct an extensive computational study, and we perform tests on the performance of the ATCF rule using a real data set from a large hospital in China. We further compare its performance with that of the classical ATC rule. We also compare the schedules improved by the ATCF rule with what we believe are Near Optimal schedules generated by a general search procedure. The computational results show that especially with a low due date tightness, the ATCF rule performs significantly better than the well‐known ATC rule generating much improved schedules that are close to the Near Optimal schedules. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 249–267, 2017  相似文献   
现代条件下战场情况复杂,影响作战效能的因素众多且具有不确定性,为了获得对作战效能更为准确,可靠的评价,构建了一种新的基于多属性融合的坦克分队作战效能评估模型。结合已有的证据理论改进算法,给出了一种新的解决冲突证据的组合规则,并提出了一种新的组合策略,将其应用于评估模型中定性指标的融合;通过线性与非线性综合加权的方法求得评价的综合分值,得出了最终的评估结果。通过实例表明,该模型符合评估实际,对多属性模型的评估具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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